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Results for the search with the keyword Maryam Rafiee :

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The Effect of Nutrition

59.90 $

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9elm Takwin Alma9rifaebsimulujiya Piyajeh
علم تكوين المعرفةابستمولوجيا بياجيه

4.00 $

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Houkoul Al Nafss
حقول علم النفس

6.00 $

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حبيب لم يكن يوما حبيبي

4.00 $

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The First-grade and Family

54.90 $

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The Sectoral Composition of Foreign Direct Investment

45.90 $

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Importance and Impact of Quality and It’s Factors in Hospitals:

39.90 $

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Information Literacy: contributions of library science

76.90 $

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Customer Experience and Loyalty

82.90 $

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Knowledge Management

21.90 $

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Modeling and Simulation

54.90 $

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World War III With Coronavirus

98.90 $

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Selling and Innisible: A field Guide to Modern Marketing

87.90 $

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Good To Great: Leaders eat last

82.90 $

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Start With Why:How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action

98.90 $

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How to Mighty Fall

76.90 $

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The intelligent investor and leader

82.90 $

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Perception of Service Quality in Higher Education

32.90 $

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Byond The MBA Hype: How To Manage People

93.90 $

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Automated software debugging solutions

39.90 $

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Cooperation and motivation in flipped learning

54.90 $

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Assessment of the Integration of Almajiri Education

61.90 $

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Teach With Love And Logic

60.90 $

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Learning English Idioms

87.90 $

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A Study of T. Williams' plays In the light of Kristevan Subjectivity

54.90 $

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Signifyin(g) and Double-voicedness

59.90 $

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A Raisin in the Sun

45.90 $

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Legal Framework for Delivery of Public Private Partnership Projects

76.90 $

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Critically evaluate UNCITRAL Model Law Electronic Transferable record

43.90 $

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Product Development Based on Green QFD

31.90 $

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Determination of Changing Expression of miR-212 and EGFR Genes

39.90 $

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Evaluation of Skeletal Growth and Bone Health

45.90 $

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Generalities of General Pharmacology

21.90 $

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Plastic, Reconstructive and Burn Surgery

35.90 $

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Empowering teachers using professionalism assessment battery

43.90 $

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Investigating System in Health Management Information Systems

45.90 $

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The Superficial Anatomy and Surgery

67.90 $

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Superficial Anatomy and Surgery

31.90 $

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Marital Satisfaction and Quality of Life in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

32.90 $

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General Principles of Intensive Care and Its Principles

23.90 $

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Mother Preterm Infant Interaction

39.90 $

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Assessing the Correct Understanding of Families

21.90 $

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Acculturation and Food Habits Among International Students at EMU

39.90 $

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Investigating the Relationship in Organizations

45.90 $

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Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Emotional Intelligence

45.90 $

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Anxiety and Stress Management, Reducing Anxiety

35.90 $

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Principal Component Analysis of Time Related Changes

39.90 $

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Optimization of intrinsic uniformity Uniformity

39.90 $

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Inactivation of coronaviruses using ultraviolet light irradiation

43.90 $

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Predicting Methyl Violet Adsorption by Modified Palm Fiber Using ANN

39.90 $

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An Analysis Tourist Satisfaction

39.90 $

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Effect of Nitrogen and days after anthesis on seed quality of okra

43.90 $

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Effect of Machining Parameters on Surfaces Roughness of CNC Milling

39.90 $

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A Bacterial Infection in Diabetic Ulcers Grades and Its Risk Factors

39.90 $

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Typing of Salmonella Strains

54.90 $

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Systemic lupus Erythematosus a rare autoimmune disease in Nigeria

54.90 $

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Desirable Neighborhood Spaces for Women

61.90 $

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104.90 $

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Globalization and its Impact on Indian and Iranian Mass-media

96.90 $

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The Role of Social Network in Marital Infidelity

54.90 $

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Empathy in Nursing

54.90 $

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Residential Segregation in Northern Nigeria

39.90 $

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Pricing Financial Options Embedded in Insurance Contracts

39.90 $

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Electricity and climate change

89.90 $

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Application of Nano-Pyroxene in Oil and Gas Industry

61.90 $

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PLGA Micro and nanoparticles for Cancer Treatment

23.90 $

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Quantification and Characterization of Sludge Deposition

39.90 $

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Strategies for controlling release of plastic compounds into foodstuff

39.90 $

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Fundamentals of High Entropy Alloys

39.90 $

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أعزََُ مكان ٍ في الدَنا سرجُ سابح ٍ و خيرُ جليس ٍ في الأنام ِ كتابُ

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