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Results for the search with the keyword Sabah almiarawy :

Due to many spelling and typing variations and due to variations in the translation, your search may end up blank or output only a few titles, despite the thousands of titles and authors online. In that case, please send us a book request and our staff will be happy to cut through these technical issues and send you a list of the many possible choices.

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Awdaa al maraa fi ashshariaa al islamiyah
أوضاع المرأة في الشريعة الإسلامية

2.00 $

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علم النفس النبوي

6.00 $

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alamn alislami dirasat fi altahadiyat algeopolitikiyah
الأمن الاسلامي دراسات في التحديات الجيوبوليتكية

6.00 $

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Eftitahiyat Lilsamt Walsourakh
افتتاحية للصمت والصراخ

2.00 $

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alialam: annasaq alqimi wa haymab\nat alqouwwa
الإعلام: النسق القيمي وهيمنة القوة

6.00 $

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mantiq alhadara indal abdel aziz addouri
منطق الحضارة عند عبد العزيز الدوري

7.00 $

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arous al ajza'
عروس الأجزاء

2.50 $

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laylatoul qadr
ليلــة القدر

1.50 $

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iskhalieht alkhiyab fi huroofieh adeeb kamaleddine
إشكالية الغياب في حروفية أديب كمال الدين

4.00 $

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Genetic Algorithms Applied of Electronic Circuits

39.90 $

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Assessing Effectiveness of Kurdistan Strategic Leadership Competencies

61.90 $

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Venture Capital as Source of Finance for Small and Medium Enterprises

54.90 $

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Analog and Digital Integrated Circuits Design Using Genetic algorithms (GAs)

39.90 $

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Exact and Local Search Techniques

43.90 $

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A New Analytical Approximate Approach for Non-Linear Initial Value

39.90 $

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The Dynamics of Prey-Predator Model with Different Types of Functional responses

54.90 $

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Tooth Preparation Designs and Marginal Fitness of Zirconia Crowns

61.90 $

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Self-Care Practice and Social Support of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

60.90 $

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Water, Economy and Politic (Kurdistan Region-Iraq)

98.90 $

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Medical Botany

54.90 $

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Electrochemical discharge of the Leclanché salt cell

39.90 $

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Switching Characteristics of Ti:LiNbO3 based on Optical DC

61.90 $

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Groundwater Hydraulics and Pumping Test Data Analysis

76.90 $

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Date Palm in Siwa Oasis

43.90 $

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Pistachio in Egypt

39.90 $

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Molecular vs traditional methods to detect infection in Marine snails

71.90 $

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School Failure in the Algerian Middle School

54.90 $

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Performance of O-Band of Optical Data Center Interconnects

71.90 $

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Implementation of Hiding Secured Finger Print

43.90 $

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أعزََُ مكان ٍ في الدَنا سرجُ سابح ٍ و خيرُ جليس ٍ في الأنام ِ كتابُ

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