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Results for the search with the keyword talal zeynal saaeed :

Due to many spelling and typing variations and due to variations in the translation, your search may end up blank or output only a few titles, despite the thousands of titles and authors online. In that case, please send us a book request and our staff will be happy to cut through these technical issues and send you a list of the many possible choices.

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rasael houb bil abyad wa aswad
رسائل حب بالأبيض والأسود

5.00 $

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lilhabeeb al lath fee ridaie
للحبيب الذي في ردائي

4.00 $

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min al alsardieh ila altakhaulieh
من السردية الى التخيلية

10.00 $

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Kadaya Al Takhallof wa Al Tanmia fi Al Alam Al Thaleth : fi Al Manhaj
قضايا التخلف والتنمية في العالم الثال :في المنهج

4.00 $

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al fashal asbabahu wa natae'jahu
الفشل أسبابه ونتائجه

7.00 $

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Fi Al Tarbiyah Wa Elem Al Nafes- Ikhtilaf Wal Mafaheem
في التربية وعلم النفس - اختلاف المفاهيم

4.00 $

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بياع الزمن

1.00 $

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الأنفاق العسكري الإسرائيلي 1965-1990

10.00 $

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tahqeeq al makhtootat bain annatharia wa attatbeeq
تحقيق المخطوطات بين النظرية والتطبيق

4.00 $

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bunyat alsirah alshaabiyah wa khitabuha almalhami fi asr almamaleek
بنية السيرة الشعبية و خطابها الملحمي في عصر المماليك

10.00 $

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awwaliyyat alnass
أولية النص

6.00 $

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alwafi bilmuallaqat
الوافي بالمعلقات

5.00 $

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The Druze heritage

18.00 $

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حوار حول العولمة

4.00 $

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Protection and Politics in Bahrain, 1869-1915

32.00 $

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Protection and Politics in Bahrain, 1869-1915

8.00 $

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An Introduction To Set Theory

6.00 $

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Dictionary of Translation Terms (English-English-Arabic)

41.90 $

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Parallel Execution of the Steganography in Images on the Android Platform

61.90 $

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History of Medecine in Lebanon

39.90 $

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Retaining Walls

98.90 $

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Control Reflective Cracking of Overlay Asphalt Pavement

79.90 $

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Bioinformatics Tools - A Comprehensive Analysis

40.90 $

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أعزََُ مكان ٍ في الدَنا سرجُ سابح ٍ و خيرُ جليس ٍ في الأنام ِ كتابُ

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