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Results for the search with the keyword Majed Ahmed :

Due to many spelling and typing variations and due to variations in the translation, your search may end up blank or output only a few titles, despite the thousands of titles and authors online. In that case, please send us a book request and our staff will be happy to cut through these technical issues and send you a list of the many possible choices.

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Bulletin D' Etudes Orientales-No. 24 Hawiayat al Ikhetisar fi Osool Ilem al Bihar
مجلة الدراسات الشرقية-العدد 24: - حاوية الاختصار في أصول علم البحار

40.00 $

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Bulletin D' Etudes Orientales-No: 37-38 - Al She'r Al Milahy (Volume II - Al Kasa'd) out of print
مجلة الدراسات الشرقية-العدد 37-38: - الشعر الملاحي (القسم الثاني- القصائد) نافذ

43.00 $

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Bulletin D' Etudes Orientales-No: 39-40 - ashShe'r Al Milahy (Al Kusom Al Thaleth - Al Arajeez) out of print
مجلة الدراسات الشرقية-العدد 39-40: - الشعر الملاحي (القسم الثالث- الأراجيز) نافذ

45.00 $

see the detail
Evaluating Common Hematological And Biochemical Biomarkers

60.90 $

see the detail
atTarikh bayn Yadaikk
التاريخ بين يديك

5.00 $

see the detail
Antimicrobial and antitumor substance(s) produced by Actinomycetes

61.90 $

see the detail
Sina9at Alhadid wa Alslb Al9arabiya: Mustaqbaliha wa Ehtiyajatuha Almaliya
صناعة الحديد والصلب العربية: مستقبلها واحتياجاتها المالية

3.00 $

see the detail
Aragozat oulum Al bahr
أرجوزة علوم البحر

10.00 $

see the detail
Ro'ya Al Assr Al Ghadeb
رؤيا العصر الغاضب

4.00 $

see the detail
alOummah al Muslimah
الأمة المسلمة

5.00 $

see the detail

الاطلس التاريخى للعالم الاسلامى فى العصور الوسطى

3.00 $

see the detail

الزواج السياسى فى الدوله العباسيه

4.00 $

see the detail

الدوله الايوبيه فى تاريخ مصر الاسلاميه

5.00 $

see the detail

السجلات المستنصريه

5.00 $

see the detail

التاريخ السياسى للدول العربيه 2 جزء

14.00 $

see the detail
Al Hejra Al Arabia ila AL Barazil ( 1870 - 1986 )
الهجرة العربية الى البرازيل (1870-1986)

7.00 $

see the detail
manahej attarbia al islamia wa al morabboon al aamiloon feeha
مناهج التربية الإسلامية والمربون العاملون فيها

10.00 $

see the detail
L'enseignement supérieur en Jordanie: entre secteur public et secteur privé

12.00 $

see the detail
Shathel Takkah / Dirasah wa Moukhtaratt
شاذل طاقة / دراسة و مختارات

3.00 $

see the detail
Rasa'il asSayyab
رسائل السياب

6.00 $

see the detail
Safat Matwieh min tarikh al Watan
صفحات مطوية من تاريخ الوطن

7.00 $

see the detail

أبدا لن أهاجر من أرضي

3.00 $

see the detail

على الكسار في زمن عماد الدين

6.00 $

see the detail
Al Umah Al Muslimah
الأمة المسلمة

5.00 $

see the detail
Kitab al Adab
كتاب الآداب

12.00 $

see the detail
bader shaker assayab: shaeir asr attajdid ashieri (silsilat awraq arabia 15)
بدر شاكر السيّاب: شاعر عصر التجديد الشعري(سلسلة اوراق عربية 15)*

2.00 $

see the detail
taalim alfilastini fi isra'il baynaddabt wa thaqafat assamt
تعليم الفلسطيني في إسرائيل بين الضبط وثقافة الصمت

10.00 $

see the detail
Khotootana al Jamilah
خطوطنا الجميلة سلسلة لتحسين الكتابة العربية لطلبة الأبتدائية

4.00 $

see the detail
The effect of space planning on visually impaired students

39.90 $

see the detail
Clinical Interventions for Asthmatic Children

39.90 $

see the detail
Ankle Instability

60.90 $

see the detail
A Minority of Citizens

49.90 $

see the detail
Muhammed Naseef Hayatuhu wa atharuhu
محمد ناصيف , حياته و آثاره

10.00 $

see the detail
alSheikh AbdulRazzaq Afifi 1/2
الشيخ العلامة عبد الرزاق عفيفي 1/2 حياته العلمية , و جهوده الدعوية و آثاره

20.00 $

see the detail
Tabbakkat al Khawass Ahle asSideq wa al Ikhlass
طبقات الخواص أهل الصدق و الأخلاص

8.00 $

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الصراعات العربية - العربية 1945-1981

7.00 $

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المجموعة الكاملة لخطب و أحاديث و تصريحات جمال عبد الناصر : الجزء الأول 1952-1954 بناء الثورة في مصـر

11.00 $

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المجموعة الكاملة لخطب و أحاديث و تصريحات جمال عبد الناصر : الجزء الثاني 1955-1957 سنوات التحرر العربي

15.00 $

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المجموعة الكاملة لخطب و أحاديث و تصريحات جمال عبد الناصر : الجزء الثالث - القسم الأول 1958-1959 سنوات الوحدة

17.00 $

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Al timthal ileman wa amalen
التمثال علما و عملا

1.00 $

see the detail
al sourah ileman wa amalen
الصورة علما و عملا

1.00 $

see the detail
Artificial intelligence techniques using in the boiler of power plants

39.90 $

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New Trends in Textile Printing and Decolourization via Plasma

39.90 $

see the detail
Peaceful History between East and West: Middle Ages and modern Era

76.90 $

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Fuzzy BCK-Algebra

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Garlic, Onion & Insulin effect on Lingual Papillae of Diabetic Rats

57.90 $

see the detail
Nursing Diagnoses Profile for Multiple Sclerosis: Maslow's Model

71.90 $

see the detail
Antimicrobial Resistance Trends in Respiratory Infections in Libya

39.90 $

see the detail
Fuzzy Foldness of Ideals in BCK / BCI – Algebras

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Extracellular Signal Regulated Kinases 1/2 p (ERK1/2)

67.90 $

see the detail
Heterocyclic Precursors as Main Entity for Poly Functional Dyes

71.90 $

see the detail
Synthesis of Some New Indole Derivatives with Pharmaceutical Interest

54.90 $

see the detail
Oily wastewater: problems & ways of recovery

39.90 $

see the detail
Ecology of some Halophytes growing in the Coastal Salt Marshes, Egypt

71.90 $

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Egyptian Cereal Crops

61.90 $

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The Sustainable Profitability Equation Rd (t)

39.90 $

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Sedimentological and Stratigraphical Studies

61.90 $

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An Illustrated Field Guide to the wild plant of Sabaloka Area

54.90 $

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Using Some Untraditional Feed Additives

54.90 $

see the detail
In vitro Antibacterial Activity of Essential oils from sage

39.90 $

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Performance of Charm Baryons in ITS under Angular Correlation

39.90 $

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Recent Trends and Innovation in Energy Sector

76.90 $

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Enhancement of Tension Control for Industrial Paper Winder

54.90 $

see the detail
Improving the Properties of Oil Well Cement

21.90 $

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Evaluation of the Behavioral Constraints by using Statistical Tool

39.90 $

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The Impact of the outlet on the Flow Dynamics of a Fluidic Oscillator

45.90 $

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Osool ilm an nafs
أصول علم النفس

9.00 $

see the detail
ma9a Allah fi AsSama'e
مع الله في السماء

6.00 $

see the detail
ma9e Allah fo al aredd
مع الله في الأرض

7.00 $

see the detail
al Mufradd al Ilem fi Rasem al Kalam
المفرد العلم في رسم القلم

4.00 $

see the detail
Moukhtar al Ahadith anNabawieh
مختار الأحاديث النبوية

5.00 $

see the detail
Adab AsSiyasah fi al Assre al Oumawee
أدب السياسية في العصر الأموي

7.00 $

see the detail
O9loom al Balaghah / al Bayan / al Ma9ani/al Badi9e
علوم البلاغة / البيان / المعاني / البديع

5.00 $

see the detail
Kitab al Mousbah al Mounir fi Ghareeb ashShareh al Kabbeer li arRafi9i
كتاب المصباح المنير في غريب الشرح الكبير للرافعي

7.00 $

see the detail
Toulbatt atTalabah fi al Istilahhat al Fikhiah
طلبة الطلبة في الأصطلاحات الفقهية

6.00 $

see the detail
Tafseer anNassefi
تفسير النسفي

25.00 $

see the detail
Tareekh ash shier alsiyasi
تاريخ الشعر السياسي

7.00 $

see the detail
Kitab anNoubowat
كتاب النبوات

7.00 $

see the detail
Shatharat al Plateen / arRisalah atTadmourieh
شذرات البلاتين / الرسالة التدمرية

8.00 $

see the detail
Al Arba9oon Hadithan Mashyakhatt Ibn Taiymieh
الأربعون حديثا مشيخة أبن تيمية

6.00 $

see the detail
adDurrar al Madiah - Al fatawa al Masrieh ( Moukhtassar Fatawi Ibn Tayemieh)
الدرر المضية - الفتاوي المصرية المسمى مختصر فتاوي ابن تيمية

12.00 $

see the detail
Mousnad Al-Imam Ahmad
مسند الإمام أحمد

Price set by the publisher on demand

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Sounan Al Daramy
سنن الدارمي

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
Mousnad Abi Yaala
مسند أبي يعلى

135.00 $

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AL Ilal Wa Maarifat Al Rijal
العلل ومعرفة الرجال

30.00 $

see the detail
Al Douafaa Wal Matroukeen
الضعفاء والمتروكين

Price set by the publisher on demand

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Thikat Alajly
ثقاة العجلي

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
Al Asamy wa al Kunna
الأسامي والكنى

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
Moujam atTabarani asSagheer
معجم الطبراني الصغير

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
Mawaeth al Imam Malik bin Dinar
مواعظ الأمام مالك بن دينار

3.00 $

see the detail
Mawaeth alImam AbdulAllah Mubark
مواعظ الأمام عبدالله بن المبارك

3.00 $

see the detail
Mawaeth al Imam Ibrahim bin Adham
مواعظ الأمام ابراهيم بن أدهم

3.00 $

see the detail
Mawaeth al Imam Abi Suleiman adDararanny
مواعظ الأمام ابي سليمان الداراني

3.00 $

see the detail
Mawaeth al Imam ashafee9y
مواعظ الأمام الشافعي

3.00 $

see the detail
Mawaeth al Imam al Fudail bin Eyadd
مواعظ الأمام الفضيل بن عياض

3.00 $

see the detail
Mawaeeth al Imam Salamah bin Dinar
مواعظ الأمام سلمة بن دينار

3.00 $

see the detail
Mawaeth al Imam Sufian athawery
مواعظ الأمام سفيان الثوري

3.00 $

see the detail
Maweth al Imam Omer bin AbdulAziz
مواعظ الأمام عمر بن عبد العزيز

3.00 $

see the detail
Mawaeth al Imam al Hasan al Baseri
مواعظ الأمام الحسن البصري

3.00 $

see the detail
Mawaethith asSahabah
مواعظ الصحابة

8.00 $

see the detail
Musnad al Imam Ahmad (1-8)
مسند الإمام أحمد (1-8) (مجلد)

77.00 $

see the detail
Masae'l al Imam Ahmad bin hanbal li ibnihi Abdullah
مسائل الإمام أحمد بن حنبل لابنه عبدالله (مجلد)

6.00 $

see the detail
al Garaneeq - Kissah Dakheelah ala asSeerah anNabawieh
الغرانيق - قصة دخيلة على السيرة النبوية

2.00 $

see the detail
fi al Ieeqa'e arRewa'ey
في الأيقاع الروائي

4.00 $

see the detail
al Manhaj al Ostoory fi tafsir al Sh'er al Jahili
المنهج الأسطوري في تفسير الشعر الجاهلي

5.00 $

see the detail
al Mar'ah fi atTurath al Arabi
المراأة في التراث العرببي

6.00 $

see the detail
iter nasim asSibba
عطر نسيم الصبا

4.00 $

see the detail
Hadikat anNather wa Bahjat al Fikre - sirat al Habashah
حديقة النظر و بهجة الفكر المعروف ب سيرة الحبشة رحلة الى بلاد الحبشة

4.00 $

see the detail
hadik anNammam ( fi al kalm ala ma yataqlak bi al Hammamm)
حدائق النمام (في الكلام على ما يتعلق بالحمّام)

4.00 $

see the detail
diwan Ali Ahmed Bakathir
ديوان علي أحمد باكثير

5.00 $

see the detail
Diwan al Ansi Ahmed bin AbdulRahman
ديوان القاضي الآنسي أحمد بن عبد الرحمن

3.00 $

see the detail
Diwan Ahmed al Mufti
ديوان أحمد المفتي

2.00 $

see the detail
Faroun wa atTougheyan asSiyasi
فرعون و الطغيان السياسي

3.00 $

see the detail
indma yathma'e anNaher
عندما يظمأ النهـر

3.00 $

see the detail
hayat al Amir Ali bin Muhammed bin AbdulAllah al Wazir
حياة الأمير علي بن محمد بن عبدالله الوزير

15.00 $

see the detail
Dirasat fi al Ishertikayiah al Masrieh
دراسات في الأشتراكية المصرية

6.00 $

see the detail
kasidah alnather al Arabieh
قصيدة النثر العربية

7.00 $

see the detail
Fatat al kala'ah
فتاة القلعة

3.00 $

see the detail
مسند الامام احمد مع فهارس 1/12

150.00 $

see the detail
al ie9lam bi wafiyat al A9lam
الاعلام بوفيات الأعلام

12.00 $

see the detail
al ieythar bi ma9arifat rowat al athar
الايثار بمعرفة رواة الآثار

2.00 $

see the detail
al Jamie9e fi al iellal wa ma9rifat al Rijal
الجامع في العلل و معرفة الرجال

10.00 $

see the detail
dabett al A9lam
ضبط الأعلام

4.00 $

see the detail
al Boukhla'e

8.00 $

see the detail
al Siyasah - Aristotle
السياسة لأرسطوطاليس

8.00 $

see the detail
al Ba9ath wa al Noushour
البعث و النشور

7.00 $

see the detail
al Du9a'e al Moustajabb
الدعاء المستجاب

1.00 $

see the detail
al Zouhed al Kabir
الزهد الكبير

5.00 $

see the detail
touhfat al waetth fi al khoutabb wa al Mawaeth
تحفة الواعظ في الخطب و المواعظ

4.00 $

see the detail
Takreeb al Osool li Tasheel al Wossool ila ma9arifat Allah wa al Rassoul
تقريب الأصول لتسهيل الوصول الى معرفة الله و الرسول

8.00 $

see the detail
Hayat al Anbiya'e bada wafatehim
حياة الأنبياء بعد وفاتهم

2.00 $

see the detail
A9mal al Youm wa al Laiylah
عمل اليوم و الليلة

6.00 $

see the detail
al Adaabb

6.00 $

see the detail
al Arba90un fi Rade9e al moujrem a9an Sabb al Mouslim
الأربعون في ردع المجرم عن سبّ المسلم

3.00 $

see the detail
al Ba9eth al Hatheeth fi Iekhtisar Ouloom al Hadith
الباعث الحثيث في اختصار علوم الحديث للحافظ ابن كثير

5.00 $

see the detail
Iethaff ahle al Islam biKhousesyat al Siyam
اتحاف أهل الاسلام بخصوصيات الصيام

6.00 $

see the detail
al eradah al Mounfaridah bi masdar al Iletizam
الأرادة المنفردة بمصدر الالتزام

4.00 $

see the detail
al enafah fi ma ja'a fi al sadakah wa al diyafah
الانافة فيما جاء في الصدقة و الضيافة

2.00 $

see the detail
al Bahre al Raeq fi al Zoouhed wa al raqiq
البحر الرائق في الزهد و الرقائق

4.00 $

see the detail
alfath al reddah wa atharuha
ألفاظ الردّة و آثارها

2.00 $

see the detail
Boulough al Mouram min adilta al Ahkam
بلوغ المرام من أدلة الأحكام

5.00 $

see the detail
Shatha al Ouref fi Fann al Saref
شذا العرف في فن الصرف

4.00 $

see the detail
Hashiyat al A9lamah al Sawi ala Tafesir al Jalalyain
حاشية العلامة الصاوي على تفسير الجلالين

30.00 $

see the detail
Hashiyat al A9lamah al Sawi ala Tafesir al Jalalyain
حاشية العلامة الصاوي على تفسير الجلالين

28.00 $

see the detail
Akher ayyam Socrate
آخر أيام سقراط

5.00 $

see the detail
Ghayat al bayan Sharih Zaid bin Raslan
غاية البيان شرح زبد ابن رسلان

6.00 $

see the detail
المعجم الوسيط

18.00 $

see the detail
Ieghteiyal al Kamar al Phalesteeni
اغتيال القمر الفلسطيني

4.00 $

see the detail
min adabb janoub al Jazeerah
من أدب جنوب الجزيرة

10.00 $

see the detail
al Moutanabbi Shae9er Makarem al Akhlaq
المتنبي شاعر مكارم الأخلاق

10.00 $

see the detail
She9er hasan sarhan
شعر حسين سرحان

14.00 $

see the detail
manhaj al Islam fi al aqeedah wa al Iebaddah
منهج الاسلام في العقيدة و العبادة

10.00 $

see the detail
Dema'e al Thalaj
دماء الثلج

10.00 $

see the detail


10.00 $

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Linguistics and Translation Semantic Problems in Arabic - English- Transl-

4.00 $

see the detail
Tarih Ibn Qadi Suhba, annee 781/1379-800/1397, avec une sommaire analytique en francais
تاريخ ابن قاضي شهبة المجلد الأول - القسم الثالث

33.00 $

see the detail
Risala f I Tahqiq ta'rib al-kalima al-agamiyya d'Ibn Kamal Pasha
رسالة في تحقيق تعريب الكلمة الأعجمية

33.00 $

see the detail
Bulletin D' Etudes Orientales-No: 17 - Risalatan Min Rasa'luh Al Falsafiyah (Risalah Fi Allazat Wal Alam Makalh Fil Nafess Wa Akul )
مجلة الدراسات الشرقية-العدد 17: رسالتان من رسائله الفلسفية (رسالة في اللذات والآلام مقالة في النفس والعقل )

47.00 $

see the detail
Bulletin D' Etudes Orientales-No. 24 Tarjamat Nitham al Moulkk ( extracted from his book Boughiat at Talibb
مجلة الدراسات الشرقية-العدد 24 - ترجمة نظام الملك (مستخرجة من كتابه بغية الطالب)

40.00 $

see the detail
Al Atma9 ass Suhyuniya fil Miyah Al Lubnaniya
الاطماع الصهيونية في المياه اللبنانية

5.00 $

see the detail
Al Futouhat Al Islamia 1/2
الفتوحات الاسلامية 1/2

20.00 $

see the detail
Bab thiker al Muo9tazilah
باب ذكر المعتزلة

2.00 $

see the detail
Majalat Appollo 1/6 (1932/1934)
مجلة أبولو 1/6 (1932/1934)

750.00 $

see the detail
Majalat Ar Rissala 1/04 (1933/1953)
مجلة الرسالة 1/04 (1933/1953)

4000.00 $

see the detail
Majmou9at Manhil al Adab Shawaqi
مجموعة مناهل الادب (شوقي)

2.00 $

see the detail
Masnad al Imam Ahmed 1/6
مسند الإمام أحمد بن حنبل 1/6

60.00 $

see the detail
al Quran yatahada
القرآن يتحدى

10.00 $

see the detail

جامعة الدول العربية - 1945-1985 دراسة تاريخية سياسية

2.00 $

see the detail

التعريب و القومية العربية في المغرب العربي

3.00 $

see the detail

التجزئة العربية : كيف تحققت تاريخياً ؟

5.00 $

see the detail

الإعتماد المتبادل على جسر النفط : المخاطر و الفرص

6.00 $

see the detail

المعرفة و السلطة في المجتمع العربي : الأكاديميون العرب و السلطة

8.00 $

see the detail

من أعلام العلماء العرب في القرن الثالث الهجري

8.00 $

see the detail

مستقبل المجتمع المدني في الوطن العربي

9.00 $

see the detail

التعاون العسكري العربي

11.00 $

see the detail

الوجود العسكري الأجنبي في الوطن العربي

11.00 $

see the detail

معالم الحضارة العربية في القرن الثالث الهجري

16.00 $

see the detail

القانون و السيادة و إمتيازات النفط ( مقارنة بالشريعة الإسلامية )

16.00 $

see the detail
Shatha al Ourf fi fann asSaref
شذا العرف في فن الصرف

2.00 $

see the detail
diwoan osama bin monqith
ديوان أسامة بن منقذ

7.00 $

see the detail
shareh hasheneiat al kameet bin zaid al asadi
شرح هاشميات الكميت بن زيد الأسدي

6.00 $

see the detail
Musanad al Imam Ahmed
مسند الأمام أحمد بن حنبل

140.00 $

see the detail
maten azzobad fee ilm al fiqh
متن الزبد في علم الفقه

3.00 $

see the detail
ithaf fodalaa al bashar bilqiraat al arbaat aashar
إتحاف فضلاء البشر بالقراءات الأربعة عشر

20.00 $

see the detail
akhbar addowal wa athar al owal fee attareekh
أخبار الدول وآثار الأول في التاريخ

32.00 $

see the detail
arrisala al wadeia fee maalem addeen wa osoolih
الرسالة الوضية في معالم الدين وأصوله

4.00 $

see the detail
fahras ahadeeth wa athar sonan addarimi
فهرس أحاديث وآثار سنن الدارمي

10.00 $

see the detail
al intaj azziraai fee al woatan al aarabi
الإنتاج الزراعي في الوطن العربي

9.00 $

see the detail
al intaj al ghithae fee al woatan al islami
الإنتاج الغذائي في الوطن الإسلامي

4.00 $

see the detail
al aaqqeeda al haqqa
العقيدة الحقة

3.00 $

see the detail
al Islam wa bina'e ashShakhsieh
الأسلام و بناء الشخصية

4.00 $

see the detail
Kawaed Ossool al Hadith
قواعد أصول الحديث

4.00 $

see the detail
al ashriba

2.00 $

see the detail
kitab al eedah
كتاب الإيضاح

8.00 $

see the detail
shareh olal attermithi
شرح علل الترمذي

9.00 $

see the detail
maahed attansees aala shawoahed attalkhees
معاهد التنصيص على شواهد التلخيص

22.00 $

see the detail
omar bin al khattab ( hayatoh - ilmoh - adaboh )
عمر بن الخطاب ( حياته ـ علمه ـ أدبه )

9.00 $

see the detail
shoaaraa aabbaseioon
شعراء عباسيون

37.00 $

see the detail
shoaaraa aabbaseioon : al ajzaa arrabaae wa al khames wa assades
شعراء عباسيون : الأجزاء الرابع والخامس والسادس

10.00 $

see the detail
shoaaraa aabbaseioon : al jizae al awoal
شعراء عباسيون : الجزء الأول

9.00 $

see the detail
shoaaraa aabbaseioon : al jizae athaleth
شعراء عباسيون الجزء الثالث

9.00 $

see the detail
shoaaraa aabbaseioon : al jizae athani
شعراء عباسيون الجزء الثاني

9.00 $

see the detail

Identité confessionelle et temps social chez les historiens Libanais contemporains

10.00 $

see the detail
Fanano asCinema fi al Iraq
فنانو السينما في العراق

3.00 $

see the detail
Masader dirasatt anNashatt asCinema'y
مصادر دراسة النشاط السينمائي

3.00 $

see the detail
AbdulWahab al Bayati fi Espania
عبد الوهاب البياتي في أسبانيا

4.00 $

see the detail
arRiwayah wa aal Harb
الرواية و الحرب

6.00 $

see the detail
Al Insan al Moassir Ind Herbert Marqueez
الإنسان المعاصر عند هربرت ماركيوز

6.00 $

see the detail
Thakirat al Kornfol
ذاكرة القرنفل

3.00 $

see the detail
Baredd al Massafat
برد المسافات

3.00 $

see the detail
Thilon Yatakassaf
ظل يتقصف

3.00 $

see the detail
Iress Kana wa eid al Watan
عرس قانا و عيد الوطن

3.00 $

see the detail
Atlal ala al Motawasitt
أطلال على المتوسط

3.00 $

see the detail
la athar yadol alye
لا أثر يدّل عليّ

4.00 $

see the detail
Bidayatt al Yagethah al Sha'bieh fi Libya
بدايات اليقظة الشعبية في ليبيا

5.00 $

see the detail
Mowaso9at anNabattatt atTobieh al Mouyassarah
موسوعة النباتات الطبية الميسرة

8.00 $

see the detail
anNabbatatt atTobieh wa al I9etriah fi al Watan al Arabi
النباتات الطبية و العطرية في الوطن العربي

8.00 $

see the detail
Mowso'at al Nabatatt al Tobieh
موسوعة النباتات الطبية الميسرة

8.00 $

see the detail
Al Nabatatt al Toubieh wa al Ittrieh fi al Watan al Arabi
النباتات الطبية و العطرية في الوطن العربي

8.00 $

see the detail
atTariq ila al Manafi
الطريق إلى المنافي

3.00 $

see the detail

5.00 $

see the detail
Safahat min al Kadieh al Arabieh
صفحات من القضية العربية

5.00 $

see the detail
Matha ba'ad harb Ramadan ?
ماذا بعد حرب رمضان ؟

4.00 $

see the detail
Khareeff AbdulNasser
خريف عبد الناصر

6.00 $

see the detail
Shohoud Thawrat Youliou ( June )
شهـود ثورة يوليو

6.00 $

see the detail
iedarat al a9amal
ادارة الأعمال

9.00 $

see the detail
iedarat al quowa al a9milah
ادارة القوى العاملة

8.00 $

see the detail
al Idarah al A9amah
الادارة العامة

9.00 $

see the detail
al mouhasabh al idarieh
المحاسبة الادارية

9.00 $

see the detail
al mohasabah al malieh
المحاسبة المالية

10.00 $

see the detail
al mouhasabh fi al mounsha'at al malieh wa al bounook -sharikat al ta'min
المحاسبة في المنشآت المالية والبنوك - شركات التأمين

8.00 $

see the detail
asasiyat al idarah al malieh
أساسيات الادارة المالية

8.00 $

see the detail
ousool ilem al sekretariay
أصول علم السكرتاريا

3.00 $

see the detail
mouhasabat al mounsha'at al malieh tasmim al nitham al mouhasibi -sharikat al ta'min- al bounook
محاسبة المنشآت المالية تصميم النظام المحاسبي شركات التأمين-البنوك

9.00 $

see the detail
al tarikh al Roumani
التاريخ الروماني

6.00 $

see the detail
al tarikh al Younani
التاريخ اليوناني في جزئين

10.00 $

see the detail
Iran moutho aqdam al Ousoor hata awasit al Alef al thalith Qabala al Miladd
ايران منذ أقدم العصور حتى أواسط الألف الثالث قبل الميلاد

8.00 $

see the detail
Dirasat fi tarikh al Arab al hadith
دراسات في تاريخ العرب الحديث

8.00 $

see the detail
Dirasat fi Hadarat al Shareq al Adna al Qadeem Masre- Iran- Iran
دراسات في حضارة الشرق الأدنى القديم مصر/العراق/ايران

10.00 $

see the detail
Dirasaat fi Hadarat al Shareq al Adna al Qadeem Misre- al Iraq - Iran
دراسات في حضارة الشرق الأدنى القديم مصر/العراق/ايران

8.00 $

see the detail
fi al tarikh al Abbasi wa al Andalusi
في التاريخ العباسي والأندلسي

15.00 $

see the detail
fi al Tarikh al Abbasi wa al Fatemi
في التاريخ العباسي والفاطمي

6.00 $

see the detail
fi tarikh al Ayoubiyeen wa al Mamalik
في تاريخ الأيوبيين والمماليك

7.00 $

see the detail
fi tarikh al Shareq al Adna al Iraq - Iran Asia al Sughra
في تاريخ الشرق الأدنى القديم العراق/ايران/آسيا الصغرى

8.00 $

see the detail
fi tarikh al Shareq al Adna al Qadeem Masre- Syria
في تاريخ الشرق الأدنى القديم مصر / سورية القديمة

8.00 $

see the detail
fi tarikh al maghreb wa al andalus
في تاريخ المغرب والأندلس

12.00 $

see the detail
kiyan dawalatt al mamalik al oula
قيام دولة المماليك الأولى

6.00 $

see the detail
Masdire al tarikh al Roumani
مصادر التاريخ الروماني

4.00 $

see the detail
Mare wa al Imbaratourieh al Romanieh
مصر والامبراطورية الرومانية

4.00 $

see the detail
al Nakedd al Adabby al Hadith
النقد الأدبي الحديث

6.00 $

see the detail
al Imam al Moujtahidd Yehia bin Hamzah wa Ara'ouhu al Kalamieh
الإمام المجتهد يحيى بن حمزة وآراؤه الكلامية

8.00 $

see the detail
al Falsafah al akhlaqieh fi al Fiker al Islami
الفلسفة الأخلاقية في الفكر الإسلامي

7.00 $

see the detail
fi ilem al Kalam al Mou9tazilah
في علم الكلام ج(1) المعتزلة

6.00 $

see the detail
fi ilem al Kalam al Asha9irah
في علم الكلام ج(2) الأشاعرة

7.00 $

see the detail
fi ilem al Kalam al Zaydieh
في علم الكلام ج(3) الزيدية

8.00 $

see the detail
fi al Falsafat al Tarikh
في فلسفة التاريخ

6.00 $

see the detail
Kitab al Zuhedd vol.1
كتاب الزهد ج(1)

4.00 $

see the detail
Kitab al Zuhedd vol.2
كتاب الزهد ج(2)

5.00 $

see the detail
Natheriyat al Imamah lada al Shi9ah al ithena a9assharieh , tahlil falsafi li al Akeedah
نظرية الامامة لدى الشيعة الاثني عشرية، تحليل فلسفي للعقيدة

8.00 $

see the detail
Ha'oum iekraou kitabieh - mouhawalah li tajdid al fiker al islami
هاؤم اقراؤا كتابيه محاولة لتجديد الفكر الاسلامي

8.00 $

see the detail
wa hamalaha al Insan - maqalat falsafieh
وحملها الانسان (مقالات فلسفية)

6.00 $

see the detail
al Shareq al awousatt wa al Sira'e al Douwali
الشرق الأوسط والصراع الدولي

5.00 $

see the detail
adamm al inhiyaz bayn al Natheriah wa al tattbeeq
عدم الانحياز بين النظرية والتطبيق

8.00 $

see the detail
Loubnan wa al Fedaralieh
لبنان والفيدرالية

3.00 $

see the detail
mouqadimah fi ilem al Siyasah
مقدمة في علم السياسة

12.00 $

see the detail
mousbah al ouloom fi ma9rifat al Hayy al Qayoum
مصباح العلوم في معرفة الحي القيوم

1.00 $

see the detail
al Durr al Thamin waa al mawarid al ma9in
الدر الثمين والمورد المعين

7.00 $

see the detail
Mafhoum al Adel fi tafsir al Mo9tazilah
مفهوم العدل في تفسير المعتزلة للقرآن الكريم

6.00 $

see the detail
al mawasou9ah al jina'ieh fi al fouqeh al Islami
الموسوعة الجنائية في الفقه الإسلامي 1/ 4 - مجلد -

30.00 $

see the detail
Hawla al Da9wah ila tatbeeq al Sharee9ah al Islamieh
حول الدعوة إلى تطبيق الشريعة الإسلامية ودراسات إسلامية أخرى

3.00 $

see the detail
mo9jam al moustalahat al tijarieh wa al ta9awounieh
معجم المصطلحات التجارية والتعاونية

5.00 $

see the detail
ibn alQayyem min atharihee al ilemieh
ابن القيم من آثاره العلمية

5.00 $

see the detail
al madkhal ila dirasat al Balaghah al Arabieh
المدخل إلى دراسة البلاغة العربية

4.00 $

see the detail
al mo9ajim all Loughawieh fi daw'e dirasat ilem al Loughah al hadith
المعاجم اللغوية في ضوء دراسات علم اللغة الحديث

3.00 $

see the detail
fi ie9rab al Quran
في اعراب القرآن

4.00 $

see the detail
madkhal ila dirast al Jumlah al Arabieh
مدخل إلى دراسة الجملة العربية

4.00 $

see the detail
mouqadimah li dirassat fouqueh al Loughah
مقدمة لدراسة فقه اللغة

3.00 $

see the detail
Kaabasat min surat al Nour
قبسات من سورة النور

4.00 $

see the detail
Loughat al Quran al Karim fi Juz'e Amma
لغة القرآن الكريم في جزء عم

8.00 $

see the detail
Malak al Ta'weel
ملاك التأويل (جزئين)

20.00 $

see the detail
yousif fi al Quran
يوسف في القرآن

3.00 $

see the detail
al Rasoul Sala Allah Alihee wa salam fi baytehee
الرسول في بيته (صلوات الله وسلامه عليه)

3.00 $

see the detail
al Geoghraphieh al siyahieh
الجغرافية السياحية

6.00 $

see the detail
geoghraphiya al Sina9ah
جغرافية الصناعة

7.00 $

see the detail
Dirasat fi geoghraphiya al nakel
دراسات في جغرافية النقل

4.00 $

see the detail
al Ousrah fi al Iraq al Qadim
الأسرة في العراق القديم

2.00 $

see the detail
al tafkir al iejtima9y
التفكير الاجتماعي

10.00 $

see the detail
Alaqat al A9amal fi al Douwal al Arabieh
علاقات العمل في الدول العربية

6.00 $

see the detail
ilem al iejtima9ee al riffi
علم الاجتماع الريفي

7.00 $

see the detail
mouhadarat fi al anthropologiya al thakafieh
محاضرات في الأنثروبولوجيا الثقافية

3.00 $

see the detail
moushkilat al mojtama9e al riffi fi al a9alam al arabi
مشكلات المجتمع الريفي في العالم العربي

2.00 $

see the detail
ma9alim al Nitham al iejtima9y fi al islam
معالم النظام الاجتماعي في الاسلام

6.00 $

see the detail
manhaj al tarbieh fi al Tasawour al Islami
منهج التربية في التصور الإسلامي

10.00 $

see the detail
ousool al iektisadd al Siyasi
أصول الاقتصاد السياسي

10.00 $

see the detail
tarrikh al fiker al iektisaddy
تاريخ الفكر الاقتصادي

12.00 $

see the detail
moukadimah fi iektisadiyat al mawarid
مقدمة في اقتصاديات الموارد

8.00 $

see the detail
takaniyat al hasib al Ali
تقنية الحاسب الآلي (أساسيات-برمجيات-اتصالات وشبكات)

10.00 $

see the detail
Anna wa asedikaeey
أنا و أصدقائي

6.00 $

see the detail
Hikayat al Salsal wa loughez al Quolah
حكاية الصلصال و لغز القلة

3.00 $

see the detail
Dawawin She9eriah li al Atfal
دواوين شعرية للأطفال

8.00 $

see the detail
al Abna'e

1.00 $

see the detail
al Asateer

1.00 $

see the detail
Al Opera

23.00 $

see the detail
al Plastic wa Ta'etheeratuhu asSouhieh wa al Bee'ieyah
البلاستيك و تأثيراته الصحية و البيئية

2.00 $

see the detail
al Tabboot

2.00 $

see the detail
al Shames tala't ya ariss
الشمس طلعت يا عريس

2.00 $

see the detail
al Faris al Asir
الفارس الأسير

3.00 $

see the detail
al Foukoh al Mouqaran
الفقه المقارن

7.00 $

see the detail
al mokhorej wa al Tassweer al Massrahi
المخرج و التصوير المسرحي

2.00 $

see the detail
al Masrahiyat al Sherieh - Akhnaton - Sharayar -al fares
المسرحيات الشعرية - أخناتون -شهريار- الفارس

7.00 $

see the detail
al Masder al Classickieh li Masrah Toufic al Hakim
المصادر الكلاسيكية لمسرح توفيق الحكيم

1.00 $

see the detail
al mafehoof al trajeedy wa al drama al haditha
المفهوم التراجيدي و الدراما الحديثة

2.00 $

see the detail
al namathej al basherieh fi al cinema al masrieh
النماذج البشرية في السينما المصرية

1.00 $

see the detail
Abna'e al Toufan
أبناء الطوفان

2.00 $

see the detail
Aghani al Atfal al Shaebieh fi 21 lougheh min loughat al alem
أغاني الأطفال الشعبية في 21 لغة من لغات العالم

1.00 $

see the detail
Aqalim adDawalah al Islamieh bayn al La Markazieh asSiyasieh wa al La Markazieh al Idarieh
أقاليم الدولة الأسلامية بين اللامركزية السياسية و اللامركزية الأدارية

5.00 $

see the detail
Omm Kalthoum wa asre min al fan
أم كلثوم و عصر من الفن

6.00 $

see the detail
bawoh al Fa'e al Maksourah
بوح الفاء المكسورة

3.00 $

see the detail
bait li al Rajem Bait li al Salat
بيت للرجم بيت للصلاة

2.00 $

see the detail
bayana al Sama'e wa al Aredd hal li moushkilat al Ayetam
بين السماء و الأرض حل مشكلات الأيتام

8.00 $

see the detail
Tajarib Sheakesperieh fi Alemana al Moassir
تجارب شكسبيرية في عالمنا المعاصر

8.00 $

see the detail
Harakat atTarjamah fi al Qarn al Ishereen
حركة الترجمة في مصر في القرن العشرين

2.00 $

see the detail
Dirasat fi al A9amarh al Islamieh
دراسات في العمارة الأسلامية

16.00 $

see the detail
Diwan She9er Ahmed Najib li atTfal wa anNashee9een
ديوان شعر أحمد نجيب للأطفال و الناشئين

10.00 $

see the detail
Rou'yat al Rahalh al Miskeen
رؤية الرحالة المسكين

4.00 $

see the detail
cinema al atfal
سينما الأطفال

1.00 $

see the detail
Souna9e al Hadarah al Ilemieh 1/3
صناع الحضارة العلمية 1/2

4.00 $

see the detail
abekariat al ikhraj al masrahhy al madariss wa al manahej
عبقرية الأخراج المسرحي المدارس و المناهج

7.00 $

see the detail
ilem al alat al mousiquieh
علم الألآت الموسيقية

8.00 $

see the detail
Awadat al Ghaeb
عودة الغائب

6.00 $

see the detail
Fda'e Abeedous wa masrahiyat Oukhra
فضاء أبيدوس و مسرحيات أخرى

5.00 $

see the detail
Cleopatra ta'sahaq al Soumm
كليوبترا تعشق السم

1.00 $

see the detail
lou9bat al Sultan
لعبة السلطان

4.00 $

see the detail
Muthakarat al Lord Keelrn 1934/1946 1/2
مذكرات اللورد كيلرن 1946/1934 1/2

7.00 $

see the detail
Mashakil tahdid se9er al Saraf wa taqeyeem al O9umlat
مشاكل تحديد سعر الصرف و تقييم العملات

6.00 $

see the detail
Mafehim al Naked wa masadiriha
مفاهيم النقد و مصادرها

10.00 $

see the detail
Mousikka kodama' al massrieen
موسيقى قدماء المصريين

1.00 $

see the detail
nammouthaj al koudwah fi baramej al television dirassah tahlilieh
نموذج القدوة في برامج التلفزيون - دراسة تحليلية

1.00 $

see the detail
wa kan baytuhu al Baher
و كان بيته البحر

2.00 $

see the detail

بيئتي دنيتي - الغذاء و تلوثه و ضرره

4.00 $

see the detail

بيئتي دنيتي - الماء و تلوث الماء

4.00 $

see the detail

بيئتي دنيتي - الطاقة و تلوث البيئة

4.00 $

see the detail

بيئتي دنيتي - الارض و التربة الزراعية

4.00 $

see the detail

بيئتي دنيتي - الهواء و تلوث الهواء

4.00 $

see the detail

الاتجاه العربي الاسلامي و دوره في تحرير الجزائر

2.00 $

see the detail

اشكال التناص الشعري دراسة في توظيف الشخصيات التراثية

4.00 $

see the detail

الحمق و الجنون في التراث العربي من الجاهلية الى نهاية القرن الرابع

2.00 $

see the detail

الخطاب السياسي عند ابن رشد

4.00 $

see the detail

العدل و التسامح في ضوء الاسلام

2.00 $

see the detail

تناقضات الحداثة في مصر

2.00 $

see the detail

الاسلام و الآخر

8.00 $

see the detail

مدينة بلا قلب او رأس , و لم يبقى الا الاعتراف ثلاثة دوواين شعر

7.00 $

see the detail

المسؤولية الجنائية للهندسة الوراثية في الجنس البشري

12.00 $

see the detail

الله محبة و كذلك الانسان

4.00 $

see the detail

انشاء جامعة الدول العربية مقدماتهل و تطوراتها 1/3

2.00 $

see the detail

التصوير عند العرب

4.00 $

see the detail

الشيخ مصطفى عبد الرزاق و مذكراته عقل مستنير تحت الصحافة

2.00 $

see the detail

التجارة الالكترونية

2.00 $

see the detail

اغنيات الفراق تراث الحزن في صعيد مصر دراسة جمع و تحليل

8.00 $

see the detail
Al I'jaz al Ielmi fi al Quran
الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن

3.00 $

see the detail
Shareh al Hoddod al Nahawieh
شرح الحدود النحوية

6.00 $

see the detail
Azmatouna al Hadariyeh fi Dawou'e sunnat Allah fi al Khaleq
أزمتنا الحضارية في ضوء سنة الله في الخلق

3.00 $

see the detail
Kathef al Mouhsanat fi al Kitab wa al Sunneh
قذف المحصنات في الكتاب و السنة

1.00 $

see the detail
Al Iketsaad al Islami wa al Kaday al Fikhieh al Mo'aserah 1/2
الأقتصاد الأسلامي و القضايا الفقهية المعاصرة 1/2

20.00 $

see the detail
Al Sarem al manki fi al Radd ala Al Sabeky
الصارم المنكي في الرد على السبكي

7.00 $

see the detail
Al Koran al Karim fi Mouwajahat aeda' al Islam
القرآن الكريم في مواجهة أعداء الأسلام

1.00 $

see the detail
Reek al Nahhel min Rahhhek al Zaher
ريق النحل من رحيق الزهر

1.00 $

see the detail
mouktatfat min al tob al islami
مقتطفات من الطب الإسلامي

1.00 $

see the detail
Hidayat al wosssol fi ilem al ossool ( fikh Shafi''ey)
هداية الوصول في علم الأصول ( منظومة في الفقه الشافعي )

1.00 $

see the detail
Al Me'aar al Mo'rib wa al Jamie al Moughrib
المعيار المعرب والجامع المغرب 13/1

180.00 $

see the detail
fatawa Ibn Rushed
فتاوى ابن رشد 3/1

36.00 $

see the detail
al Bayan wa al Tahsil wa al Shareh 1/21
البيان والتحصيل والشرح 21/1

240.00 $

see the detail
tarikh Bilad al Maghreb wa al Andalus fi ahed al Mouwahedin
تاريخ بلاد المغرب والأندلس في عهد الموحدين

18.00 $

see the detail
ma ja'e fi al Dabb inda al Arab
ما جاء في الضب عن العرب

2.00 $

see the detail
al Shouheb al Moukharaqa liman id'a al Ijetihad lawla inqita'hee min ahl al Makhraqah
الشهب المخرقة لمن ادعى الاجتهاد لولا انقطاعه من اهل المخرقة

14.00 $

see the detail
Banat Souad
بانت سعاد

2.00 $

see the detail
Kitab al Riddah ( ma'a nabthah min foutouh al Iraq)
كتاب الردة (مع نبذة من فتوح العراق)

7.00 $

see the detail
Akhbar Fakh wa khabar yehiya bin Abdulallah wa akhihee Idriss
أخبار فخّ وخبر يحيى بن عبد الله وأخيه إدريس

12.00 $

see the detail
mojam ummahat al Afe'al 1/3
معجم أمهات الأفعال 3/1

36.00 $

see the detail
nitham al Hokem fi al Islam
نظام الحكم في الاسلام

5.00 $

see the detail
kitab al Mountakhal 1/2
كتاب المنتخل 2/1

24.00 $

see the detail
Durar al Uquood al Faridah 1/4
درر العقود الفريدة 4/1

54.00 $

see the detail
Tarikh al Islam wa Wafiyat al Mashahir 1/17
تاريخ الإسلام ووفيات المشاهير 17/1

600.00 $

see the detail
Tarikh al Islam wa Wafiyat al Mashahir 1/33
تاريخ الإسلام ووفيات المشاهير 33/1

750.00 $

see the detail
Kadiyat al Lafeth wa al Ma'ana wa natheriyat al She'er inda al Arab
قضية اللفظ والمعنى ونظرية الشعر عند العرب

26.00 $

see the detail
AbdelGhani al Nabulsi
عبد الغني النابلسي

10.00 $

see the detail
Sir al Layl fi al Qaleb wa al Iebdal
سر الليال في القلب والإبدال

10.00 $

see the detail
Silah al Takmilah li wafiyat al nakalah 1/2
صلة التكملة لوفيات النقلة 2/1

54.00 $

see the detail
Natheriyat al Taqreeeb wa al Taghleeb
نظرية التقريب والتغليب

18.00 $

see the detail
Muthakarat Jazairi 1/2
مذكرات جزائري 2/1

24.00 $

see the detail
after zionism, one state for israel and palistine

15.50 $

see the detail
the belt

11.00 $

see the detail
al Amradd anNafsieh wa al Moushkilat asSolokieh wa adDirassieh ind atTafal
الأمراض النفسية و المشكلات السلوكية و الدراسية عند الأطفال

7.00 $

see the detail
Ossoss ilem anNafess al Iejtimaey
أسس علم النفس الأجتماعي

8.00 $

see the detail
al Ireshad anNaefessy natheriyatuhu , ietejehautuhu , majalatuhu
الإرشاد النفسي - نظرياته , أتجاهاته , مجالاته

8.00 $

see the detail
Tarikh al shareq al kadim Syria
تاريخ الشرق القديم سوريا

7.00 $

see the detail
Tarikh al shareq al kadim al Iraq
تاريخ الشرق القديم العراق

8.00 $

see the detail
Tarikh al shareq al kadim Masre
تاريخ الشرق القديم مصـر

8.00 $

see the detail
Majmou'e bouldan al Yemen wa Kabaelaha 1/4
مجموع بلدان اليمن و قبائلهـا 1/4

25.00 $

see the detail
Tafsir Surat al Mulek
تفسير سورة الملك

3.00 $

see the detail
sirat al Layl
سيرة الليل

6.00 $

see the detail
Warsou Qabla Qalil
وارسو قبل قليل

8.00 $

see the detail

مصطلحات قانونية باللغة الانجليزية – LEGAL TERMINOLOGY

17.50 $

see the detail


24.00 $

see the detail


27.00 $

see the detail

Espaces Du Cinéma Algérien

60.90 $

see the detail

Electron-Transfer Kinetic Reactions of Binary & Ternary Complexes

39.90 $

see the detail

Electrocoagulation of herbicides in aqueous solutions using electrodes

55.90 $

see the detail
Vihara Architecture: Existential foothold of Somapura Mahavihara

49.90 $

see the detail
Sustainable adaptation climate and energy efficiency

39.90 $

see the detail
Architectural Projects Design Methodology Process:

79.90 $

see the detail
Syntax In English Grammar

35.90 $

see the detail
Climate Change and the Dryland Resources of Nigeria

54.90 $

see the detail
Asian Art in Ancient Tradition

39.90 $

see the detail
Governing Modalities of the Extractive Industry in Iraq

76.90 $

see the detail
Iraq Petroleum Sector Chronicle-Volume 2,2011

108.90 $

see the detail
The Algerian Economy

79.90 $

see the detail
Iraq Petroleum Sector Chronicle V1

98.90 $

see the detail
Islamic Finance in Algeria

54.90 $

see the detail
Lectures in: International Financial Markets

76.90 $

see the detail
Growth-inducing Impact of Nigerian Capital Market on Agricultural Sector

39.90 $

see the detail
Flipped Learning

71.90 $

see the detail
Nigerian Economy and its University System-An Overview

39.90 $

see the detail
Compiler with C: Lab Approach

54.90 $

see the detail
Forage Pellets to Feed Grasscutters in Captivity in Ghana

82.90 $

see the detail
Career GuideBook on Pharmacy

54.90 $

see the detail
Towards a Scientific Exegesis of the Quran

21.90 $

see the detail
How to promote agriculture in Tunisia?

56.20 $

see the detail

71.90 $

see the detail
Cadmium, Toxicity & Changes_Gene Expression; Mitochondrial Functions

40.90 $

see the detail

82.90 $

see the detail
Prediction of Gestational Diabetes

54.90 $

see the detail

71.90 $

see the detail
Islamic Angel Financing

79.90 $

see the detail
Negotiating the International Trade Contract

108.90 $

see the detail
Physiology of Egyptian buffaloes heifers

76.90 $

see the detail
The Rotating Fields in General Relativity

61.90 $

see the detail
Punching Shear of FRP-Reinforced Concrete Slab-Column Connections

76.90 $

see the detail
Application of Ionic Liquids in Solid-Phase Extraction

39.90 $

see the detail
Monster Called Poverty In Nigeria

45.90 $

see the detail
A Guide To The Translation Of The Glorious Quran Into English

23.90 $

see the detail
The merchant companies in Morocco (1830-1912)

96.90 $

see the detail
Schooling arrangements for children with autism

68.90 $

see the detail
Negotiating the International Trade Contract

82.90 $

see the detail
Partially Occluded Face Recognition Using Feature Selection Approach

60.90 $

see the detail
Audit quality and the level of earnings manipulation:

45.90 $

see the detail
Economic Integration and Globalisation in Africa

39.90 $

see the detail
Investment Policies and Inward Foreign Direct Investment

39.90 $

see the detail
Combat for Democracy and Democratization in Nigeria

45.90 $

see the detail
The merchant companies in Morocco (1830-1912)

57.90 $

see the detail
Clinical and therapeutic aspects of the retrocave ureter

39.90 $

see the detail
Analysis of Poverty among Pastoral Households in Harshin Woreda.

54.90 $

see the detail
Study on production of liquid fuels from plastic wastes

54.90 $

see the detail
The Shadow Economy Estimation and Impact

46.90 $

see the detail

68.90 $

see the detail
Feed supplements to improve nutrients utilization

61.90 $

see the detail
Foreign Aid, Public Investment and Poverty Level: Evidence from SSA

61.90 $

see the detail
Tourism and tourist places in China and its impact on the world

39.90 $

see the detail
Assessment of Bone Minerals among Sudanese Patients

54.90 $

see the detail
Nigerian economy and fiscal policy: face-value assessment

54.90 $

see the detail
Negotiating the International Trade Contract

82.90 $

see the detail
Authentic Leadership &Openness to change in Pakistani service industry

39.90 $

see the detail
Quality of Work Life (QoWL) of Academicians in Saudi Universities

54.90 $

see the detail
Value Based Education

26.90 $

see the detail
Knowledge sharing practices among library staff in IIUM Gombak Campus

61.90 $

see the detail
Strategic Roadmap for Public Universities in Developing Countries

43.90 $

see the detail
The essentials of management

79.90 $

see the detail
Natural Disaster Challenges for Pakistan

54.90 $

see the detail
Project management and Optimizations Problems

60.90 $

see the detail
Biochemical Changes and Municipal Solid Waste Sorting

61.90 $

see the detail

76.90 $

see the detail
Customer satisfaction

39.90 $

see the detail
Methods of persuasion of the electronic message

43.90 $

see the detail
Persuasive Methods of Electronic Message

50.90 $

see the detail
The Mediation Role of Career Adaptability

26.90 $

see the detail
Key Performance Indicators of Cold Supply Chain Management Practices

26.90 $

see the detail
Business Intelligence and Semantic Web in Emerging Tech Era

39.90 $

see the detail
Venture capital investment and SMEs growth

39.90 $

see the detail
Journey to ERP Customization in SMEs Through Business Models Driven

61.90 $

see the detail
Impact of Empowering Leadership on Employee’s Creativity

39.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
TQM and Organizational Culture in Hospitality and Tourism

89.90 $

see the detail
An Enquiry into Accounting Fraud in the Global Context

71.90 $

see the detail
Human Resource Management, Total Quality Management & Competitiveness

39.90 $

see the detail
Why Organizational Justice Matter Into the Perception of Burnout

71.90 $

see the detail
Relation between Custom Duties & Profitability of Automobile Industry

39.90 $

see the detail
Corporate Finance and its Strategic Implementation

82.90 $

see the detail
Factor Affecting the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprise

39.90 $

see the detail
The relationship between the level of intellectual capital disclosure

39.90 $

see the detail
An Event Analysis of Open Market Share Repurchases in Malaysia

82.90 $

see the detail
Unfair Performance Appraisal System and Employee Engagement

39.90 $

see the detail
Intellectual Capital and Competitive Strategies

71.90 $

see the detail
Organizational Diversity and Customer Satisfaction

60.90 $

see the detail
Using Clustering and Association Rules Techniques

61.90 $

see the detail
Parallel Execution of the Steganography in Images on the Android Platform

61.90 $

see the detail
Applications of Semantic Web Mining in E-Learning

61.90 $

see the detail
Assessing Security of Cloud Services in Malaysian Universities

39.90 $

see the detail
Knowledge Based Grid Using Semantic Web

76.90 $

see the detail
Enhanced Request Threshold Collaborative Mitigation For HTTP Flood

39.90 $

see the detail
Educational Knowledge Management Systems

87.90 $

see the detail
Smart Mosque Based on IoT

61.90 $

see the detail
Diversity Role in Designing Multiple Classifier Systems Using MATLAB

54.90 $

see the detail
Payroll Management System

39.90 $

see the detail
Sustainable Green Service Level Agreement (GSLA) Framework

61.90 $

see the detail
Stream Clustering

59.90 $

see the detail
A Machine Learning Model for Improving Healthcare on Cloud Computing

54.90 $

see the detail
Algorithms for the Quadratic Assignment Problem

61.90 $

see the detail
Feature Selection Algorithms in Image Processing

39.90 $

see the detail
Performance Evaluation of Network Slicing at Edge Nodes in 5G RAN

61.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
M.Cloudlet: A Mobile Cloudlet Model Using Wi-Fi Direct

54.90 $

see the detail
Parallelization of Numerical Algorithms using OpenMP and Pluto

39.90 $

see the detail
Small Language for Service Oriented Computing

39.90 $

see the detail
Introduction to Computer Programming

39.90 $

see the detail
Binary Regular LDPC codes

45.90 $

see the detail
The Brief English Grammar Book

76.90 $

see the detail
Peer-to-peer learning

39.90 $

see the detail
Thoughts of Minds

24.90 $

see the detail
A Ruined Friendship

43.90 $

see the detail
What a Beautiful Life

48.90 $

see the detail
Life of an orphan

24.90 $

see the detail
A world of robots!

26.90 $

see the detail
Poonch-Rawalakot Route in Retrospect and Prospect

54.90 $

see the detail

71.90 $

see the detail
The Secrets Hidden in The Cairo Geniza Documents

91.90 $

see the detail
Comparison between spoken and written discourse

39.90 $

see the detail
Languages & Linguistics, Literature, Culture and Pedagogy VOLUME 2

114.90 $

see the detail
Languages & Linguistics, Literature, Culture and Pedagogy VOLUME 1

124.90 $

see the detail
The Concept of Metaphor Relating to Public Speeches

61.90 $

see the detail
Political Novels of Salman Rushdie

76.90 $

see the detail
Textual Sentimental Analysis using Natural Language Processing

61.90 $

see the detail
Evidentiality in Modern Standard Arabic

71.90 $

see the detail
Problems of Translating English Proverbs into Modern Standard Arabic

61.90 $

see the detail
Language Performance and Impairment of Iraqi Patients with Alzheimer's

49.90 $

see the detail
Pragmatic Analysis of Criminal Texts in English and Kurdish

39.90 $

see the detail
Children's Language and Speech Disorder

74.90 $

see the detail
Lectures on English

26.90 $

see the detail
The Use of Low Effective and Contextually Low Frequent Vocabularies

98.90 $

see the detail
Sudanese Puzzles

21.90 $

see the detail
Stories of Sudanese Parables

21.90 $

see the detail
Cultural Incidents in Literary Texts

39.90 $

see the detail
Letters and Flowers

24.90 $

see the detail
Validation of the Cloze Test

43.90 $

see the detail
The Status of English for Research Publication Purposes in Iraq

68.90 $

see the detail
John Betjeman and Modernism

39.90 $

see the detail
A Neurolinguistic Evaluation of Translators' Performance

93.90 $

see the detail
Mastering the Writing Skill:

71.90 $

see the detail
Introduction Of Forensic Toxicology

60.90 $

see the detail
Cultural or Religious?

39.90 $

see the detail
Introduction Forensic Toxicology

60.90 $

see the detail
Forensic Biology

79.90 $

see the detail
Fundamental In Forensic Sciences

109.90 $

see the detail
Rights of Prisoners of War

71.90 $

see the detail
Hepato-morpholoy and biochemical studies on the liver of albino rats

39.90 $

see the detail
Bridging the Gap between Urban Planning and Urban Design Processes

93.90 $

see the detail
The Kyoto Protocol to The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: A Critical Analysis and its Relevance to Uganda

60.90 $

see the detail

79.90 $

see the detail
Anticorruption and Police Reform in Tunisia

71.90 $

see the detail
Antioxidant and it's impact on human body

39.90 $

see the detail
Export Business and Law

39.90 $

see the detail
ULtra-structure and gene expression of egyptian buffaloes' oocytes

39.90 $

see the detail
Improving Compliance of Income Tax in Developing Countries

82.90 $

see the detail
Impact of Salicylates Loaded Nanoparticles on Cisplatin Brain Toxicity

50.90 $

see the detail
Most Reliable Factors For Monitoring Financial Institutions Health

39.90 $

see the detail

61.90 $

see the detail
Fuzzy Decision Making: An Application to Investment Analysis

76.90 $

see the detail
Using Fuzzy Fault Tree Analysis for Complex Systems Reliability

21.90 $

see the detail
Analytical Study of Thermal Stresses on Different Solids

61.90 $

see the detail
Engineering Mathematics

98.90 $

see the detail
Mathematical and Numerical computation with Maple

39.90 $

see the detail
Correlations of Respiratory and Denoised ECGs via Signal Decomposition

71.90 $

see the detail
Study of Inertia & Streamline Curvature Effects on Peristaltic Flows

76.90 $

see the detail
MHD Heat / Mass Transport in Fluid Flow

93.90 $

see the detail
Effect of Magnet Field on Properties of Ground Water

21.90 $

see the detail
Non Linear Analysis of High Strength Fibrous Reinforced Concrete

39.90 $

see the detail
Modeling Reliability

61.90 $

see the detail
The Impact of Iterative Image Reconstruction on Chest CT Examination

61.90 $

see the detail
To Study the Prescription Pattern in Acute Myocardial Infarction

39.90 $

see the detail
High Sensitive C-reactive protein In Chronic kidney disease Patients

39.90 $

see the detail
>1000 CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS & Laboratory values

39.90 $

see the detail
Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis: from diagnosis to treatment

43.90 $

see the detail
Child Psychology

61.90 $

see the detail
Effects of Topical Carrageenan and Vitamin D on Oral Tumor in Rats

66.90 $

see the detail
Full Mouth Rehabilitation - A Clinical Approach

71.90 $

see the detail
Management of TMJ Disorders

61.90 $

see the detail
HLA-DQB1 Alleles in Yemeni and Egyptian Periodontitis Patients

71.90 $

see the detail
Smart Materials in Dentistry

39.90 $

see the detail
Full arch implant supported prosthetic rehabilitation

54.90 $

see the detail
The Influence of Different Ceramics and Resin Cements

71.90 $

see the detail
Patient Motivation and Education

54.90 $

see the detail

68.90 $

see the detail

71.90 $

see the detail
Smart materials in Dentistry

84.90 $

see the detail
Reduction of Root Canal bacteria

39.90 $

see the detail
Severe burns in adults and children in the acute phase

26.90 $

see the detail
Gamma Knife Surgery For Trigeminal Neuralgia

32.90 $

see the detail
Encephalic death, ethical, diagnostic, therapeutic aspects

37.90 $

see the detail
Scientific Discoveries of the 21st Century

124.90 $

see the detail
Therapeutic dose monitoring of MPA

61.90 $

see the detail
Lumber Exercise therapy in Low Back Pain

66.90 $

see the detail

57.90 $

see the detail
Diabetics are naturally "SWEET" ..

61.90 $

see the detail
Telomerase and Cancer Therapeutics

54.90 $

see the detail
Head & Neck Surgery- Otolaryngology Board MCQ Training

71.90 $

see the detail
Neck Pain Management

61.90 $

see the detail
Evaluation and Management of CP Child

39.90 $

see the detail
Serum Neopterin Level In Early Onset Neonatal Sepsis

54.90 $

see the detail
Health education modules on malaria prevention for pregnant women

39.90 $

see the detail
Education and Communication for Health Part - I

76.90 $

see the detail
Arterial stiffness and coronary artery disease

54.90 $

see the detail
Alcohol-Associated Interference And Recall

32.90 $

see the detail
Highlights on the outcome of hepatic encephalopathy

39.90 $

see the detail
Aflatoxin: Genotoxin - Hepatocarcinogen

54.90 $

see the detail
Practical conduct in obstetrics Volume 1

61.90 $

see the detail
Meniere’s disease

39.90 $

see the detail
Effect of honey consumed on COVID-19 patients over time

45.90 $

see the detail
Effect of Work Values and Quality of Work Life on Intention to Stay

39.90 $

see the detail
Human, canine and feline tuberculosis

61.90 $

see the detail
Lateral ankle sprain ligament

39.90 $

see the detail
Chemoradiation Roles in the Management of Rectal cancer

21.90 $

see the detail
Gynecological Cytology Cases Series

39.90 $

see the detail
Post-Covid19 Era, Postal Industry Strategy to be highlighted

45.90 $

see the detail
Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Board Preparation

61.90 $

see the detail
Know your HIV Epidemic and Know your Response Synthesis

39.90 $

see the detail
Characteristics of Human Sperms

40.90 $

see the detail
Scientific Writing: From data Collection to International Publishing

76.90 $

see the detail
Coping, Quality of Life, and Psychosexual Dysfunctions among Hemodialy

76.90 $

see the detail
Evaluation of video head impulse test in vestibular migraine patients

39.90 $

see the detail
Pre and Post ESWL Urine Culture as a guide for Antibiotic Management

39.90 $

see the detail
Assessment of Empathy Towards Patient Among Medical Students

45.90 $

see the detail
Compiled Body of Works in Field Epidemiology

71.90 $

see the detail
Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Faidherbia albida

39.90 $

see the detail
Endoscopic Endonasal Trans-Sphenoidal Hypophysectomy

54.90 $

see the detail
Œdème Maculaire Diabétique :

39.90 $

see the detail
Fungal rhinosinusitis

61.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Lifestyle and Risk Behaviors among College Students in Erbil City

39.90 $

see the detail
Rectovaginal fistulas of non-tumoral origin

39.90 $

see the detail
Human Viruses in Water: Assessment and Control

39.90 $

see the detail
New technique for human sperm cryopreservation

61.90 $

see the detail
Antimicrobial activity of camel lactoferrin peptide and black seed oil

54.90 $

see the detail
Adiponectin and resistin

54.90 $

see the detail
Long-term Efficacy of 9-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine

54.90 $

see the detail
Effect of Violent Media & Video Games on Children’s Behavior

31.90 $

see the detail
Health Related Quality Of Life of Cancer Children

23.90 $

see the detail
Tips To Pass MRCS Part A

96.90 $

see the detail
The fear of acupuncture in osteoarticular pathologies

43.90 $

see the detail
Low back pain in young elite athletes

43.90 $

see the detail
Knowledge and Practices of Breast Cancer

65.90 $

see the detail
Physiotherapy in Head Injury

36.90 $

see the detail
The Morphology of Lumbosacral spine and Spinal Canal

54.90 $

see the detail
Vitamin D Deficiency

39.90 $

see the detail
Multiple Pancreatico-colonic Fistulas, Rare presentation

39.90 $

see the detail
Systematic review for injuries of posterolateral corner injuries knee

39.90 $

see the detail
An Update on Management of Early Stage Diabetic Kidney Disease

39.90 $

see the detail
Hearing Assessment of patients with stage -5- Chronic Kidney Disease

26.90 $

see the detail
Thoracic Ultrasound

39.90 $

see the detail
Technological Advances: What Hope for Colorectal Cancer ?

60.90 $

see the detail
Development of a New Global Rating Scale or Checklist to Assess the Teaching of Surgical Skills Objectively

60.90 $

see the detail
Modalities Used In Trigger Points

29.90 $

see the detail
Aging changes in the retina

43.90 $

see the detail
A Comprehensive Approach on Myofacial Pain Syndrome

39.90 $

see the detail
Variation of Haematological Indices in Various Types of Malaria

54.90 $

see the detail
Frequency of Cervical Node Metastasis in Early Stage Tongue Carcinoma

71.90 $

see the detail
The Acupuncture Role in Treatment of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

61.90 $

see the detail
Woman Fort as extract of medical plants for female infertility therapy

39.90 $

see the detail
"Toxicity of Black Stone Hair Dye and Some Cosmetic Ingredients"

71.90 $

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Diarrheal disease: Causes, Prevention, Treatment and Diagnosis

39.90 $

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Epidemiological and clinical profile of cataract patients

43.90 $

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Quality of Life Assessment

43.90 $

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Satisfaction with Nursing Care Quality of Post-operative Home-visiting

43.90 $

see the detail
Voltammetric Determination of Bromfenac Sodium

39.90 $

see the detail
Determination Of Nepafenac

39.90 $

see the detail
Potentiometric determination of some glaucoma indicated drugs

39.90 $

see the detail
Pharmaceutical Applications of Some New Pyranothiazole Drug Complexes

71.90 $

see the detail
Anti-Adipogenic and Anti-Diabetic Activity of “Mirabilis Jalapa”

39.90 $

see the detail
Neuropharmacological Profiles of Lawsonia Innermis

54.90 $

see the detail
Gold Nanoparticle Toxicity

26.90 $

see the detail
Potential protective effect of pomegranate juice and thymoquinone

43.90 $

see the detail

79.90 $

see the detail
Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticle as Antimicrobil Efficacy

39.90 $

see the detail
Toxinology for Safer Drug Industry

39.90 $

see the detail
Effect of nanoparticles on Ocimum basilicum L

39.90 $

see the detail
Concise Book of Human Anatomy for Pharmacists

71.90 $

see the detail
Green biosynthesis of silver NPs for biomedical applications

61.90 $

see the detail
Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticle as Antimicrobial Efficacy

26.90 $

see the detail
Molecular Studies On Foot and Mouth Disease Virus In Egypt

71.90 $

see the detail
Detection of Some Heavy Metals Residues in Meat of Local Animals

61.90 $

see the detail
Ultrasonographic Imaging of Equine pelvis

39.90 $

see the detail
Minor and Major Surgical Conditions and Treatment Outcomes in Animals

54.90 $

see the detail
Survey on Socio-Economic Values and Challenges of Camel Production

39.90 $

see the detail
Protective effect of camel urine & milk against alcoholic liver damage

54.90 $

see the detail
Studies on the prevailing parasitic diseases in some Red Sea reef fish

76.90 $

see the detail
Phenotypic characterization of Sudanese Desert Goat

43.90 $

see the detail
Calcaneal lengthening in idiopathic flatfoot in children

39.90 $

see the detail
Philosophy of President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria

79.90 $

see the detail
Impacts of Segmental and Supra-Segmental Phonemes in Learning Speaking

69.90 $

see the detail
China, Germany and Russia: A New World Order

39.90 $

see the detail
International Issues: An Anthology

54.90 $

see the detail

61.90 $

see the detail
Who are Nigerians

45.90 $

see the detail
Epistle of President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria

59.90 $

see the detail
Equity, Social Inclusion, and Role of NGOs: The Case of Dhaka

26.90 $

see the detail
A Perspective on Rural Development Theory/Model

54.90 $

see the detail
A Concise Encyclopedia of the Qur'anic Rhetoric in English

39.90 $

see the detail
A synopsis of women struggle and politics in Nigeria

45.90 $

see the detail
The Gospel of President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria

59.90 $

see the detail
The Responsibility to Protect

54.90 $

see the detail
Federalism: An Overview of the Nigerian Perspective

82.90 $

see the detail
Problem and prospect of community policing in Bangladesh

39.90 $

see the detail
Shattering the myth of despair, frustration, anxiety, stress and depression

48.90 $

see the detail
Terms of petroleum engineering

43.90 $

see the detail
Applications of Positive Psychology in Counseling and Psychotherapy

57.90 $

see the detail
Global - Vocational Counseling and Psychotherapy

36.90 $

see the detail
Handbook of 21st Century Intelligence SQ

67.90 $

see the detail
Counseling and Psychotherapy Programs

79.90 $

see the detail
Smartphone addiction in the university environment in Morocco

43.90 $

see the detail
Named Entity Recognition for Amharic Language

39.90 $

see the detail
Zakat for Social Development and Empowerment

23.90 $

see the detail
Feel the Orphans Sorrow

23.90 $

see the detail
India’s ‘Minority Question’ under Comparative Lenses

76.90 $

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Similes in Holy Qur'an

61.90 $

see the detail
The Human Cosmology

24.90 $

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Islam and science

24.90 $

see the detail
Halal Marriage: A Basic Need

21.90 $

see the detail
Secrets to Success in Life

23.90 $

see the detail
The Basic Concepts of Islam

39.90 $

see the detail
Islam: The Religion of Peace and Beauty

24.90 $

see the detail
The Signs and The Blessings of Allah (SWT)

43.90 $

see the detail
Methods & Mechanism of Human Speech Production

35.90 $

see the detail
In the light of the right belief

71.90 $

see the detail
The Prophet Muhammad, A Model For Humanity

89.90 $

see the detail

24.90 $

see the detail
Effects of Electric Power Blackouts on Steam Turbine Power Plants

39.90 $

see the detail
CNN Based Person Specific Face Recognition & Detection

39.90 $

see the detail
Determination of Temperature Difference Between Urban and Rural areas

54.90 $

see the detail
Optics: Contact lenses properties and materials

39.90 $

see the detail
An Overview on Alzheimer's Disease

39.90 $

see the detail
Phytochemical Analysis, Antibacterial Activity of Averrhoa Carambola

39.90 $

see the detail
Cytomorphological Pattern of Lung among those Exposed to Cement Dust

39.90 $

see the detail
Eco-friendly extracted Squid by-product gelatin polymer

21.90 $

see the detail
Bioprospects of Coastal Ecosystem and Sustainable Resource Management

21.90 $

see the detail
Nutritional Imprinting In Broilers Through Early Dietary Manipulations

54.90 $

see the detail
Characterization of Apple (Malus domestica L.) Germplasm

39.90 $

see the detail
Nanotechnology in Bacteriology

39.90 $

see the detail
Early Versus Delayed Enteral Feeding for Achieving Full Feeding

59.90 $

see the detail
Fungal Endophytes of Crocus sativus and their applications

54.90 $

see the detail
Synthetic Bacteria. Application of Genomics and Genetic Engineering

54.90 $

see the detail
Genetic Characterization of Lactuca Resources

39.90 $

see the detail
Genome Analysis and Biochemical Evaluation of Brassica Species

39.90 $

see the detail
Development of LRD Device for Treatment of Various Viruses Infection

60.90 $

see the detail
The activity of salicylic acid against some wilt diseases fungi

54.90 $

see the detail
Abiotic Stress and Halotolerant Algae

93.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
Traditional Versus Modern Methods for Fertility Evaluation

54.90 $

see the detail
Chemotaxonomic study

39.90 $

see the detail
The Role of Non-timber Forest Products (NTFPs)

45.90 $

see the detail
Isolation and Identification of soil borne fungi from District Kasoor

35.90 $

see the detail
Calotropis procera

54.90 $

see the detail
Antioxidants and cowpea plant physiology

87.90 $

see the detail
Phytopharmacological features of Thymus algeriensis

21.90 $

see the detail
GC-MS Analysis of volatile Oil Salvia officinalis in Sudan

39.90 $

see the detail
Spectrophotometric Determination of Some Essential & Toxic Elements

53.90 $

see the detail
Vanadium Chemistry Biochemistry, Toxicology & Its Analytical Chemistry

57.90 $

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Azolothienopyrimidines, Pyrimidothienotriazines, Acyclic-C-nucleosides

89.90 $

see the detail
Some Heterocyclic Precursors as Main Entity for their Functional Dyes

79.90 $

see the detail
Improve the performance of the DSSCs by Iron oxides nanoparticles

67.90 $

see the detail
NanoMaterials in Catalytic Perspective

39.90 $

see the detail
Professional Kit (Part- I)

43.90 $

see the detail
Dysprosium Metal Complexes Derived from Bridging Oxygen Donor Ligands

54.90 $

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Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites

76.90 $

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Pollution and degradation of natural resources

61.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Spectrofluorimetric Determination of Some Toxic & Geno-toxic Inorganic

46.90 $

see the detail
Silver nanoparticles: Kinetic Factors, Anticancer and Antimicrobial

71.90 $

see the detail
Separation Chemistry

39.90 $

see the detail
New technique in extraction of uranium from its solution

39.90 $

see the detail
Packaging Application for the Different Polymer Nanocomposites

45.90 $

see the detail
Development of some novel azomethine compounds as chemo sensors

54.90 $

see the detail
Hematite Nanoparticles as Coagulant for River Nile Surface Water

39.90 $

see the detail
Design and synthesis antimicrobial amino acid derivatives

39.90 $

see the detail
The Environmental Impacts of Generated Air Pollution

54.90 $

see the detail
Design and applications of Nano Schiff bases and nano metal complexes

76.90 $

see the detail
Polymer Photophysics and Photochemistry

21.90 $

see the detail
Dyeing kinetics of flax / cotton fabrics

45.90 $

see the detail
The effect of nano scale of medical plants in water purification

76.90 $

see the detail
Functional and Photosensitizer Cyanine Dyes

71.90 $

see the detail
Synthesis of Some Heterocyclic Photosensitizer Phytopigment & Function

76.90 $

see the detail
Synthesis of Pharmacologically Active Compounds from Oxazolones

39.90 $

see the detail
Antioxidant and Anti-ulcer Activities of Extracts from Tapinanthus

39.90 $

see the detail
Studies on the Synthesis of Fused Primidine Derivatives

21.90 $

see the detail
General Organic Chemistry Illustrated with Corrected Exercises

91.90 $

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Boron carbide/nitride nano-ceramics

76.90 $

see the detail

45.90 $

see the detail
Composite Materials: Characterization and Effect of Ion Irradiation

50.90 $

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Metal Oxide Based Nano-catalysts

68.90 $

see the detail
Production logging courses

54.90 $

see the detail
Power of maps

39.90 $

see the detail
Application of Landsat 8 Data for Mapping Gold Mineralisation Potential

54.90 $

see the detail
Hydrogeophysics and Structural Geophysics

54.90 $

see the detail
Spatial distributions of trace elements in the Rayfield Mining Town

39.90 $

see the detail
The effects of charcoal production on range lands in Lower Juba

54.90 $

see the detail
Assessment of Rangeland Productivity and Biodiversity

39.90 $

see the detail
Ecology and Chemical composition of Lepidium virginicum L, Egypt

59.90 $

see the detail
Ecological Studies on Effects of Water Quality on some Teleosts

39.90 $

see the detail
Development of a forest fire risk map

39.90 $

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Physical Optics

26.90 $

see the detail
Planning and Operation Assessment of a Microgrid

71.90 $

see the detail
Analysis and Design of a Reflectarray Antenna for X Band Applications

54.90 $

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Electrospinning Polymer Nanocomposites for High Sensitive Applications

68.90 $

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Characterization of Fibrous Materials by Microinterferometry

79.90 $

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Industrial Electronics and Drives modeling

84.90 $

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Wetlands of Zalingei Area (West Sudan) as Birds Habitat

71.90 $

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Bearing Capacity Of Floating Semi-Rigid Pulverized Fly Ash Stone Colum

76.90 $

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Heterogeneous Catalysis for Synthesis of Some Heterocyclic Compounds

76.90 $

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New Agricultural Projects in Egypt El-Salam Canal Project

39.90 $

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Particulate Matter Forecasting in Bangladesh, India, China, and USA

43.90 $

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Candidate Genes for Growth and Fertility Traits

61.90 $

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Biogenesis and Functional Roles of Circular RNAs in Plants

39.90 $

see the detail
Study of IGFBP-3 gene in Egyptian Farm Animals

39.90 $

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Mutations in candidate genes and their association with fertility

39.90 $

see the detail
Ampélographie of the Tunisian vine

43.90 $

see the detail
Modern strategies to enhance goat genetic performance

54.90 $

see the detail
Egyptian Sheep Breeds and genetic tools to improve

54.90 $

see the detail
Land Use Land Cover Change

43.90 $

see the detail
Structural Setting of West Esh El Mellaha Basin, Eastern Desert, Egypt

76.90 $

see the detail
Tools for Better Agricultural Extension Communication

54.90 $

see the detail
Three Genes Associations with the Productive Traits

71.90 $

see the detail
Land Fragmentation and Rice Production Efficiency in Sindh, Pakistan

54.90 $

see the detail
Production of Wheat Bread

39.90 $

see the detail
Using of Bioindicators for Monitoring Pesticides Pollution

39.90 $

see the detail
Fortified Ice Cream by Pomegranate Extract

71.90 $

see the detail
Insect Pest Stores and Their Control

54.90 $

see the detail
Food & Drug Interaction (Vol.1)

39.90 $

see the detail
Agro-biodiversity in Nile Delta, Egypt

82.90 $

see the detail
Physico-chemical & Sensorial Quality of Value Added Banana Products

39.90 $

see the detail
Adoption of improved rice production technologies

60.90 $

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Flavoured cheese with Arugula

43.90 $

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Phosphate rock in Agriculture

43.90 $

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Peach Fruit Fly, Bactrocera zonata and its Control

68.90 $

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Farmers' Innovations and their Rationality

71.90 $

see the detail
Antibiotics Growth Promoters (AGP) Alternatives in Broiler Nutrition

71.90 $

see the detail
Evaluation of Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) Resources

39.90 $

see the detail
Assessment of Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) species

39.90 $

see the detail
Genetic Characterization of Phaseolus vulgaris L.

39.90 $

see the detail
Genomic Characterization of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

39.90 $

see the detail
Genetic Variation of Pigeon Pea (Cajanus cajan L.)

39.90 $

see the detail
Characterization of Lablab Genetic Resources

39.90 $

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Soybean (Glycine max L.)

39.90 $

see the detail
Lathyrus Genetic Resources: Characterization and Conservation

39.90 $

see the detail
Evaluation and Harnessing of Pisum sativum L. Germplasm

39.90 $

see the detail
Characterization of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)

39.90 $

see the detail
Biochemical and Molecular Characterization of Peanut Germplasm

39.90 $

see the detail
Evaluation of Mucuna Genetic Resources

39.90 $

see the detail
Lupinus Species: Genetic Variability Assessment

39.90 $

see the detail
Molecular Assessment of Genetic Variability of Carrot

39.90 $

see the detail
Biochemical Characterization of Onion (Allium cepa L.)

39.90 $

see the detail
Clover Species: Genetic Characterization and Improvement

39.90 $

see the detail
Cucumber Germplasm: Assessment and Conservation Strategies

39.90 $

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Molecular Characterization of Deadnettle Germplasm

39.90 $

see the detail
Genetic Evaluation of Eucalyptus Species

39.90 $

see the detail
Assessment of Millets

39.90 $

see the detail
Molecular Studies on Oats

39.90 $

see the detail
Olive Resources: Characterization and Conservation

39.90 $

see the detail
Molecular Evaluation of Mangifera indica L.

39.90 $

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Pear Germplasm: Evaluation and Utilization

39.90 $

see the detail
Rapeseed Resources: Genetic Diversity and Phylogenetic Studies

39.90 $

see the detail
Boron Fertilizer Application: Enhanced Wheat Yield

39.90 $

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Studies on chickpea wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum

68.90 $

see the detail
Study of the encapsulation of catechin in a multiple emulsion

45.90 $

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In Silico Sequence Analysis of Foot and Mouth Disease Virus in Cattle

43.90 $

see the detail
Effect of Cowpea Genotypes on Callosobruchus maculatus

54.90 $

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Using of Nano-particles Against Red palm weevil

61.90 $

see the detail
Consumer Preference Analyses For Banana And Sweet Orange Fruits

36.90 $

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The Optimum agronomy practices in Africa to maximize the productivity

45.90 $

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Consumer Preference Analysis for Cattle Attributes in Nigeria

26.90 $

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Insects and Climate changes

54.90 $

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Effect of Some Antioxidants and Nutrients on Washington Navel Orange

61.90 $

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Nitrate accumulation in plant and soil, Factors affecting the process and their impact on human and animal health

39.90 $

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Sucking Insect Pests and Natural Enemies on Canola Plants

71.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

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Red Palm Weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus and Their Control.

71.90 $

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Promising Uses of Different Forms of Herbs & Spices in Dairy Products

39.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
Assessment of Causes of degradation of the Vegetation Cover

39.90 $

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Arugula and its food applications

43.90 $

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Water Saving and Water Productivity through Precision Land Leveling

39.90 $

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Streptomyces: Isolation, Optimization of Culture Conditions and Extraction of Secondary Metabolites.

39.90 $

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Ectoparasitic Protozoa from the Nile perch fish Lates niloticus, Egypt

21.90 $

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Multidrugs Resistant Bacteria Associated with Human Otitis Media

23.90 $

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Vegetation and some Bioactive Products of Caulerpa racemosa

60.90 $

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Phenotypic characterization of Salmonella enterica from chickens

61.90 $

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Bacterial Endophytes Isolation & Charaterization

71.90 $

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Characterization of L-Asparaginase

61.90 $

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Studies on Some Xylanase Producing Bacteria

71.90 $

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Xylanases of Fungi from Extreme Habitats in Egypt

82.90 $

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Brucellosis ... From (A) To (Z)!!

71.90 $

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Molecular and chemical studies of some algal bioactive metabolites

82.90 $

see the detail

46.90 $

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Evaluation of metal biosorption activity by fungi

54.90 $

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Laser Effects on The Properties of The Alloys

71.90 $

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Ferrite Materials

61.90 $

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Plasma Surface Treatment of Polymeric Materials

39.90 $

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Synthesis and Magnetic Characterization of Bismuth Doped ZnO Nanowires

54.90 $

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Spectroscopy of Quarkonium Systems

76.90 $

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Quark-antiquark Spectroscopy Using Nonrelativistic Potentials

54.90 $

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Laboratory Experiments in Astronomy for Undergraduate Students

59.90 $

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Effect of biosynthesized gold nanoparticles on the polymeric materials

39.90 $

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The Godfather of Planets: Jupiter

39.90 $

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Low Energy Ion Beam Induced Modification on Polymer Nano-composites

39.90 $

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Optimal Atmospheric Trajectory for Aero-Gravity Assist

61.90 $

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Preparation and Characterization of Nano-Gold by Laser Ablation

54.90 $

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Contribution of remote sensing to estimate groundwater withdrawals

39.90 $

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Physical Properties of Ion Irradiated Polymer-Nano structured Films

50.90 $

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Nanotechnology Science and Applications

54.90 $

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Effect of Hydrogen on Combustion Characteristics of LPG Fuel

61.90 $

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Longhorn Beetles of Pakistan

39.90 $

see the detail
Applications of new reproductive techniques in some farm animals

61.90 $

see the detail
Dictionary of Christian Terms

64.90 $

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Laboratory Course in General Chemistry

21.90 $

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Factors Affecting Female Students Academic Performance

43.90 $

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The Symphony in the International Islamic University Malaysia Library

39.90 $

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Teacher-Student Code switching

31.90 $

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Sudanese Heritage Tools

21.90 $

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A failed promise, A rising scourge & A wound failing to heal years after

39.90 $

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Document Classification Algorithms

54.90 $

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Elementary Public Administration and Management

76.90 $

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Optic Codes Division Multiple Access system

54.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

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Tumor Lymphocyte Infiltrate (TILs):

43.90 $

see the detail
Intercultural Sensitivity Development

43.90 $

see the detail
Old Persons’ Preferences of Traditional Medicines in Treating Ailment

39.90 $

see the detail
Public Places for Happiness

76.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Fitness Level Oof Pakistan National Hockey Team

60.90 $

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The manual wheelchair race

39.90 $

see the detail
Robust Control of Dynamic Systems

32.90 $

see the detail
An Overview on Alternative Bioenergy Fossil Fuel Replacement in Egypt

39.90 $

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Solar Air Cooling

54.90 $

see the detail
Multilevel STATCOM Model for Reactive Power Compensation

61.90 $

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The Energy - Gender Nexus

39.90 $

see the detail
Experimental Study and Simulation software on Artificial intelligent i

39.90 $

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Design and optimization of 150 m higher wind monitoring tower

32.90 $

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Effect of Atmospheric Stability on Wind Resource Assessment

39.90 $

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Studies on Q-switching and Mode-locking

39.90 $

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Data Communication and Analytics for Smart Grid Systems

61.90 $

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Indoor Wireless Optical CDMA System for LANs and Healthcare Monitoring

79.90 $

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Analysis and development of maximum power point tracking

39.90 $

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Signal Processing Methods for Human Lung Sound Analysis

54.90 $

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Design and Development of Fuzzy Controller for Induction Motor Drive

68.90 $

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71.90 $

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Noise Cancellation Technique For Compact MIMO Systems

54.90 $

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Graphene Based Surfaces

54.90 $

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2G/3G/4G/5G mobile network KPIs optimization

31.90 $

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Multi-input multi-output (MIMO) System-Basics and applications

71.90 $

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RF Front End Receivers for Satellite Applications

71.90 $

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Egg shell membrane protein modified carbon nano structures

54.90 $

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Degradation of dyes from Wastewater by using Ozone Microbubbles

61.90 $

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Microbial Fuel Cell for bio-electricity generation

54.90 $

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Corrosion Protection for Energy Recovery in Hydro Turbines

71.90 $

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Professional Kit (Part-2)

43.90 $

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Production of dimethyl ether

39.90 $

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Study to Investigate Parametric Effect on Biodesulfurization of Coal

39.90 $

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54.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

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Design and Analysis of Planetary Four-Wheeler Mars Rover

45.90 $

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Solar Energy Utilization

39.90 $

see the detail
Effects of Electric Power Blackouts on Steam Turbines Power Plants

39.90 $

see the detail
Vibration of Cracked Structures

39.90 $

see the detail
Heat Transfer Enhancement using Insert

39.90 $

see the detail
Setting of an Internal Combustion Engine Test Bench

54.90 $

see the detail
Predict the Best Variants of Cutting in Turning Process

39.90 $

see the detail
The Measurements of the Machine Elements [Questions and model answers]

93.90 $

see the detail
Introduction to Design of Solar Thermal Power Plants

71.90 $

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Safety issues on construction sites

39.90 $

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Stormwater Management in the Tropics: A Review

54.90 $

see the detail

91.90 $

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Intelligent Home Energy Management Systems

71.90 $

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Strengthening Techniques of Reinforced Concrete Cantilever Slabs

61.90 $

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Geological deterioration and conservation of sandstone and limestone

82.90 $

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Performance of Lightweight Concrete Beams Strengthened with GFRP

49.90 $

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Development of silver NPs for environmental applications

71.90 $

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Electroplating Wastewater Remediation Using Nanotechnology

61.90 $

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Industrial Pollution with Hexavalent Chromium

43.90 $

see the detail
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Fibrous Post-tension Concrete

76.90 $

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Effect of NaNO2 and K2CO3 on Cold Weather Concrete

39.90 $

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Unwelcome Friends:

94.90 $

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Innovative Mindset

39.90 $

see the detail

71.90 $

see the detail
Design and Development of Appropriate Tyre Sandal Shoe.

39.90 $

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A Power Reduction technique for Flash analog-to-digital converter

60.90 $

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The Advancements in mAbs Technology

68.90 $

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Python for AWS

39.90 $

see the detail
Application of Artificial Intelligent Techniques in Photovoltaic Panel

39.90 $

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Optimum Design of Grid-independent Hybrid Renewable Power Generation

61.90 $

see the detail
Dyeing Kinetics of Flax/Cotton Blended Woven Fabrics

54.90 $

see the detail
Evaluating Data Fusion Methodologies for Redundant Positioning

61.90 $

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Nano Composite

55.90 $

see the detail
The use of oblique and vertical images in 3D urban modelling

99.90 $

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Food That Turned From a Blessing to a Curse

43.90 $

see the detail
New process for the production of fig molasses

54.90 $

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Graphene Oxide with Properties of Concrete Nanocomposites

43.90 $

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The Questions and the Model Answers of the Measurements, the Uncertainty and the Calibration

98.90 $

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