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Due to many spelling and typing variations and due to variations in the translation, your search may end up blank or output only a few titles, despite the thousands of titles and authors online. In that case, please send us a book request and our staff will be happy to cut through these technical issues and send you a list of the many possible choices.

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4.00 $

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Modernization and socio-economic development in Thailand and Cambodia

52.40 $

see the detail
Practical guide in macroeconomics

39.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Practical Marketing Guide for SMEs VOL 1 for entrepreneurs

28.90 $

see the detail
Practical Guide to Marketing for SMEs VOL 2 for the teacher

54.90 $

see the detail
A practical guide to the basics of marketing

64.90 $

see the detail
Practical guide to political marketing

32.90 $

see the detail
Irreversible model of economic growth for African countries

39.90 $

see the detail
Practical Guide to Political Marketing in Modern Africa

54.90 $

see the detail
Practical guide on the issue of human capital (CH)

54.90 $

see the detail
The life story of a young girl with a disability in Haiti

54.90 $

see the detail
eudipe wa asatirouhou
أوديب وأساطيره

8.00 $

see the detail
Marad Assaratan
مرض السرطان

3.00 $

see the detail
Wakee Al fekr Al yamani
واقع الفكر اليميني

3.00 $

see the detail
Annoumou al iktisady al hadith
النمو الاقتصادي الحديث

6.00 $

see the detail
الفكاهة و السخرية في أدب مارون عبود

4.00 $

see the detail
Alf wa Khamssemaa mina Al Hikam wa Al Amthal Al Shaabia
ألف وخمس مية من الحكم والأمثال الشعبية

6.00 $

see the detail
osool aliqtisad alkulli
أصول الاقتصاد الكلي

8.00 $

see the detail
nazariyat alshakhsiyah
نظريات الشخصية

2.00 $

see the detail
Gharaez Al Maraa

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
Al musica al arabiyah
الموسيقى العربية

3.00 $

see the detail
A Preliminary Assessment of Manpower Resources & Requirements in Lebanon

3.00 $

see the detail
mouzakirat fatat moultazima
مذكرات فتاة ملتزمة

8.00 $

see the detail


50.00 $

see the detail

Dork Diaries Russell Collection 12 Books Set

95.00 $

see the detail

Dork Diaries: Spectacular Superstar

10.00 $

see the detail

Dork Diaries: Birthday Drama

10.00 $

see the detail

Dork Diaries: Dork Diaries

10.00 $

see the detail

Dork Diaries: Party Time

10.00 $

see the detail

Dork Diaries: How to Dork Your Diary

10.00 $

see the detail

Dork Diaries: Pop Star

10.00 $

see the detail

Dork Diaries: Dear Dork

10.00 $

see the detail

Dork Diaries: TV Star

10.00 $

see the detail

Dork Diaries: Skating Sensation

10.00 $

see the detail

Dork Diaries: Holiday Heartbreak

10.00 $

see the detail

Dork Diaries: OMG! All About Me Diary

10.00 $

see the detail

Dork Diaries: Once Upon a Dork

10.00 $

see the detail

Dork Diaries: Puppy Love

10.00 $

see the detail

Dork Diaries: Drama Queen

10.00 $

see the detail

Dork Diaries: Crush Catastrophe

10.00 $

see the detail

Dork Diaries: Frenemies Forever

10.00 $

see the detail

Dork Diaries Collection 10 Books Set

80.00 $

see the detail
Public Finances of the Congolese Decentralized Territorial Entity

71.90 $

see the detail
Taxation of Decentralized Territorial Entities in DR Congo

71.90 $

see the detail
The role of learning resource centres in knowledge generation

61.90 $

see the detail
Influence of Cash Flow Trends on Shareholders Returns

39.90 $

see the detail
Climate Change and Smallholder Dry Land Farming Systems

39.90 $

see the detail
Impact of Privatization on Nigeria Economy.

54.90 $

see the detail
Evaluation of Policy and Regulatory Challenges of DFS ICT Ecosystem

54.90 $

see the detail
Effects of Public policies on ICT innovations and Economic development

71.90 $

see the detail
Protection Rights and Services for Children with Disabilities

54.90 $

see the detail
Financial Management

54.90 $

see the detail
Fundamentals of Finance & Financial Management

87.90 $

see the detail
Generation Z and their Employee Engagement

59.90 $

see the detail
Digital Ecosystem for public Enterprises:Prospects and challenges

39.90 $

see the detail
Booking And Management System For Driving Schools In Windhoek

39.90 $

see the detail

55.90 $

see the detail
The Use of Videos and Animations to Improve Learners' Achievement

39.90 $

see the detail
The Wagogo

61.90 $

see the detail
Violence and Vice

89.90 $

see the detail
Resistance of the African tale to modeling globalization

39.90 $

see the detail
The Anarchist Nature of Henry David Thoreau

50.90 $

see the detail

26.90 $

see the detail
The Ohabola and the Masikoro society in Madagascar

39.90 $

see the detail
On the issue of insufficient powers of the prosecutor

35.90 $

see the detail
Cassava varieties performance and agronomic practices

39.90 $

see the detail
Male involvement in Safe motherhood

39.90 $

see the detail
Lipid Profile and Some Liver Enzymes in HIV/Aids Patients

39.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Building a Neural Circuit to treat Motor Neurone Disease & Paralysis

45.90 $

see the detail
HIV/AIDS and Worklife Balance Together

54.90 $

see the detail
Relationship between handedness, cephalic index and creativity

50.90 $

see the detail
Schistosomiasis Outbreak Investigation in Charikpong Sub-district

54.90 $

see the detail
Antioxidants activities and heavy metal profil

43.90 $

see the detail
No Walt Disney in Japan

54.90 $

see the detail
Impact of Metaphysical Pragmatism Theory in The Contemporary Society

39.90 $

see the detail
A Political Economy of the United States

49.90 $

see the detail
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Outcomes of the Post-Colonial Era

69.90 $

see the detail
Iran on the way to a new traditionalism

48.60 $

see the detail
The Resource-Intensive Economy of Saudi Arabia and its Diversification

74.90 $

see the detail
Iran: From Monarchy to Theocracy

76.90 $

see the detail
Political and Economic Processes in Modern Greece

87.90 $

see the detail
China and India as a New Centre of World Economy

76.90 $

see the detail
A Political Economy of Modern Greece

71.90 $

see the detail
Modern Spain: From Miracle to Crisis

79.90 $

see the detail
Development Experiences of China from the Qing Empire to Our Days

96.90 $

see the detail
China: from Qing Monarchy to Market Socialism

93.90 $

see the detail
Mediterranean Capitalism by the Examples of Greece and Spain

76.90 $

see the detail
Indonesia: A New Asian “Tiger”

61.90 $

see the detail
Myanmar (Burma) in Quest for a Model of Development

71.90 $

see the detail
Political and Economic Processes in Modern Spain

87.90 $

see the detail
New Tigers in Southeast Asia: Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand

91.90 $

see the detail
A Political Economy of Modern China

76.90 $

see the detail
The Ghost in the Machine

21.90 $

see the detail
Unfailing Love

21.90 $

see the detail
An Inventory of Floristic Diversity of Paniyeli Poru

54.90 $

see the detail
Isolation of B-carotenoids for yellow pigmentation

39.90 $

see the detail
Impacts of climate change on hydrometeorological ecosystems

39.90 $

see the detail
Some Novel Effective Technologies:

42.90 $

see the detail
Practical Aspects of Vegetable Cultivation

39.90 $

see the detail

61.90 $

see the detail
Teaching material for the course Floriculture and Landscape Design

76.90 $

see the detail
Origin of Planetary Magnetic Fields

21.90 $

see the detail
Humanitarian intervention In urban health in South Asia region

43.90 $

see the detail
Effect of Urbanization on soil characteristics and river water quality

45.90 $

see the detail
Elderhood in Ethnic Conflict Management in Rongai Nakuru County, Kenya

61.90 $

see the detail
Availability, Accessibility & Use of Electronic Information Resources

39.90 $

see the detail
Fighting HIV/AIDS in an armed crisis situation in Bouaké

39.90 $

see the detail
Lotka in a bibliographic and bibliometric study of books.

39.90 $

see the detail
Information and Communication Technology Uptake & Use

39.90 $

see the detail
Settlement, Evictions and their Effects

54.90 $

see the detail
Bibliometric studies of two bibliographic samples

43.90 $

see the detail
Effect of Urbanization on soil characteristics and river water quality

45.90 $

see the detail
Several US Patents and Scientific Articles related research to process

38.90 $

see the detail
Some Scientific Articles

23.90 $

see the detail
New explanation of Origin Magnetic Fields of Planets OF Sun System

23.90 $

see the detail
Nurses' Attitude, Practices and Non-Pharmacologic Headache Management

39.90 $

see the detail
Methods and Devices for Prevention of Well Explosion

21.90 $

see the detail
New Technology of Optimization of Production of Liquid Hydrocarbons

21.90 $

see the detail
The Library of High-Precision Simulators

23.90 $

see the detail
Ah Khazafiyat

4.00 $

see the detail
Al yahudi al alamy
اليهودي العالمي

6.00 $

see the detail
مدار السرطان

7.00 $

see the detail
imlaq marousi
عملاق ماروسي

3.00 $

see the detail

relation journaliere du voyage du levant (1615)

55.00 $

see the detail

le musique au liban

3.00 $

see the detail
Tom Jones
طــوم جونــز (عربي /إنكليزي)

7.00 $

see the detail
King Solomon Treasures
كنوز الملك سليــمــان (عربي /إنكليزي)

7.00 $

see the detail
the question of jerusalem

10.00 $

see the detail
atTakkanieh fi al A9alem al Kadeem
التقنية في العالم القديم

8.00 $

see the detail

4.00 $

see the detail
Al Mousika fi al Hadarah al Gharbieh min Asre al Younaneen
الموسيقى في الحضارة الغربية من عصر اليونان

3.00 $

see the detail
La question de Palestine (Tome1)-L'invention de la terre sainte
Presses de l'Universite' Saint-Joseph

20.00 $

see the detail
La question de Palestine (Tome2)-Une mission sacré de civilisation
Presses de l'Universite' Saint-Joseph

20.00 $

see the detail
Vie et révélation
Départment de philosophie

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
Le bonheur de Spinoza
Départment de philosophie

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
Traduction : approches et théories
Institut de langues et de traduction

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
Du pareil au même
Institut de langues et de traduction

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
La traduction en partage
Institut de langues et de traduction

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
Al Ghish wat tadliss wal Ikrah
الغش والتدليس والإكراه

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
Ashhar Al Ahkam Adistouriyah wal Janaaiyah fis Soudan (hard cover)
أشهر الأحكام الدستورية والجنائية في السودان - مجلد

11.00 $

see the detail
Ashhar Al kadaya al koubra ( hard cover)
أشهر القضايا الكبرى - مجلد

10.00 $

see the detail
Ashhar Al Mouhakama tAsiyassiah fis Soudan
أشهر المحاكمات السياسية في السودان

5.00 $

see the detail
Ashhar Al kadaya al Idariyah wa distouriyah wal Janaaiyah fis Soudan
أشهر القضايا الإدارية والدستورية في السودان

6.00 $

see the detail
Al Awliyaa Assalihoun wal Islam fis Soudan
الأولياء والصالحون والإسلام في السودان

1.00 $

see the detail
Al Biroukratiyah Wal Ssiyassah
البيروقراطية والسياسة

4.00 $

see the detail
Al Tajany Youssef Basher Shae'ran Wa Tha'iran
التجاني يوسف بشير شاعرا ً وناثرا ً

2.00 $

see the detail
Ahkam Azawaj Wattalak Fil Soudan
أحكام الزواج والطلاق في السودان

2.00 $

see the detail
Ahkam By Al Nakd Wa Taeed
أحكام بالنقض والتأييد- غلاف

5.00 $

see the detail
Ahkam By Al Nakd Wa Taeed (Hard Cover)
أحكام بالنقض والتأييد - مجلد

6.00 $

see the detail
Ahkam Tahta Mijhar Al Nakd
أحكام تحت مجهر النقد - غلاف

6.00 $

see the detail
Ahkam Tahta Mijhar Al Nakd
أحكام تحت مجهر النقد - مجلد

7.00 $

see the detail
Ahkam Mutafareka Byn Al Kadeem Wal Hadith
أحكام متفرقة بين القديم والحديث

6.00 $

see the detail
Al Mawsouah Al mukhtasara li Ahkam Al Katel
الموسوعة المختصرة لاحكام القتل

3.00 $

see the detail
Al wasel al kanouniyah assalimah
الوسائل القانونية السليمة

5.00 $

see the detail
Ashhar Al kadaya a distouriyah fis Soudan
أشهر القضايا الدستورية في السودان

3.00 $

see the detail
Bounoud wa shourout al aked
بنود وشروط العقد

2.00 $

see the detail
Tasfiyat Al istikmar Al Elamy
تصفية الاستعمار الإعلامي

3.00 $

see the detail
Toufic Saleh Jibreel Shae'ran Wa Thae'ran
توفيق صالح جبريل شاعراً وثائراً

2.00 $

see the detail
Hasad Ahkam kabl attakud
حصاد أحكام قبل التقاعد

8.00 $

see the detail
Daawi addarar al badani fil kanoun al Englizi
دعاوى الضرر البدني في القانون الإنكليزي

2.00 $

see the detail
Dawlat Al Mahdiyah Fil Soudan
دولة المهدية في السودان

4.00 $

see the detail
Salama Mussa Wal Manhaj Al Ishtiraky
سلامة موسى والمنهج الاشتراكي

4.00 $

see the detail
Shareh kanoun Baye' al badae'h - ( hard cover)
شرح قانون بيع البضائع - مجلد

12.00 $

see the detail
Kawanin Al Ahwal Al Shakhsiyah
قوانين الأحوال الشخصية

5.00 $

see the detail
Mabadey fil Ethbat
مبادئ في الإثبات

2.00 $

see the detail
Mouhawalat fi dirasat al Kanoun assoudany al mukaran
محاولات في دراسة القانون السوداني المقارن

5.00 $

see the detail
Mouhamad Mandour Raed Al Adab Al Ishtiraky
محمد مندور رائد الأدب الاشتراكي

4.00 $

see the detail
mukhtarat min al ahkam wal kararat 1/2
مختارات من الأحكام والقرارات 2/1 - في مجلدين

18.00 $

see the detail
Mashrou'h johnkuly
مشروع جونقْلي

2.00 $

see the detail
Mujaz tarikh assultah attashri'yah - ( hard cover )
موجز تاريخ السلطة التشريعية - مجلد

9.00 $

see the detail
Mawsouat Ahkam Al Ijra'at Al Madaniyah Fi Al Soudan
موسوعة أحكام الإجراءات المدنية في السودان

5.00 $

see the detail
Namazej Min AL Ahkam Al Jinaeyah
نماذج من الأحكام الجنائية

5.00 $

see the detail
Namazej min Ahkam Al Mahkamah Al Ouliyah Fi Kadaya Al Katul Fi Al Soudan
نماذج من أحكام المحكمة العليا في قضايا القتل في السودان

4.00 $

see the detail
Namazej min Ahkam Al Al Nakudn Wal Ibram FiAl Soudan (Hard Cover)
نماذج من أحكام النقض والإبرام في السودان - مجلد

10.00 $

see the detail

6.00 $

see the detail
Victor Hugo
فيكتور هوغو

4.00 $

see the detail
Al Bouthieh

3.00 $

see the detail
Al Marxiyah

3.00 $

see the detail
Al Fashistiyat

3.00 $

see the detail
The Strategies of (NAPEP) on Poverty Reduction in Benue State

61.90 $

see the detail
Virtual Education

39.90 $

see the detail
Modeling the Stock Price Volatility

54.90 $

see the detail
Progress and Research Advancements of Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, and Auditing

45.90 $

see the detail
Impact of the Volatility Adjustment in the Solvency II Framework

39.90 $

see the detail
Challenges Facing Small Black Business in Securing Viable Contracts

82.90 $

see the detail
The efficacy of improved in-situ mulch rows

39.90 $

see the detail
The Size and Functions of Government

108.90 $

see the detail
Dollar: the international currency of the 21st century

71.90 $

see the detail
Vulnerability Assessment of Rural Livelihoods to Impacts

39.90 $

see the detail
International tourism, energy consumption, and CO2 emission in China

43.90 $

see the detail
Foreign Direct Investment, Export and Economic Growth

43.90 $

see the detail
International Trade: Theory, Strategy and Challenges

82.90 $

see the detail

37.90 $

see the detail
A Spatial Analysis of Solid Waste Management and Environmental Quality

76.90 $

see the detail

60.90 $

see the detail
A Fresh Look at Marketing

119.90 $

see the detail
Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management in the 21st Century

98.90 $

see the detail
Goal, Objective, Decision, Strategy in the business world

39.90 $

see the detail
Application of the warehouse management system software in the management of finished product inventories in the company

39.90 $

see the detail
Managing Resistance to IT Implementation in Schools

39.90 $

see the detail
Pattern recognition in respiratory diseases

54.90 $

see the detail
A Within Host Model of HIV, TB and Malaria: SD Approach

89.90 $

see the detail
Design of a guide of computer curricular instruments

61.90 $

see the detail
Understanding the Play-way Method

39.90 $

see the detail
Aymara history and knowledge for the revitalization of identity

76.90 $

see the detail
Killing Privilege

56.90 $

see the detail
An analysis of the implementation of the integrated approach

82.90 $

see the detail
Envisioning Environmental Justice: Critical Essays in Literature

89.90 $

see the detail
International Law and Child Rights Implementation

76.90 $

see the detail
The Role of Social Science in the Study of Law: A Fundamental Approach

57.90 $

see the detail
Model Analyses and Guidance Beyond

39.90 $

see the detail
Henry Ehimetalor's Research Collection

39.90 $

see the detail
The Impact of National Health Insurance Scheme

45.90 $

see the detail
Expectant Mothers' Perception of Prenatal Sonography

39.90 $

see the detail
Non adherence to diabetic medication

39.90 $

see the detail
Impact of Interprofessional Learning on Professional Dynamics

43.90 $

see the detail
The Roads

39.90 $

see the detail
Peruvian Nativity Scene at the Vatican

39.90 $

see the detail
Purifier Summary

39.90 $

see the detail
China: Africa's New Economic Partner or Coloniser?

39.90 $

see the detail
Unregulated Campaign Spending and Its Impact on Electoral Participants

59.90 $

see the detail
The Biafran Child

21.90 $

see the detail
Our Citizenship Practice

39.90 $

see the detail
The Book of Life (Volume I)

21.90 $

see the detail
The Book of Life (Volume II)

21.90 $

see the detail
The Book of Life (Volume III)

21.90 $

see the detail
The Book of Life (Volume IV)

21.90 $

see the detail
Properties of Lipase from Aspergillus sp

43.90 $

see the detail
Bioassays in Environmental Research: An Introduction

61.90 $

see the detail
Crude extracts of ornamental plants

39.90 $

see the detail
Comparing Ants Diversty in Different Lowland Forest Ecosystems

39.90 $

see the detail
Flood Risk Zone Mapping using Rational Model in a Highly Weathered Nitisols of Abakaliki Local Government Area, Southeastern Nigeria

39.90 $

see the detail
Silviculture’s Practices Nursery Protocols of Germination

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Effect of Rural Urban Migration on Rice Production in Enugu and Ebonyi

54.90 $

see the detail
Comparative evaluation of selected soil moisture monitoring devices

39.90 $

see the detail
Resources Book in Silviculture Practices

39.90 $

see the detail
Diagnosis of occupational health in a health care facility

39.90 $

see the detail
Rethinking Human Trafficking in Nigeria

39.90 $

see the detail
Prevalence of foot type in sprint events

60.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
Data Analysis Applied To Satellite Images To Calculate The Deforestation

39.90 $

see the detail
Overheating control module

32.90 $

see the detail
Al Sada Al Baeed
الصدى البعيد

3.00 $

see the detail
Indama tazoub Al Thoulouj
عندما تذوب الثلوج

4.00 $

see the detail
GHadan Yatollo Al rabie
غداً يطل الربيع

5.00 $

see the detail
Al Kalb Al Akhdar
القلب الأخضر

6.00 $

see the detail
Al Thalj Al Ahmar
الثلج الأحمر

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
Merks wa Al Fawdawuia
ماركس والفوضوية

4.00 $

see the detail
Al hariba (Kussass al malayeen )
الهاربة (قصص الملايين)

2.00 $

see the detail
Jamaluki fi suhatiki
جمالك في صحتك

7.00 $

see the detail
Mukhtarat Min al adab al alamy assakher
مختارات من الأدب العالمي الساخر

6.00 $

see the detail
Al Geopolotica wa AlGeostratigia
الجيوبولوتيكا والجيوستراتيجيا

3.00 $

see the detail
داروين و شركاه

5.00 $

see the detail
الانتصارات المذهلة في علم النفس الحديث

16.00 $

see the detail
المرأة بحث في سيكولوجية الأعماق

8.00 $

see the detail
Bangladesh: The Experience And Perceptions Of Public Officials: World Bank Technical Paper 507

33.00 $

see the detail
Istratijiat Al Assr Al Nawawi
استراتيجية العصر النووي

4.00 $

see the detail
Harb Al Maa Thania
حرب المائة ثانية

8.00 $

see the detail
Al Fadila

4.00 $

see the detail
Dirassa fi Al Sheer Al Yabani
دراسة في الشعر الياباني

2.00 $

see the detail
علم الدلالة

3.00 $

see the detail
Ilm Al Ishara ( Al Similogia )
علم الإشارة ( السيميلوجيا )

3.00 $

see the detail
Al Dibal - The Humus
الدبال ( تحلل بقايا النباتات و المخلفات الحيوانية و فوائده للتربة

5.00 $

see the detail
Taklim Al Ash-jar
تقليم الأشجار

5.00 $

see the detail
Bulletin D' Etudes Orientales-No.48 Sur le vocabulaire de philosophes: du grec a l'arabe
مجلة الدراسات الشرقية-العدد 48

48.00 $

see the detail
Bulletin D' Etudes Orientales-No. 48 Avicenne et le soufisme: a propos de la Risala nayruziyya .
مجلة الدراسات الشرقية-العدد 48

48.00 $

see the detail

La situation démographique al Liban

5.00 $

see the detail
manahij albahth fi aljoghrafiya
مناهج البحث في الجغرافيا

2.00 $

see the detail
mujtamaa al la dawlah
مجتمع اللادولة

4.00 $

see the detail
osool alfikr alyonani
أصول الفكر اليوناني

2.00 $

see the detail
zaradasht nitche
زرادشت نيتشة

3.00 $

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conte alfalsafah wal oloum
كونت الفلسفة و العلوم

3.00 $

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nitsche mufattatan
نيتشه مفتتا

3.00 $

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hobbs falsafat ilm deen
هوبس فلسفة علم دين

3.00 $

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heigel wal mujtamaa
هيغل و المجتمع

3.00 $

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alkhotowat aloula fi altahlil wal barmajah
الخطوات الأولى في التحليل و البرمجة

3.00 $

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moojam almostalaht aljoghrafiyah
معجم المصطلحات الجغرافية

30.00 $

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التفكيكية - دراسة نقدية

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kayfa tanjah fi kitabat bahthik
كيف تنجح في كتابة بحثك

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pierreel khoury : architecture 1959-1999

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L'autel monumental de Baalbek

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Le théâtre de Philippopolis en Trachonitide

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Le petit autel de Baalbek

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(1) Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie, (2) Inscriptions de la Jordanie

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Huarte sanctuaire chrétien d'Apmène T.1

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Huarte sanctuaire chrétien d'Apmène T.2

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Doura-Europos. ÉtudesIV, 1991-1993

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Al-sinâ'a al-lubnaniyya wa aswâq al-khalij al-'arabiyya

11.00 $

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al Rajoul sahibb al thakirah
الرجل صاحب الذاكرة

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al masrah wa kalak al basher
المسرح و قلق البشر

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Les facultés et instituts des sciences médicales face aux impératifs de la santé du XXIène siècle
Presses de l'Universite' Saint-Joseph

20.00 $

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Le pluralisme des statuts personnels dans les états multicommunautaires
Presses de l'Universite' Saint-Joseph

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La Francophonie aux défis de l'économie et du droit aujourd'hui
Presses de l'Universite' Saint-Joseph

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Yanouh et le Nahr Ibrahim, nouvelles découvertes arcgéologiques dans la vallée d'Adonis
Presses de l'Universite' Saint-Joseph

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Mélanges en mémoire de Mgr Néophytos Edelby(1920-1995)
Texte et études sur l'orient chrétien

90.00 $

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Le droit libanais (Tome I) - Livre du cinquantenaire de la Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques de Beyrouth
Faculté droit et des sciences politiques

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Le droit libanais (Tome II) - Livre du cinquantenaire de la Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques de Beyrouth
Faculté droit et des sciences politiques

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Précis de droit commercial libanais (Tome I) - Code de commerce annoté
Faculté droit et des sciences politiques

Price set by the publisher on demand

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Précis de droit commercial libanais (Tome II) - Code de commerce annoté
Faculté droit et des sciences politiques

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Al Arud Al Athraa'
الأرض العذراء

5.00 $

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Al Amel Assare'
الأمل الصريع

6.00 $

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Al Phisyaa Al Musaliyah
الفيزياء المسلية 2/1 - في كتاب واحد

8.00 $

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Ana Khatiyah
أنا خاطئة

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بين نارين

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حسناء بغداد

6.00 $

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خبز ودمع

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خذ قلبي ودعني

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دموع الأرز 2/1 - في كتابين

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دموع العذارى

3.00 $

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Doumou'h la tajef
دموع لا تجف

4.00 $

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زنبقة في الوحول

6.00 $

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Ser al rahiba
سر الراهبة

4.00 $

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Sarkhat al Istiklal
صرخة الاستقلال

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Daah Oumri
ضاع عمري

5.00 $

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Tareek addoumouh
طريق الدموع

6.00 $

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zalmtany ya kalby
ظلمتني يا قلبي

5.00 $

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Abakirat Al Ihtiyal
عباقرة الاحتيال

8.00 $

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Ghadat Dimashic
غادة دمشق

5.00 $

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Fi Mahab Al reeh
في مهب الرياح

4.00 $

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La Taloumny
لا تلمني

5.00 $

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Lahn Al Ghuroub 1/2
لحن الغروب 2/1 - في كتابين

8.00 $

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Lan Ya'oud
لن يعود

5.00 $

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Maza Fa'lta By Kalby
ماذا فعلت بقلبي؟

5.00 $

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Maakel Annusour 1/2
معقل النسور 2/1 - في كتابين

8.00 $

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Malaekat fil jaheem
ملائكة في الجحيم

4.00 $

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Min Ajel Aynaik
من أجل عينيك

6.00 $

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Hal Tazkureen
هل تذكرين

7.00 $

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Ahdy maa Al layl
وحدي مع الليل

3.00 $

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Alfares Alkhames
الفارس الخامس

9.00 $

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الموت حبّا Almawt Hoban

4.00 $

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Al Mawt Hayyan
الموت حبا ً

4.00 $

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Geography of United state of America
جغرافيا الولايات المتحدة

3.00 $

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Geography of Soviet Union
جغرافبا الإتحاد السوفياتي

3.00 $

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Kuttab Faranca al yawm
كتاب فرنسا اليوم

3.00 $

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Iktishaf al hayat
اكتشاف الحياة

2.00 $

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Min al tharah ela al najem
من الذرة إلى النجم

3.00 $

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Massir al insan
مصير الانسان

4.00 $

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Al marixiyat baad Marx
الماركسيات بعد ماركس

3.00 $

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Annmou al iktisady
النمو الاقتصادي

3.00 $

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Al falsafa al kadimah
الفلسفة القديمة

3.00 $

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Ashark al adna al arabi
الشرق الأدنى العربي

3.00 $

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Al Ishtirakiyah

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Tarikh assahafa
تاريخ الصحافة

3.00 $

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Gypsies: An Illustrated History

25.00 $

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iaadat alintaj: fi sabil nazaria amma linasaq attaalim
إعادة الإنتاج: في سبيل نظرية عامة لنسق التعليم

14.00 $

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alhaymana azzoukouria
الهيمنة الذكورية

6.00 $

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bima youfaker aladab?
بم يفكر الأدب؟: تطبيقات في الفلسفة الأدبية

12.00 $

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tarikh ilm alfalak alqadim wal klasiki
تاريخ علم الفلك القديم و الكلاسيكي

8.00 $

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mabade' alousloubiyat alamma
مبادئ الأسلوبيات العامة

20.00 $

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aloustoura wal fikr indal younan
الأسطورة والفكر عند اليونان: دراسات في علم النفس التاريخي

42.00 $

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Mahmud Taymur wa a9alam ar-riwaya fi Misr
محمود تيمور و عالم الرواية في مصر ( دراسة نفسية تحليلية )

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Critical analysis of institutional and legal frameworks

43.90 $

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Cognitive Activation by Complex Tasks in higher education in the D R C

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How to seek and mobilize funding for your project?

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Involvement of the local community of Kinsenda in the enterprise

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From sea transport to land transport:

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Economic Growth and Air Pollution in Côte d'Ivoire

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Reconstruction Of Culture Heritage From Archive Images

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Management in an uncertain world

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Financing policy for SME investments in KISANGANI

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Stakeholder marketing in the agri-food and oleochemical industries

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Scoping Study for existing financial access to youth in agribusiness

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An Assessment of Monitoring and Evaluation on Project Performance:

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Easiest ways of financial record keeping for Projects and Businesses

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The Teaching Condition

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Nonprofit-Community Relationship

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The CAVA Pedagogy Volume 2

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The CAVA Pedagogy Volume 3

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Succeeding in university studies

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The problem of schooling for the Mwaka indigenous people

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Arts, Science, Religions and the oversized human brain

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Integration of Raped Mothers Survivors of 1994 Genocide against Tutsi

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Amadou Koné, Ivorian writer : study of Les frasques d'Ebinto

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The contribution of the Feicom to the municipal budget

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Enforcement of International Criminal Court Decisions

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Trust - Comparative law

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The UN’s efforts to address the development of nuclear weapons by Iran

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Agricultural Taxation in Cameroon

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Find and develop a relevant and interesting research topic

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Articulation between traditional and modern medicine

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An approach to mental disorder in the Dogon Plateau of Bandiagara, Mali

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Class struggle, trade unionism in the time of the coronavirus

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The agrarian question: an issue at the heart of development

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Democracy and the media

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Comparing preparedness of Asia and Europe to COVID-19

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Burkina Faso: the twists and turns of the Fourth Republic

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State withdrawal and regional integration dynamics

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Philosophy and management

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Life, an essence wasted on disorder

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Effects of water temperature on freshwater invertebrates

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One Health Approach: Animal, Human, Environmental

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Ecology, Local Management and Supply Chain Analysis of Priority Non-Ti

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The Influence of Health Communication Campaigns in Rwanda

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Emergency management and the Televised Newspaper

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The State of Domestic Violence in Rwanda and the Role of the Man

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Robert Estivals and bibliology

43.90 $

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Migration cooperation in Africa

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People with disabilities in the Burundian democratic process

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Systemic approach to containment of the slum crisis

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Impact of the NGO Vie Sauvage

39.90 $

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Rights of Opposition Councillors

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Book on gender

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Estimation of the direction of arrival of signals from Nano-satellites

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