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الشقاء في خطر

1.00 $

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60.90 $

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Practical Manual on Plant Biochemistry

54.90 $

see the detail
Al Abwab Addafi'a
الأبواب الدافئة

3.00 $

see the detail
Al Jawhar Al Nafiss fi siyassat Al Ra'ess
الجوهر النفيس في سياسة الرئيس

4.00 $

see the detail
Idhak Maa Jiha
اضحك مع جحا

2.00 $

see the detail
an Naked al Fanni
النقد الفني

8.00 $

see the detail
قبر قاسم

6.00 $

see the detail
نقد الأمل

4.00 $

see the detail
طفل لم يرم الحجر

4.00 $

see the detail
لبنان الكبير

10.00 $

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La Syrie de Byzance a' L'Islam - ouvrage collectif publie' par Canivet et J.P. Coquais
سورية من الحكم البيزنطي الى الأسلام مجموعة كتابات (باللغة الفرنسية و الأنكليزية )

63.00 $

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Histoire du mouvement litteraire dans L'eglise melkite du ve au XXe)
تاريخ الحركة الأدبية في الكينسة الملكية من القرن 5 الى القرن 20 (باللغة الفرنسية )

40.00 $

see the detail
altanzim alqanouni lilbihar wal amn alqawmi alarabi
التنظيم القانوني للبحار والأمن القومي العربي

7.00 $

see the detail
madkhal ila naqd alhoqooq
مدخل الى نقد الحقوق

3.00 $

see the detail
quwwat alumam almuttahidah alamilah fi jonoub lubnan
قوات الأمم المتحدة العاملة في جنوب لبنان

5.00 $

see the detail
ashShika'e fi Khater
الشقاء في خطر

3.00 $

see the detail
la tittérature francophone du Machrek:Anthologie critique
Presses de l'Universite' Saint-Joseph

20.00 $

see the detail
La Francophonie aujourdh'ui et demain.En hommage à Léopold Sédar Senghor
Presses de l'Universite' Saint-Joseph

20.00 $

see the detail
La collegialité episcopale dans les eglises orientales
Institut Supérieur de Sciences religieuses

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Institut D'Etudes Islamo Chrétiennes

8.00 $

see the detail
Declarations communes islamo-chretiennes
Institut D'Etudes Islamo Chrétiennes

12.00 $

see the detail
Déclaration communes islamo-chretiennes
Institut D'Etudes Islamo Chrétiennes

12.00 $

see the detail
Al Mara'eh al Muslimah bain al Sharieh al Islamieh wa al Adalil al Gharbieh
المرأة المسلمة بين الشريعة الإسلامية و الأضاليل الغربية

4.00 $

see the detail
From the Vineyards of Lebanon: Poems by Khalil Hawi and Nadeem Naimy

20.00 $

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Al- Farabi's Theory of Communication

30.00 $

see the detail
albaba wa loubnan
البابا و لبنان

10.00 $

see the detail
ta'amoulat rouhiya
تاملات روحية

4.00 $

see the detail
alilmaniya ashamila
العلمانية الشاملة

3.00 $

see the detail
alqawaed alarabiya
القواعد العربية

10.00 $

see the detail
ilm al aroud
علم العروض

5.00 $

see the detail
aghani al awlad
اغاني الاولاد

5.00 $

see the detail

Meditations Spirituelles

4.00 $

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alittihad alarabi
الاتحاد العربي

20.00 $

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addalil al ghina'i
الدليل الغذائي

17.00 $

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alilaqat addouwaliya
العلاقات الدولية

20.00 $

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superman is an arab

12.50 $

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simple arabic, a comprehensive course

18.00 $

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I killed scheherazade

12.50 $

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From the Vineyards of Lebanon: Poems by Khalil Hawi & Nadeem Naimy

8.00 $

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Alfarabi’s Theory of Communication

10.00 $

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nabih amin faress almou'arrikh wa qadaya alqawmiya alarabia (silsilat awraq arabia 22)
نبيه أمين فارس المؤرخ وقضايا القومية العربية(سلسلة اوراق عربية 22)*

2.00 $

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Déclarations Communes Islamo-Chrétiennes de 1954/1373H â1995/1415H Texte originaux et traductions françaises .

11.00 $

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id majid
أقرأ وأتسلّى/عيد مجيد

3.50 $

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arnoub wa haql aljazar
أقرأ وأتسلّى/أرنوب وحقل الجزر

4.00 $

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wahat wa zilal
واحات و ظلال

5.00 $

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haq al mar'a fi inha' aqd azzawaj (bil moukhalaa)
حق المرأة في إنهاء عقد الزواج (بالمخالعة)

8.50 $

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An Instructional Program for Promoting English Language Literacy

49.90 $

see the detail
Teacher's Attitudes toward Teaching English in The First Four Grades

32.90 $

see the detail

84.90 $

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Investigating Students’Attitudes toward Teacher Positive Oral Feedback

39.90 $

see the detail
The teaching of written production in FLE in Algeria

54.90 $

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Organ bioengineering

60.90 $

see the detail
Phenotypic and molecular aspects of β thalassemia intermedia

43.90 $

see the detail
Kitab Mabarik al Azhar fi Sharih Mashariq al Anwar
كتاب مبارق الأزهار في شرح مشارق الأنوار

8.00 $

see the detail
Alfiat Ibn Malik
ألفية أبن مالك في النحو و الصرف

2.00 $

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al Muwatt'e + Ise9aff al Mubt'e bi rijal al Muwat'e
الموطأ + أعاف المبطأ برجال الموطا

10.00 $

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شرح بدرالدين علىلامية الافعال

1.00 $

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المدونة الكبرى

34.00 $

see the detail
المدونة الكبرى 1/6

50.00 $

see the detail

20.00 $

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ألفية ابن مالك

1.00 $

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الاعتماد في نظائر الظاء و الضاد

2.00 $

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al Moudawant al Koubbra
المدونة الكبرى 1/6

50.00 $

see the detail
Diwan Ka9ab bin Malik al Ansary
ديوان كعب بن مالك الأنصاري

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Diwan Ka9b bin Malik Al Ansari
ديوان كعب بن مالك الانصاري

5.00 $

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shawoahed attawodeeh wa attasheeh limoshkilat al jamaae assaheeh
شواهد التوضيح والتصحيح لمشكلات الجامع الصحيح

4.00 $

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al mowattaa wa yaleeh : isaaf al mobattaa birijal al mowattaa li assoiooti
الموطأ ويليه : ( إسعاف المبطأ برجال الموطأ ـ للسيوطي)

14.00 $

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al mowattaa wa yaleeh : isaaf al mobattaa birijal al mowattaa li assoiooti
الموطأ ويليه : ( إسعاف المبطأ برجال الموطأ ـ للسيوطي)

20.00 $

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Diwan Ka'ab bin Malik al Ansari
ديوان كعب بن مالك الأنصاري

6.00 $

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al Fiker wa al Iejtihadd al iekttisaddy fi Asre al Nahedah 1801-1950
الفكر والاجتهاد الاقتصادي في عصر النهضة (1801-1950)

7.00 $

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Mouta' al Imam Malik riwayat ali bin zayed
موطأ الإمام مالك : رواية علي بن زايد

7.00 $

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al mowat'e li al Imam Malik bin Anas
الموطأ للامام مالك بن أنس رواية سويد بن سعيد الحدثاني

14.00 $

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al Mouwat'e (riwayat Yehia al Laithy al Andalusi ) 1/2
الموطأ (رواية يحيى الليثي الاندلسي) 2/1

30.00 $

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al Awali a'an al Imam Malik bin Anas 1/4
العوالي عن مالك بن أنس الإمام 4/1

30.00 $

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al Mouwat'e
الموطأ رواية عبد الله بن سلمة القعنبي

12.00 $

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Kitab al Adab
كتاب الآداب

12.00 $

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God and Man in Contemporary Islamic Thought

20.00 $

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God and Man in Contemporary Christian Thought

20.00 $

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God and Man in Contemporary Christian Thought

7.00 $

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God and Man in Contemporary Islamic Thought

8.00 $

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5.50 $

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alfiyat ibn malik
الفية ابن مالك

2.25 $

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harakat alislam assiyasi fil yaman
حركات الإسلام السياسي في اليمن

16.00 $

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sharh alkafiya ashafia 1/2
شرح الكافية الشافية 2/1

22.00 $

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maniyat assayadin fi taalloum al istiyad wa houkmihi
منية الصيادين في تعلم الإصطياد و حكمه

8.00 $

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al mouwatta' limalik bin anas al asbahi (abwab al bouyouh)
الموطأ لمالك بن أنس الأصبحي(أبواب البيوع)

9.00 $

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al wadiha koutoub assala wa koutoub al haj
الواضحة كتب الصلاة وكتب الحج

7.00 $

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Price set by the publisher on demand

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Preparation, Physicochemical Characterization

54.90 $

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The Analysis of Grammatical Errors of Students

54.90 $

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Mobile Based Marketing Practices in Indian Context

66.90 $

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Fundamentals of Cryptography & Network Security

45.90 $

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Jacobson relaxation technique in anxiety and depression

54.90 $

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Therosen and Angelina

23.90 $

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Land Reforms and Nationalization: an Analysis of Pakistan

39.90 $

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Collective Administration of Copyright and Neighbouring Rights: A Study

61.90 $

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59.90 $

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Reservation policies under Indian Law

71.90 $

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Optimal Inventory Policies for Two Warehouses

76.90 $

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Role of Immunohistochemistry in Breast Carcinoma

79.90 $

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Sleep Apnea

71.90 $

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Minimal Invasive Dentistry

71.90 $

see the detail
Role of body fluids in forensics

71.90 $

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Critical Issues Related to Periodontics

39.90 $

see the detail
Biocompatibility of Restorative Materials Used in Pediatric Dentistry

54.90 $

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Orthodontic archwires

71.90 $

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71.90 $

see the detail

71.90 $

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Expatriates, Medical Students and Depression

45.90 $

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Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders

60.90 $

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In silico Drug Design

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Post-Cold War Sino-US Relations: an economic perspective

54.90 $

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Kashmir Conflict and Foreign Policy of Pakistan

39.90 $

see the detail
Political Instability in Pakistan (1947-1956)

54.90 $

see the detail
Critique of James Rachels's Defense of Euthanasia

71.90 $

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43.90 $

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India’s ‘Minority Question’ under Comparative Lenses

76.90 $

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Issues in Bioethics: An Islamic Perspective

54.90 $

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Ovalbumin (OVA)

71.90 $

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Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel by Various Inhibitors

39.90 $

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Fundamentals of Biochemistry

71.90 $

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Syntheses of ITO Thin Film by DC-sputtering as Gas Sensor

54.90 $

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Assessment of water quality and bacterial flora of Dal lake, Kashmir

61.90 $

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Effect of Climate Change on Pakistan, Role of Government

45.90 $

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Improved national climate change policy

45.90 $

see the detail
Seasonal incidence and management of aphid and seed midge on coriander

39.90 $

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Biochemical Studies in Durum Wheat (Triticum durum L.) Genotypes

39.90 $

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Component of Agriculture

71.90 $

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Breeding and Rearing of Common carp, Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus 1758)

39.90 $

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Practical Manual on Crop Physiology

39.90 $

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Silver Linings of Black Cumin

26.90 $

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Lavender the calm perfume plant

24.90 $

see the detail
Earthworm a wonderful organism for Heavy metals

39.90 $

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Fiction & Friction of Identity

71.90 $

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Towards Innovation and Diversity

43.90 $

see the detail
Dynamism and Realism-An Archetyapl Paradigm of Manju Kapur's Novels

57.90 $

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Critical Thinking and Islam

39.90 $

see the detail

36.90 $

see the detail
Philosophical Critique of Artificial Intelligence

54.90 $

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أعزََُ مكان ٍ في الدَنا سرجُ سابح ٍ و خيرُ جليس ٍ في الأنام ِ كتابُ

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