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Newspapers of Russia in October 1917 - 1920

79.00 $

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Physicochemical transformations in coals induced by electric fields

23.90 $

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Industrial revolutions as the basis for sustainable economy forming: the EU experience and Ukrainian practice

71.90 $

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37.90 $

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International transport of goods across borders

79.90 $

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Cross-border logistics

67.90 $

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Customs regulation of foreign economic activity (FEA)

67.90 $

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Orenburg Germans

59.90 $

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Explanatory dictionary in the field of IT

71.90 $

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New methods for modeling of the essentially nonlinear systems

43.90 $

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Restaurant hygiene

68.00 $

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39.90 $

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Hermeneutical Aspects of Eastern and Western Philosophy

54.90 $

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Spiritual Transgression in Western and Eastern Philosophy

54.90 $

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From Hermeticism to Hermeneutic discourse

54.90 $

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From Hermeticism to Hermeneutic discourse

54.90 $

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Plant diversity, flora and vegetation of Bat Dai Son Mountain area

104.90 $

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Plant diversity, flora and vegetation of Hin Nam No Protected Area

64.90 $

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Energy technology processes

45.90 $

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Source of the hot Universe

46.90 $

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Memory and love as unshakable wealth of society

39.90 $

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Radioelectronics and information technologies in physical experiments

49.90 $

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The main properties of cement concretes

89.90 $

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Thermal Preparation Of Coal Blend And Coke Cooling

39.90 $

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