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Results for the search with the keyword AbdulHadi Hashim :

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Dirasst fi al Fi9el
دراسات في الفعل

1.00 $

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al Kira'at al Qura'nieh
القراءات القرآنية

4.00 $

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طبقات علماء الحديث

40.00 $

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michel fouquet almaarifah wa alsultah
ميشال فوكو المعرفة و السلطة

4.00 $

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Namathej al Mara'eh al Battal fi arRiwayeh al Phalasteenieh
نماذج المرأة البطل في الرواية الفلسطينية

8.00 $

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الشجرة النبوية

5.00 $

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رسائل دمشقية

2.00 $

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Science of the Spectra

7.50 $

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Novel Therapy in Diabetes Mellitus Type 2

54.90 $

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New concept of Ochratoxin A toxicity

71.90 $

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Detection of PBP2a Antigen Among Clinical Isolates of Staphylococci.

54.90 $

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kawaed al khat al arabi
قواعد الخط العربي

6.00 $

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Almuhasaba Alwataniya wa Albuldan Almasbuqa Eqtisadiyan
المحاسبة الوطنية والبلدان المسبوقة اقتصاديا

2.00 $

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Alta9awon Al9arabi Alafriqi
التعاون العربي الأفريقي

12.00 $

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Altazon wa Alekhtilal fi Mizan Almadfo9at
التوازن والاختلال في ميزان المدفوعات

2.00 $

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Al farabi

5.00 $

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Al andiyah al adabiyah
الأندية الأدبية

7.00 $

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Treasury Reference Model: World Bank Technical Paper 505

33.00 $

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al Islam wa bina'e ashShakhsieh
الأسلام و بناء الشخصية

4.00 $

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Kawaed Ossool al Hadith
قواعد أصول الحديث

4.00 $

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circa 1958- le liban a travers les photos et plans de constantinos doxiadis

66.00 $

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circa 1958

66.00 $

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al Kissah al kaseerah fi Phalastine wa al Ordon
القصة القصيرة في فلسطين و الأردن

4.00 $

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mouthakirat fi al Noukkoudd wa al Bounook
مذكرات في النقود والبنوك

5.00 $

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mabaddi'e al iektisadd al tahlili
مبادئ الاقتصاد التحليلي

10.00 $

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Asrar Jism al Insan
أسرار جسم الأنسان ج2

2.00 $

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bait li al Rajem Bait li al Salat
بيت للرجم بيت للصلاة

2.00 $

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Practices and Challenges in Strategic Plan Implementation

43.90 $

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Pakistan’s Beverages Industry in Focus to Congruence and Satisfaction

98.90 $

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Theoretical Investigation of Photovoltaic Module Characteristics

39.90 $

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Macroeconomy and Stock Return Volatility: Pakistan vs US Market

98.90 $

see the detail

79.90 $

see the detail
Big Data Exploration in New Media: An Evidence-Based Review

45.90 $

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Resource Scheduling in Heterogeneous Clouds

68.90 $

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Information Technology and Vocational Education

39.90 $

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Language Performance and Impairment of Iraqi Patients with Alzheimer's

49.90 $

see the detail
Machine translation: Strategies, Advantages and Disadvantages

26.90 $

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John Betjeman and Modernism

39.90 $

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60.90 $

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Destruction of breast cancer cells by a phytochemical, Artonin E

61.90 $

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Introduction of Dithiocarbamate Compounds

45.90 $

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Synthesis & Study Biological Activity of New Phthalimide Derivatives

54.90 $

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Application of Prebiotic Mannan Oligosaccharide in Aquaculture

54.90 $

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Epidemiology and Immunology of Cholera

71.90 $

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Biodegradation of Crude Oil

39.90 $

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Spectrum Sharing for LTE-Advanced Network in TV band

43.90 $

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Efficient Recovery of Carbon Dioxide in Fermentation Process

39.90 $

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60.90 $

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Design and Implementation Of The Solar Still to Improve Performance by

39.90 $

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Online Reservation System For Al-Kindi General Hospital

39.90 $

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أعزََُ مكان ٍ في الدَنا سرجُ سابح ٍ و خيرُ جليس ٍ في الأنام ِ كتابُ

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