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Results for the search with the keyword Jean-Paul Ngbolua Koto-te-Nyiwa and Djolu Djoza Ruphin :

Due to many spelling and typing variations and due to variations in the translation, your search may end up blank or output only a few titles, despite the thousands of titles and authors online. In that case, please send us a book request and our staff will be happy to cut through these technical issues and send you a list of the many possible choices.

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Pharmaco-biological study of Sarcocephalus latifolius (Rubiaceae)

39.90 $

see the detail
Traditional Pharmacopoeia and the Fight against Sickle Cell Disease

39.90 $

see the detail
Plant's biology

43.90 $

see the detail
Chemical and pharmacological studies of Drepanoalpha

39.90 $

see the detail

37.90 $

see the detail
Influence of integrated nutrient management on the tropical sugar beet

54.90 $

see the detail
Agriculture Technology: Application of Drones

54.90 $

see the detail
University pedagogy:

71.90 $

see the detail
Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie

99.00 $

see the detail
Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie: arados et régions voisines

49.00 $

see the detail
Arados et sa pérée aux époques grecque, romaine et byzantine

56.00 $

see the detail

8.00 $

see the detail
Algorfah Wa Kissass Oukhrah
الغرفة و قصص أخرى

5.00 $

see the detail
Siraty Alzatiyah (Alkalimat)
سيرتي الذاتية (الكلمات)

5.00 $

see the detail
Effective cleaning for lab commodities or instruments

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Bankruptcy of commercial banks

39.90 $

see the detail
Designing your dashboards with Excel

26.90 $

see the detail
Culture, Education and Personality

71.90 $

see the detail

98.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Where is social media going from yesterday to tomorrow?

60.90 $

see the detail
The President of the Republic

87.90 $

see the detail
The ICRC's contribution during the period of armed conflict in the DRC

37.90 $

see the detail
The United Nations and the Union in the face of peaceful resolution

48.60 $

see the detail
Identification of Defected Components According to their Types

39.90 $

see the detail
The problem of the revival of mining activities

39.90 $

see the detail

71.90 $

see the detail
The art of debate: a daily experience

39.90 $

see the detail
Biomedical Imaging Engineering under Embedded Artifficial Intelligence

54.90 $

see the detail
The problem of schooling for the Mwaka indigenous people

39.90 $

see the detail
From State terrorism to transnational or international terrorism

26.90 $

see the detail
Impact of family breakdown on the emergence of mental health disorders

43.90 $

see the detail
School Wastage, Financial Institutions and Conscious Leader

39.90 $

see the detail
almouwallad: dirassa fi binaa' alalfaz
المولَّد: دراسة في بناء الألفاظ

8.00 $

see the detail
mouajam moustalahat attahlil annafsi
معجم مصطلحات التحليل النفسي

45.00 $

see the detail
Cash Crops as the Viable Option to the Rescue of Nigerian Economy

39.90 $

see the detail

71.90 $

see the detail
Towards a Learning Organization

71.90 $

see the detail
Media and Socialization

54.90 $

see the detail
Sectoral growth and poverty reduction in Cameroon:

37.90 $

see the detail

61.90 $

see the detail
Analysis of Mechanical Properties of Soil Using Geotextiles

39.90 $

see the detail
Foreign and Domestic Firms Linkages: Kenyan Empirical Sectors Analysis

43.90 $

see the detail
Evaluation of the response to covid-19 in Burkina Faso

43.90 $

see the detail
Perceptions on Services and patterns of Utilization

43.90 $

see the detail
Saving Our Planet: Earth

68.90 $

see the detail
Entrepreneur's Psychological Capital: An Enticing Affair

71.90 $

see the detail
Price Regime of African Agricultural Crops in the International Market

54.90 $

see the detail
An Efficient Mechanism for Data Mining Based On Item Sets Features

71.90 $

see the detail
Namibian Sign Language Dictionary

71.90 $

see the detail
Techno - Pedagogical practices in teacher education

61.90 $

see the detail
A Science Beyond Crime: An Explorative Approach

68.90 $

see the detail
The auditor, a guarantee of security for the company

60.90 $

see the detail
An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling and Its Applications

43.90 $

see the detail
Impulsive Neutral Integrodifferential Systems with Infinite Delay

61.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on HIV/TB Diagnosis

39.90 $

see the detail
CBCT in Pediatric Patients

54.90 $

see the detail
Friction vs Frictionless Mechanics

71.90 $

see the detail
Adhesive Dentistry

61.90 $

see the detail
Sugar substitutes and Oral Health

61.90 $

see the detail
An In Vitro Study For Bioequivalence Of New Formulation (Ibuprofen)

39.90 $

see the detail
Novel Algorithm for Medical Image Compression

60.90 $

see the detail
Medical Photography Practices

39.90 $

see the detail
Antiplasmodial Activity of Croton macrostachus Extracts

64.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Effect of Feeding Ghee Residue on Production Performance of Chicken

54.90 $

see the detail
Understanding China in a Globalized World

32.90 $

see the detail
Relations between the USA and Russia under OBAMA and Putin

45.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Recent Progress in Application of Functional Materials

54.90 $

see the detail
Corchorus olitorius leaves as source of mineral nutrients and medicine

39.90 $

see the detail
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing for Land Cover Classification

71.90 $

see the detail
Mathematical Modeling of Tin Ore (Cassiterite)

60.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Environmental Sciences

39.90 $

see the detail
Water Resources Management

61.90 $

see the detail
Combining Ability of Pod Shattering and Agronomic Traits of Soybean

39.90 $

see the detail
Adoption of Farmers on IPM techniques on Rice Based Cropping Sequence

54.90 $

see the detail
Design and Development of EGUSI (Citrulus Vulgaris) Washing Machine

43.90 $

see the detail
Effect of weeding regime on the performance of aromatic Boro rice

54.90 $

see the detail
A Practical Manual On Bacteriology

71.90 $

see the detail
Easy Tool for Screening of Cervical Precancerous and Cancerous Lesions

54.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Data Compression and Image Processing Algorithms

71.90 $

see the detail
Rural Household Emission

82.90 $

see the detail
Effect of Physical Exercise and Yogic Practice on Dysmenorrhea

82.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Advancement in technologies with solar assisted systems

39.90 $

see the detail
Gasification of biomass; An alternative renewable Energy resource

39.90 $

see the detail

68.90 $

see the detail
Simulation and Modeling of solar panels/arrays in MATLAB

39.90 $

see the detail
Real Time Multi Object Detection and Tracking Using Deep Learning

39.90 $

see the detail
IOT Gateway Based Industrial Safety with System Vision

39.90 $

see the detail
Multi-Functional CNT Reinforced Honeycomb Sandwich Structures

54.90 $

see the detail
Solar Energy Development in Kenya

49.90 $

see the detail
Fundamentals of Information Technology

79.90 $

see the detail
Black book of Machine Learning and Deep Learning

54.90 $

see the detail
Harris Al Thamen wa Zawjatahu Al Sitt
هنري الثامن وزوجاته الست

2.00 $

see the detail
Mawsouat Al Ouloum Al Islamia wa Al Olamaa Al Mosslemine
موسوعة العلوم الإسلامية والعلماء المسلمين

7.00 $

see the detail
Madrasat al jassousat (Kussass al malayeen )
مدرسة الجاسوسات (قصص الملايين)

2.00 $

see the detail
النفط و السياسة

2.00 $

see the detail
Fertile Ground: Nutrient Trading’s Potential To Cost -Effectively Improve Water Quality

30.00 $

see the detail

Ibrahim al Yazigin l'homme et son oeuvre

8.00 $

see the detail

Etude géomorphologique de la région littorale du Liban

15.00 $

see the detail
alshajaa min ajl alwojood
الشجاعة من أجل الوجود

4.00 $

see the detail
zaazaat alasasat
زعزعة الأساسات

4.00 $

see the detail
almakan wa alsultah
المكان و السلطة

5.00 $

see the detail
madrasat frankfurt
مدرسة فرانكفورت

3.00 $

see the detail

la neige ecarlate

8.00 $

see the detail
L'autel monumental de Baalbek

99.00 $

see the detail
Le petit autel de Baalbek

49.00 $

see the detail
Flowers for Mrs Haris
أزهـار السـيدة هـاريس - (عربي /إنكليزي)

6.00 $

see the detail
50 Kassidat Hobb
50 قصيدة حب

3.00 $

see the detail
Ayouha atTa9en fi al Mowatt
أيهـا الطاعن في الموت

3.00 $

see the detail
al Hawa'e ashShagher
الهواء الشاغر

3.00 $

see the detail
Al Cinema bain al wahem wa al Hakkikah
السينما بين الوهم و الحقيقة

1.00 $

see the detail
al Othmanyoon fi Europpa
العثمانيون في أوروبا

5.00 $

see the detail
Al Mousika fi al Hadarah al Gharbieh min Asre al Younaneen
الموسيقى في الحضارة الغربية من عصر اليونان

3.00 $

see the detail
Khafaya nitham anNajem al Americky
خفايا نظام النجم الأمريكي

4.00 $

see the detail
Les langues à travers le SGAV
Institut de langues et de traduction

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
Al tilmith

2.00 $

see the detail
Al Marjee Fi Tarikh Attarbiyah
المرجع في تاريخ التربية - مجلد

12.00 $

see the detail
Thulathiyat New York
ثلاثيّة نيويورك

7.50 $

see the detail
Fi Bilad Alashyaa' Alakhira
في بلاد الأشياء الأخيرة

4.50 $

see the detail

4.00 $

see the detail
Al masouniyah

3.00 $

see the detail
Dimagh al insan
دماغ الإنسان

3.00 $

see the detail
Al laugha wal fiker
اللغة والفكر

3.00 $

see the detail
Phisiologiyat al wijdan
فيزيولوجية الوجدان

3.00 $

see the detail
Al wujoudiyah

3.00 $

see the detail
Bisharat Mariam
بشارة مريم

4.00 $

see the detail
Al kawnn

3.00 $

see the detail
The Balance of Paymentsof Lebanon 1951 and 1952

10.00 $

see the detail
black britain

28.00 $

see the detail
The Balance Of Payments of Lebanon, 1951 and 1952

1.00 $

see the detail
Conflict Resolution in the Arab World: Selected Essays (hc)

27.00 $

see the detail
Conflict Resolution in the Arab World: Selected Essays (pc)

15.00 $

see the detail
alharb wal ihtilal fil iraq: taqrir lilmounazzamat ghayr alhoukoumia
الحرب والاحتلال في العراق: تقرير للمنظمات غير الحكومية

8.00 $

see the detail
almamlaka alarabiaassaoudia filmizan: aliqtisad assiyasi wal moujtamaa washou'oun alkharijia
المملكة العربية السعودية في الميزان: الاقتصاد السياسي والمجتمع والشؤؤن الخارجية

25.00 $

see the detail
Exégèse coranique et langage maystique (français) Etude du dèvelopment du langage religieux , depuis les plus anciens commentaires du Coran jusqu'àNiffrai (IVes.)
التأويل القرآني و نشأة اللغة الصوفية ( فرنسي)

33.00 $

see the detail
Hikam Ibn Ata Allah ( arabe - Français) Textes , traduction et introduction avec notes par Paul Nwyia L'ouvrage comporte 3 partie : une introduction sur la naissance des Shadilites et de la littérature sentenciaire une édition critique et une traductio
حكم ابن عطاء الله ( عربي - فرنسي )

13.00 $

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Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
An Examination of the Behaviour of Stock Prices on Ex-Dividend Day

54.90 $

see the detail
Strategic Plan Implementation, Resource Utilization

71.90 $

see the detail
Training Needs of Heads of Department Towards Curriculum Effectivity

61.90 $

see the detail
Impact of School Physical Infrastructure on Learning Outcomes

82.90 $

see the detail
Enhancing the Information Security in Web Stegnography

43.90 $

see the detail
The Role of the Real Estate Sector in the Ecuadorian Economy

54.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
The Missing Orientation

21.90 $

see the detail
Fault Seal Breakdown Analysis in HP/HT Field

39.90 $

see the detail
Organizations Striving for Social and Financial Performance

76.90 $

see the detail
Logical Reasoning Abilities of Junior High School Students

54.90 $

see the detail
Accountability and Performance of Public Sector Organisation

43.90 $

see the detail
Competitiveness and business performance

39.90 $

see the detail
Gold panning in Côte d'Ivoire: the mechanisms of a local company

39.90 $

see the detail

37.90 $

see the detail
Behaviour and Analysis of a Novel Skew Flexible Concrete Arch Bridge

93.90 $

see the detail
Fat distribution assessment of adolescents in South-Eastern, Nigeria

54.90 $

see the detail
American Collective Morality in Question

60.90 $

see the detail
How to Answer Examination Questions

39.90 $

see the detail
The Evaluation of the Role of Communication as a Management Tool

39.90 $

see the detail
Adoption of IFRS and its effect on small states

89.90 $

see the detail
Management of competences and productivity of the company

39.90 $

see the detail
Ingredients Of Leadership

43.90 $

see the detail
The involvement of women in the North of Côte d'Ivoire

43.90 $

see the detail
Antecedents of Technology Adoption on Financial Inclusion

82.90 $

see the detail
Sustainable Practices in Industry

54.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
Accounting for Hospitality, Hotel & Catering

61.90 $

see the detail
Analysis of Examinations System for E-Learning

39.90 $

see the detail
Management of the Tuition Fee Free Policy

82.90 $

see the detail
Innovative Curriculum Reforms-Professionalization of Teacher Education

39.90 $

see the detail
The Assessment of Guidance & Counseling Services in Secondary Schools

39.90 $

see the detail
The Journey

21.90 $

see the detail
The Chinese Mediaeval Epic Poem

39.90 $

see the detail
The problem of teaching French for specific purposes

54.90 $

see the detail
Basic English Grammar for Schools and Colleges

61.90 $

see the detail
An Examination on the Doctrine of Adverse Possession, a Case Study of Kampala, Central Uganda

43.90 $

see the detail
Identity theft on communication networks

39.90 $

see the detail
Critique of the Rationale of Dismissal for Operational Requirements

65.90 $

see the detail
When an African thinks for the World

39.90 $

see the detail
The military skills of the Chief Executive

43.90 $

see the detail
Hits and misses for the youth in the 2021/2022 budgets

39.90 $

see the detail
Errant of the Power of the Head

21.90 $

see the detail
Programme of the elective course "World of Mathematics"

19.80 $

see the detail
Singularity Subtraction for Integral Problems

45.90 $

see the detail
Current Trends in Dental Implant Design

61.90 $

see the detail
The Healing Nature of Visionary Craniosacral Work

39.90 $

see the detail
Oil colour surface examination by means of 3D strip projection

79.90 $

see the detail
Addressing way finding techniques for virtually impared person

71.90 $

see the detail
Hand Book of Paediatric Oncology Nursing

43.90 $

see the detail
Participatory Theatre and Therapy

76.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Science and Religion in dialogue

21.90 $

see the detail
My Experiments With Common Sense

71.90 $

see the detail
Role of user-attitudes and Perceptions in Renewable Energy Adoption

43.90 $

see the detail
A Pragmatic Analysis of Face or Public Self-image:

43.90 $

see the detail
Building & Sustaining a Resilient EU Nursing Workforce & Healthcare

93.90 $

see the detail
The Diaspora in Nigeria-United Kingdom Relations

39.90 $

see the detail
The Negro, the My Nigga, and the African

50.90 $

see the detail
Algeria/Kosovo; the impossible comparison

54.90 $

see the detail
A Subjective Journey into This Era

107.90 $

see the detail
Activate Your Life's Potential

28.90 $

see the detail
The Essentials of John Locke

39.90 $

see the detail
The Perspective of Educator Motivation in Covid-19 Era and Beyond

40.90 $

see the detail
Sacrificial Servant Leader

36.90 $

see the detail
Never Imagine God

36.90 $

see the detail

49.90 $

see the detail
Opening Door of Destiny

21.90 $

see the detail
Victory at Last

21.90 $

see the detail

21.90 $

see the detail
The Manifestation of Biblical Community on Facebook

87.90 $

see the detail
Ezekiel 5:5-17 and Theodicy

98.90 $

see the detail
A journey of faith through the Gospel of John

39.90 $

see the detail
Theology and Mission

23.90 $

see the detail
Unfaithfulness among the Members of the Church in Africa (Kenya)

23.90 $

see the detail
Responsible Procreation

59.90 $

see the detail
Power of a Dream

31.90 $

see the detail
Theoretical investigation on magnetic behaviour in metal-based systems

61.90 $

see the detail
Deciding Bridge Location in Urban Areas

71.90 $

see the detail
Environmental and Socio-Economic Benefits of Soil Conservation

76.90 $

see the detail
Payment for Ecosystem Services in Uganda

39.90 $

see the detail

60.90 $

see the detail
Yida Refugee Camp in SUDAN

39.90 $

see the detail
Impacts of car wash activities on water quality

39.90 $

see the detail

23.90 $

see the detail
VLSI Architecture for System on Chip (SOC) for Image Compression

36.90 $

see the detail
Which Parts of Short Training Videos Generate the Most Attentiveness?

76.90 $

see the detail
Numerical simulation of porous debris bed under mixed convection

50.90 $

see the detail
Health in the territory: an approach to the Technical Efficiency of the Health System in Ecuador through DEA Data Envelopment Analysis

39.90 $

see the detail
An Investigation into Riserless Drilling Techniques

53.90 $

see the detail
Impacting Special Needs Students' Learning Through Multi-Voice Poetry

39.90 $

see the detail
Impacting Special Needs Students' Learning Through Multi-Voice Poetry

32.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
The Thyroid Gland and Its Peptides

26.90 $

see the detail
Research on Economic System: Republic of Congo

54.90 $

see the detail
Study on the morbidity of rotavirus diarrhea in children

35.90 $

see the detail
Gender & HIV AIDS, factors attributable to feminisation

49.90 $

see the detail
Logistics Challenges

43.90 $

see the detail
Scoping Study for existing financial access to youth in agribusiness

39.90 $

see the detail

60.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
The role of children in promoting their rights

54.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail

26.90 $

see the detail
Comparison of the Lichtenstein Hernioplasty and Bendavid Hernioplasty

39.90 $

see the detail
Monitoring morbidity and mortality of preventable childhood diseases

39.90 $

see the detail
Physiotherapeutic Protocols in Covid-19 Assistance

43.90 $

see the detail
Liver cancer in childhood

39.90 $

see the detail
Invasive Mechanical Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia - PAV

43.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
HIV/AIDS Prevention and Health Promotion

39.90 $

see the detail
Psidium guajava (guava)

39.90 $

see the detail
Descartes' philosophy

39.90 $

see the detail
Law, Economics, Sex, Money, Drink

41.90 $

see the detail
Civil disobedience, a rejuvenating cure

43.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Slope stability

43.90 $

see the detail
Study of the anatomo-pathological lesions of the tilapia and clarias sold

26.90 $

see the detail
Remote sensing and GIS for mapping water drilling areas

39.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Ecology, Local Management and Supply Chain Analysis of Priority Non-Ti

91.90 $

see the detail
Performance and Evolution of Basin Irrigation in Muvamba P-8 Marshland

39.90 $

see the detail
Milk Microbiology

45.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
The Artificial Intelligence in Education

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Patients' knowledge on the factors of occurrence of diabetes

35.90 $

see the detail
Generation of rainfall Intensity Duration Frequency (IDF) Curves

39.90 $

see the detail
Projecting greenhouse gases emission in Rwanda

39.90 $

see the detail
Literature review on rice threshers

39.90 $

see the detail
fi al A9akadd al Ijetima9ee
في العقد الأجتماعي

4.00 $

see the detail
Allah yatajala fi Assre al Ilem
الله يتجلى في عصر العلم

4.00 $

see the detail
Al hariba (Kussass al malayeen )
الهاربة (قصص الملايين)

2.00 $

see the detail
al Sharekh - Rihlah fi Qalab Israel
الشرخ - رحلة في قلب إسرائيل

4.00 $

see the detail
الرسم موهبة و علم السنة الأولى الابتدائية

2.00 $

see the detail
الرسم موهبة و علم السنة الثانية الابتدائية

2.00 $

see the detail
الرسم موهبة و علم السنة الثالثة الابتدائية

2.00 $

see the detail
الرسم موهبة و علم السنة الرابعة الابتدائية

2.00 $

see the detail
الرسم موهبة و علم السنة الخامسة الابتدائية

2.00 $

see the detail

استكشاف الموهوبين رياضيا

8.00 $

see the detail
Lascaris Al Arab
لاسكاريس العرب

4.00 $

see the detail
Al Suhyounia wa Al Sinema
الصهيونية والسينما

7.00 $

see the detail
Zouhour Al Kitab
ظهور الكتاب

8.00 $

see the detail
Al Assal Ghizaa wa Afia
العسل غذاء وعافية

4.00 $

see the detail
Daaem ilm Al Ijtemaa
دعائم علم الإجتماع

4.00 $

see the detail
Al Dolar (Tarikh Al Nizam Al Nakdi Al dowali )
الدولار ( تاريخ النظام النقدي الدولي )

8.00 $

see the detail
Bulletin D' Etudes Orientales-No. 48 De la traduction en arabe et en francais d'un texte d'Aristote. Le chapitre VII du Peri Hermeneias .
مجلة الدراسات الشرقية-العدد 48

48.00 $

see the detail
takawon alahwaa fil alhayat alijtimaieyah
تكون الأهواء في الحياة الاجتماعية

5.00 $

see the detail
frankenstein alostoura wal falsafah
فرانكنشتين الأسطورة و الفلسفة

3.00 $

see the detail
muqadimat fi ilm alnafs
مقدمات في علم النفس

3.00 $

see the detail
alqawed alhihah li alsolouk almihani
القواعد الصحيحة للسلوك المهني

3.00 $

see the detail
tarikh alfikr alsiyasi
تاريخ الفكر السياسي 1/2

15.00 $

see the detail
ilm alsiyasah
علم السياسة

8.00 $

see the detail
osool alfikr alyonani
أصول الفكر اليوناني

2.00 $

see the detail
zaradasht nitche
زرادشت نيتشة

3.00 $

see the detail
heigel wal mujtamaa
هيغل و المجتمع

3.00 $

see the detail
istiemal alhasibat madkhal ila ilm almanahij
استعمال الحاسبات مدخل الى علم المناهج

3.00 $

see the detail
alkhotowat aloula fi altahlil wal barmajah
الخطوات الأولى في التحليل و البرمجة

3.00 $

see the detail
kayfa tanjah fi kitabat bahthik
كيف تنجح في كتابة بحثك

2.00 $

see the detail

un siecle pour rien le moyen-orient arabe de l'empire ottoman a l'empire americain

8.00 $

see the detail
Mission Jean Bérard1953-55: la nécropole de Ktima

95.00 $

see the detail
Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie: les inscriptions forestières d'Hadrien dans le mont Liban

40.00 $

see the detail
Recherches sur les palais mésopotamiens de l'âge du bronze T.1

85.00 $

see the detail
Recherches sur les palais mésopotamiens de l'âge du bronze T.2

85.00 $

see the detail
Les céramiques monochromes lissées en Anatolie à l'époque du bronze ancien

99.00 $

see the detail
Halabiyya- Zenobia: place forte du limes orientale et la haute- Mésapotomie au VIe siècle I

60.00 $

see the detail
Hauran, I: recherches archéologiques sur la Syrie du Sud à l'époque héllinistique et romaine

33.00 $

see the detail
Hauran, I: recherches archéologiques sur la Syrie du Sud à l'époque héllinistique et romaine

33.00 $

see the detail
Halabiyya- Zenobia: place forte du limes orientale et la haute- Mésapotomie au VIe siècle 2

60.00 $

see the detail
Trésors du Wadi Dura

40.00 $

see the detail
Deir Déhès, Monastère d'Antiochène. Étude architecturale

40.00 $

see the detail
Mission archéologique de Mari

64.00 $

see the detail
Fouilles de Shabwa III Architecture et technique de construction

64.00 $

see the detail
Les notables de Palmyre

62.00 $

see the detail
Hauran, II: Les installations de Si '8, du sanctuaire à l'établissement viticole V.1: Texte

33.00 $

see the detail
Hauran, II: Les installations de Si '8, du sanctuaire à l'établissement viticole V.1: Planches

33.00 $

see the detail
Larsa, Travaux de 1987 et 1989

60.00 $

see the detail
La basse vallée de l'Euphrate syrien du néolithique à l'avènement de l'Islam V.1: texte

42.00 $

see the detail
La basse vallée de l'Euphrate syrien du néolithique à l'avènement de l'Islam V.2: Annexes

42.00 $

see the detail
Khirbet al Unibashi. Villages et campements de pasteurs dans le desert noir à l'âge de Bronze

56.00 $

see the detail
Photographies du Levant

21.00 $

see the detail
Histoire et patrimoine au musée de Suweida

26.00 $

see the detail
Inscriptions de Palmyre. Promenades épigraphiques dans la ville antique de Palmyre

21.00 $

see the detail
Fouilles de Shabwa II. Rapports préliminaires

64.00 $

see the detail
Al-sinâ'a al-lubnaniyya wa aswâq al-khalij al-'arabiyya

11.00 $

see the detail
Beyrouth, Grand-Beyrouth

20.00 $

see the detail
Les Palestines du Quotidien. Les éléctions de l'autonomie, janvier 1996

25.00 $

see the detail
Amman, ville et société

30.00 $

see the detail
Topographie de Beyrouth

10.00 $

see the detail
kaif tatakhalssin min al Qalaq
كيف تتخلصين من القلق

5.00 $

see the detail
Aux origines de l'archéologie aérienne
Presses de l'Universite' Saint-Joseph

40.00 $

see the detail
Livre d'Or (1883-1983) des Facultés des sciences medicales et de la Faculté des sciences infirmières

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
Un siècle de cooperation franco-libanaise au service des professions de la santé

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
Livre d'Or (1913-1993) des Facultés de droits,de sciences politiques et economiques

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
Livre d'Or (1919-1999) de la Faculté d'ingenierie

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
L'université Saint- Joseph et ses institutions
Publications périodiques

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
L'université de la cité
Discours du Recteru De L'USJ pronocés à L'Occasion de la Saint-Joseph

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
Terminologie de la Traduction
Institut de langues et de traduction

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
Traduction: la formation , les specialisations et la profession
Institut de langues et de traduction

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
L'enseignement pratique de la traduction
Institut de langues et de traduction

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
Al Maraa Al Muftaresa
المرأة المفترسة

4.00 $

see the detail

Enrichment Activities in school Mathematics for the second stage of Primary Education

Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail
al Maghreb al Arabi - al Insan wa al Majal
المغرب العربي - الانسان والمجال

12.00 $

see the detail
Inni Zaheb
اني ذاهب

6.00 $

see the detail

6.50 $

see the detail
Laughat al hasibat al electroniyah
لغة الحاسبات الالكترونية

3.00 $

see the detail

2.00 $

see the detail
Al mukhaila

3.00 $

see the detail
Elm nafs al walad
علم نفس الولد

3.00 $

see the detail
Al falsafa al kadimah
الفلسفة القديمة

3.00 $

see the detail
Ashark al adna al arabi
الشرق الأدنى العربي

3.00 $

see the detail
Al weratha Al insaniyah
الوراثة الانسانية

3.00 $

see the detail
Misr al kadima
مصر القديمة

3.00 $

see the detail
al thehiratiah

3.00 $

see the detail
Falsafat Al Hind
فلسفات الهند

3.00 $

see the detail
Al Deghauliyah

3.00 $

see the detail
Al la wai9i

3.00 $

see the detail
Al thakirah

3.00 $

see the detail
Tijarat al asliha
تجارة الأسلحة

3.00 $

see the detail
Al baye9e

3.00 $

see the detail
Kant wal Kantiyah
كانط والكانطية

3.00 $

see the detail
mawsouaat almitholojiya
موسوعة الميثولوجيا

15.00 $

see the detail
iliya abou chedid
ايليا ابو شديد

7.00 $

see the detail
alikhraj assahafi
الاخراج الصحافي

7.00 $

see the detail
qissat gharamayn
قصة غرامين

5.00 $

see the detail
ana wal kouyoub
انا والكتب

5.00 $

see the detail

5.00 $

see the detail
layla fi paris
ليلة في باريس

5.00 $

see the detail
sabi fittariq
صبي في الطريق

5.00 $

see the detail

5.00 $

see the detail
kayfa taktoub wa tousawiq nitajak
كيف تكتب وتسوق نتاجك

5.00 $

see the detail

2.00 $

see the detail
diwan jean raad
ديوان جان رعد

7.00 $

see the detail
almasaha assijil alaqari
المساحة سجل العقاري

30.00 $

see the detail
Gypsies: An Illustrated History

25.00 $

see the detail
An Annotated Bibliography of Books & Periodicals in English Dealing with Human Relations in the Arab States of the Middle East

1.00 $

see the detail
ounf allougha
عنف اللغة

16.00 $

see the detail
iaadat alintaj: fi sabil nazaria amma linasaq attaalim
إعادة الإنتاج: في سبيل نظرية عامة لنسق التعليم

14.00 $

see the detail
almoustanaa wal istinaa
المصطنع والاصطناع

8.00 $

see the detail
harb alloughat wassiyasat alloghawia
حرب اللغات والسياسات اللغوية

14.00 $

see the detail
tarikh ilm alfalak alqadim wal klasiki
تاريخ علم الفلك القديم و الكلاسيكي

8.00 $

see the detail
khitab fi assl attafawout wa fi ousousihi baynal bashar
خطاب في أصل التفاوت وفي أُسسه بين البشر

8.00 $

see the detail
alkounyawiya wal adam
الكينونة والعدم: بحث في الأنطولوجيا الفنومينولوجية

26.00 $

see the detail
eudipe wa asatirouhou
أوديب وأساطيره

8.00 $

see the detail
fil aqd alijtimaai aw mabade' alqanoun assiyasi
في العقد الاجتماعي أو مبادئ القانون السياسي

16.00 $

see the detail
attanzir fittarjama
التنظير في الترجمة

20.00 $

see the detail
aloustoura wal fikr indal younan
الأسطورة والفكر عند اليونان: دراسات في علم النفس التاريخي

42.00 $

see the detail

42.00 $

see the detail
asra atouna
اسرى التونا

7.00 $

see the detail
Histoire et institutions de l'Eglise arménienne Les grandes lignes de l'histoire de lEglise arm. , sa spiritualité et sa vie monastique
تاريخ الكنيسة الأرمنية و مؤسساتها ( فرنسي)

28.00 $

see the detail
Jubran fi al Mizan
جبران في الميزان

13.00 $

see the detail
Nitsche naby al mutafawwiq
نيتشة نبي المتفوق

7.00 $

see the detail
Ibn Khaldoun
ابن خلدون

4.50 $

see the detail
ابن رشد

4.50 $

see the detail
ابن سينا

4.50 $

see the detail
at tahafutan
ابن رشد و الغزالي - التهافتان

4.50 $

see the detail
Ibn Tufayl
ابن طفيل

4.50 $

see the detail
ابو العلاء المعري

4.50 $

see the detail
Ikhwan al Safa
إخوان الصفا

4.50 $

see the detail

4.50 $

see the detail

4.50 $

see the detail

4.50 $

see the detail
Usul al falsafa al arabiyya
أصول الفلسفة العربية

4.50 $

see the detail
Dalil ila qira'at tarikh al Kanisah
دليل الى قراءة تاريخ الكنيسة

8.00 $

see the detail
awfiya' (ombres)

3.50 $

see the detail
azzaman zalika annahhat
الزمان ذلك النحات (عربي)

4.00 $

see the detail


Price set by the publisher on demand

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
The transitory triumph of contemporary art

61.90 $

see the detail
Resilience of very small enterprises to large-scale crises in developing countries

87.90 $

see the detail
The Local Content Approach

39.90 $

see the detail
Minority-Owned Small Business Access to Financing

61.90 $

see the detail
Practical Guide to Banking Compliance

43.90 $

see the detail
The contribution of Umurenge SACCO in tackling financial exclusion

54.90 $

see the detail
Remidial Instructors' Experience in a Community College: A Case Study

54.90 $

see the detail
Role Of Transport Sector On Rwandan Economic Growth

39.90 $

see the detail
Cashless Payments as a Tool for Sustained Economic Growth

67.90 $

see the detail

76.90 $

see the detail
The Living Library

54.90 $

see the detail
Burundi Poverty Breakthrough Footsteps

39.90 $

see the detail
Understanding the social economy of the miserable "look at the DRcongo

82.90 $

see the detail
The Chinese Communist Party faces the test of the market economy and the illegal exploitation of minerals in the DRCongo

39.90 $

see the detail
Analysis of the determinants of economic growth in WAEMU and BRICS countries: a comparative study

39.90 $

see the detail
Microfinance and the challenges of rural finance in sub-Saharan Africa

39.90 $

see the detail
Africa Continental Development Blueprints

39.90 $

see the detail
Sustainable financing mechanisms of the International Commission

39.90 $

see the detail
Securing the Cameroon-CAR border

61.90 $

see the detail
Evaluation of the logistics system for ARV management

54.90 $

see the detail
Difficulties in accessing information and the safety of journalists

39.90 $

see the detail

21.90 $

see the detail
Unexpected training on identified palliative care beds

39.90 $

see the detail
Economic Growth and Air Pollution in Côte d'Ivoire

54.90 $

see the detail
Socio-economic determinants of child foster care (5-17 years)

39.90 $

see the detail

96.90 $

see the detail
The role of Container Transport System in the Economy of Landlocked Developing Countries

39.90 $

see the detail
Household in Smoke

39.90 $

see the detail
Obstacles to the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises

37.90 $

see the detail
Contribution of Monitoring Practices on NGOs Performance

39.90 $

see the detail
Strategic management of African companies

61.90 $

see the detail
African Cooperative Good Governance for Local Development

43.90 $

see the detail

60.90 $

see the detail
Guide & Compendium

39.90 $

see the detail
Sports marketing for amateur basketball clubs

39.90 $

see the detail

32.90 $

see the detail
The Contribution of E-commerce on Country’s Social, Economic Level

32.90 $

see the detail
Digital communication and the challenge of positioning SMEs

68.90 $

see the detail
Corporate Social Responsibility in Cameroon

54.90 $

see the detail
An Assessment of Monitoring and Evaluation on Project Performance:

54.90 $

see the detail
Easiest ways of financial record keeping for Projects and Businesses

54.90 $

see the detail
Competitive Barriers to Venturing in China Automotive Industry

60.90 $

see the detail
The effect of Tracnet use

39.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
The Teaching Condition

54.90 $

see the detail
Early schooling and learner achievement

54.90 $

see the detail
The Contribution of Secondary Schools Towards Environment Protection

39.90 $

see the detail

68.90 $

see the detail
Communicating in the English Classroom

39.90 $

see the detail
Succeeding in university studies

54.90 $

see the detail
Educational Management in Priority Education Zones (ZEP)

60.90 $

see the detail
Validation of an academic test

43.90 $

see the detail
The drifts of an intransigent education

43.90 $

see the detail
The religious phenomenon, seen from here and elsewhere

48.60 $

see the detail
The Trial of Osama Bin Laden

82.90 $

see the detail
Jean-Jacques Dessalines Words from Beyond the Grave

82.90 $

see the detail
Adolf Hitler

104.90 $

see the detail
Hirohito Guilty or Innocent

82.90 $

see the detail
Toussaint Louverture

82.90 $

see the detail
Japan’s Empire Disaster

108.90 $

see the detail
Toussaint Louverture

87.90 $

see the detail

87.90 $

see the detail
Arts, Science, Religions and the oversized human brain

39.90 $

see the detail
A famous but little-known work:

71.90 $

see the detail
Initiatory rites and political education

39.90 $

see the detail
Determiners in Siin Seereer

26.90 $

see the detail
The impact of women oppression on the societal destruction

39.90 $

see the detail
Principle of Empiricism and Transformational Grammar

39.90 $

see the detail
The adventurer in some novels

103.90 $

see the detail
Mongo Beti's writing work: transtextuality and intermediality

96.90 $

see the detail
Maritime and Transport Insurance facing the Risks of the XXI° century:

98.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Commercial operation of railways

76.90 $

see the detail
Recovery of Congolese companies and fight against poverty

39.90 $

see the detail
The Responsibility of Corporate Officers

60.90 $

see the detail
Good governance and the promotion of human rights

61.90 $

see the detail
The harmonization of business law in Africa through OHADA

54.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
Regulation of the Cameroonian electricity sector

54.90 $

see the detail
Jurisprudence in law

39.90 $

see the detail
The cause in contractual matters

39.90 $

see the detail
The environment of associations in Gabon: the case of law 35/62

39.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
The Law of the Defense

71.90 $

see the detail
Reparation of Harms Caused by Arbitrary Detention of the Acquitted Accused in Rwandan Law

39.90 $

see the detail
Computer law

54.90 $

see the detail
Judicial Independence and Impartiality of the International Criminal Tribunals

39.90 $

see the detail
Women's Political Involvement in the Democratic Republic of Congo

54.90 $

see the detail
The UN’s efforts to address the development of nuclear weapons by Iran

45.90 $

see the detail
Abusive Tax Planning in Canada

39.90 $

see the detail
Statistical analysis of the spatial distribution of fever in Burundi

54.90 $

see the detail
Mathematics for Physics: The implicit bogning functions & applications

46.90 $

see the detail
Needle Biopsy

39.90 $

see the detail
Neglected tropical parasitic diseases

43.90 $

see the detail
Indications for laparotomies in Bujumbura, Burundi:

54.90 $

see the detail
Cutaneous Ectoparasitosis

43.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
Tropical and travel medicine

43.90 $

see the detail
Anemia and heart disease in the tropics

43.90 $

see the detail
The Imperatives of Human Dignity

71.90 $

see the detail
The woman in the universal civilization

68.90 $

see the detail
Diploma without Science, a Social Scourge

39.90 $

see the detail
The Universalism of Logic

39.90 $

see the detail
EPAs and African Regional Integration

61.90 $

see the detail
Class struggle, trade unionism in the time of the coronavirus

26.90 $

see the detail

26.90 $

see the detail
Jean-Jacques Dessalines Words from beyond the grave

87.90 $

see the detail
Patrice Talon, the right man

54.90 $

see the detail
Human development challenges and reconciliation processes in West Africa

39.90 $

see the detail
Administrative modernization in Haiti

39.90 $

see the detail
What I can say about China's development

84.90 $

see the detail
Politicization of the Congolese Public Administration

79.90 $

see the detail
The conflict resolution in the DR Congo towards International peace

22.90 $

see the detail
Internship report at the UN Haiti/New York

39.90 $

see the detail
Behavior of Insurgent in Modern East Africa

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Peace and security, an unfinished business in Congo-Kinshasa

39.90 $

see the detail
Diplomacy through Culture

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Rethinking Politics

43.90 $

see the detail
The Chakras

37.90 $

see the detail
Developmental psychology

71.90 $

see the detail
Interview guide for family conflicts

43.90 $

see the detail
Prisoners convicted of rape in the Central Prison of Mpimba

43.90 $

see the detail
Main forms of expression of prayer

71.90 $

see the detail
Receive the Spirit of life

21.90 $

see the detail
Life, an essence wasted on disorder

54.90 $

see the detail
Diagnosis of contemporary Christian youth

61.90 $

see the detail
Vatican II and Sacraments

24.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Spirit Possession Makes Religion Possible

39.90 $

see the detail
The contribution of the ecumenical movement to politics and social services in Democratic Republic of Congo

71.90 $

see the detail
Yarkovsky Effect Of Online Archives Of Astronomical Imaging

76.90 $

see the detail
Problematic of eucalyptus in highland of South Kivu, eastern of the DRCongo

39.90 $

see the detail
Pachypodium (Apocynaceae)

61.90 $

see the detail
Comparative study of biofuel production yields

60.90 $

see the detail
Impact of pineapple cultivation on the development of Bonoua

61.90 $

see the detail
Household solid waste management (MSW) in Ngaliema

43.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
One Health Approach: Animal, Human, Environmental

71.90 $

see the detail
Involvement of local/indigenous communities in REDD+ projects

39.90 $

see the detail
Contribution of the tourism economy to the development of the city of

43.90 $

see the detail
The protection of Geographical Indications and Trademarks in Burundi

71.90 $

see the detail
Linkages between climate change and the use of woods biomass as a cooking alternative energy

39.90 $

see the detail
A critical look at the tourism sector in South Kivu Province

54.90 $

see the detail
State of the environment and health risks in Abobo (Ivory Coast)

87.90 $

see the detail
A history of the revival of fonio: IKONIin Benin

39.90 $

see the detail
Community involvement in land use planning

39.90 $

see the detail
Evaluation of agronomic parameters and genetic compatibility of beans

54.90 $

see the detail
Development opportunities in Kwilu Province, D.R. Congo

39.90 $

see the detail
Effect of different doses of NPK 17-17-17 on Irish potato production

39.90 $

see the detail
Study and Design of Solar Powered Economical Groundnut Decorticating and Separating Machine in Eastern Province of Rwanda

39.90 $

see the detail
One hundred questions of general agronomy and more...

39.90 $

see the detail
Can Sustainable Agriculture mean Agricultural Productivity?

24.90 $

see the detail
Undertakes in Poultry?

43.90 $

see the detail
World Atomic Physics invented in Moabi-Lu'ng

68.90 $

see the detail
Theoretical Physics in 7 lessons

87.90 $

see the detail
Elements of Analytical Mechanics and Quantum Physics

53.90 $

see the detail
The true foundations of modern physics

43.90 $

see the detail
Punu scientist teaches Einstein in Germany

60.90 $

see the detail
Conception of Twisting Satellite dispatching System (TSDS)

61.90 $

see the detail
Panoramic view of the evolution of sound broadcasting in the DRC

39.90 $

see the detail
The feeling of guilt

54.90 $

see the detail

71.90 $

see the detail
Issues of cultural marginalisation in Gabon

54.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
The archaeology of colonial buildings: the case of the city of Dabou

54.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Language and semiotic form

39.90 $

see the detail
Linguistic Communication and Trade Facilitation between Rwanda and DRC:

39.90 $

see the detail
The Contribution of Distance Learning on Country Development

32.90 $

see the detail
Lotka in a bibliographic and bibliometric study of books.

39.90 $

see the detail
Reforms of the Gabonese education system and its obstacles

61.90 $

see the detail
Media in Burundi

60.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
Robert Estivals and bibliology

43.90 $

see the detail
The Contribution of "Imenye Nawe” Radio Program on Education of Family

39.90 $

see the detail
An Introduction to the SOCIOLOGY of EDUCATION

37.90 $

see the detail
Impact of the NGO Vie Sauvage

39.90 $

see the detail
Determinants and impact of low citizen participation

39.90 $

see the detail
The persistence of armed conflicts

82.90 $

see the detail
Sociology and Institutional Analysis

68.90 $

see the detail
The practice of survival sex by underage girls in the care of the NGO Communauté Abel

61.90 $

see the detail
Social representations of the academic success/failure of Haitian students who arrived in Quebec

76.90 $

see the detail
The Anthropological Mutations of our Time

43.90 $

see the detail
Families and post-prison social reintegration in Burundi.

60.90 $

see the detail

61.90 $

see the detail
Bibliometric studies of two bibliographic samples

43.90 $

see the detail
Waste management and well water pollution in Parakou city

39.90 $

see the detail
Successfully completing a CRM project

39.90 $

see the detail
Design of household devices control system by smart phone and Arduino

39.90 $

see the detail
Factors Affecting Primary Cementing

39.90 $

see the detail
Uzbek fairy tales

26.90 $

see the detail
The PHILOSOPHY OF LAW from Enlightenment to the Contemporary Period

82.90 $

see the detail

21.90 $

see the detail
3D Bioprinting

71.90 $

see the detail
Structural Characterization of PVA/MgCl2 Solid Polymer Electrolytes

39.90 $

see the detail
Biological control of Fusarium wilt disease on tomato plant

61.90 $

see the detail
Aardappelschurfziekte en de bestrijding ervan

49.90 $

see the detail
Post Harvest Management and Technology of Turmeric

36.90 $

see the detail
Effect of Machining Parameters on Surfaces Roughness of CNC Milling

39.90 $

see the detail
Proceedings of Artificial Lives 2021

108.90 $

see the detail
Global Public Policies And Programs: Implications For Financing And Evaluation

52.00 $

see the detail
The Challenge of Rural Development in the EU accession Countries:Third World Bank/FAO EU Accession Workshop, World Bank Technical Paper 504

38.00 $

see the detail
Treasury Reference Model: World Bank Technical Paper 505

33.00 $

see the detail
World Bank Economists Forum

45.00 $

see the detail
Back From The Brink: Thailand's Response To The 1997 Economic Crisis

33.00 $

see the detail
Faith In Development: Partnership Between The World Bank And The Churches Of Africa

38.00 $

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Mexico: A Comprehensive Development Agenda for the New Era

96.00 $

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Non-bank Financial Institutions in developing countries

67.00 $

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Democracy, Market Economics, And Development:: An Asian Perspective

45.00 $

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Design and Appraisal of Rural Transport Infrastructure: Ensuring Basic Access for Rural Communities

33.00 $

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Household Welfare, The Labor Market, And Social Programs In Albania: World Bank Technical Paper 503

23.00 $

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Marketing In The Digital Age: Second Edition

74.00 $

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Institutional Environment and Public Officials' Performance in Guyana: World Bank Technical Paper 506.

33.00 $

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Bangladesh: The Experience And Perceptions Of Public Officials: World Bank Technical Paper 507

33.00 $

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Poverty Alleviation In Jordan: Lessons For The Future: Mena Regional Development Series

16.00 $

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Information Infrastructure: The World Bank Group's Experience

33.00 $

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monetary union IN west africa (escwas): is it desirable and how could it be achieved?

30.00 $

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Financial Markets, Credit Constraints, and Investment in Rural Romania, World Bank Technical Paper 499

33.00 $

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Malaria Vector Control Insecticides for Indoor Residual Spraying

16.00 $

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Bangladesh: Studies on the Social Dimension of Globalization ,2001

24.00 $

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Gender Mainstreaming In Legal And Constitutional Affairs.

27.00 $

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Hansel and Gretel

3.00 $

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Puss in Boots

3.00 $

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Ali Baba & the Forty Thieves

3.00 $

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Pied Piper

3.00 $

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Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs

3.00 $

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3.00 $

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3.00 $

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Sleeping Beauty

3.00 $

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Aladdin & the Magic Lamp

3.00 $

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Beauty and the Beast

3.00 $

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Little Red Riding Hood

3.00 $

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The Emperor New Clothes

3.00 $

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Sticker Fuc Encyclopedia Read and Learn

72.00 $

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HANDWRITING Teacher Book 3 - 6

10.00 $

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The Conservation and Preservation of Islamic Manuscripts 1
صيانة وحفظ المخطوطات الاسلامية (الطبعة الانجليزية)

22.00 $

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Zayed Al Moushaki (Sha'ran w Shahidan)
زيد الموشكي (شاعراً وشهيداً)

3.00 $

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Studies in the Islamic Exact Sciences

110.00 $

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the gcc and the arab revolutions, continuity or radical change?

24.00 $

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after zionism, one state for israel and palistine

15.50 $

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the arabic alphabet

11.00 $

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Poetry and History : The Value of Poetry in Reconstructing Arab History

40.00 $

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22.00 $

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10.00 $

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17.00 $

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258.00 $

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HANDWRITING Teacher Book 3 - 6

5.00 $

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أدولت وتقنيات الصيد البحري من خلال مقتنيات المتاحف الجزائرية

39.90 $

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31.90 $

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31.90 $

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31.90 $

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21.90 $

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81.90 $

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49.90 $

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21.90 $

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19.90 $

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64.90 $

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الفن النوبي و دوره في تكوين الهوية المصرية

35.90 $

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21.90 $

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49.90 $

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39.90 $

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مساهمة أخلاقيات مهنة التدقيق الداخلي في تحقيق جودة المعلومات المحاسبية

21.90 $

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التسويق التكتيكي والصناعة التأمينية

49.90 $

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الآثار الاقتصادية للاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر في المؤسسات العاملة في فلسطين

49.90 $

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احتراف تجارة العُملات: الفوركس

64.90 $

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أثر التدقيق الخارجي على جودة المعلومــة الماليــة

35.90 $

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21.90 $

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دور اعادة هندسة العمليات المصرفية في تحقيق الأداء الاستراتيجي

39.90 $

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فعالية المراجعة والرقابة الداخلية في حوكمة وحدات القطاع العام

64.90 $

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اثر التوريق في الازمة المالية العالمية لعام2008-دراسة تحليلية

49.90 $

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74.90 $

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واقع و آفاق سعر صرف الدينار الجزائري

55.90 $

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دراسات معاصرة في المراجعة الخارجية

39.90 $

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اَلْإِنْشَاءُ اَلْمُفْرِحُ

49.90 $

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مفاهيم النضج المهني واتخاذ القرار والاتجاه نحو التعليم المهني

35.90 $

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الاختبارات التحصيلية وطرق إعدادها

19.90 $

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الاستثمار الأمثل في تمويل التعليم

45.90 $

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تحليل أثر الزكاة على معدلات البطالة في الإقتصاد الحقيقي

35.90 $

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سلوك المستهلك اتجاه المنتوج المحلي واستراتيجيات تفعيل الطلب عليه

64.90 $

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تنمية التفكير النقدي لدى اطفال الرياض

35.90 $

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دور الطاقات المتجددة في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة

35.90 $

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الاقتصاد المعرفي

48.90 $

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أثر تقلبات أسعار البترول على التنمية الاقتصادية في الجزائر

21.90 $

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جودة الخدمة التأمينية وأثرها على رأسمال العلامة

23.90 $

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اقتصاديات الاحتباس الحراري - منظور صناعي

48.90 $

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النمو الاقتصادي و الفقر في الجزائر خلال آفاق 2025

54.90 $

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التنويع الدولي

54.90 $

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أداء المحفظة الدولية الخطرة المثلى

21.90 $

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التوسع في المعاملات المالية المختلف فيها

21.90 $

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سياسة تركية الخارجية مع العراق في ظل ادارة حزب العدالة والتنمية

21.90 $

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التصميم وأثره على ترشيد الطاقة للمباني

23.90 $

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تحليل الأعطال الميكانيكية بالمعولية

31.90 $

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إدارة وترشيد الطاقة في المنشآت الصحية

23.90 $

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الطاقة الشمسية : التجارب و المعوقات

31.90 $

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وعد الحالمَين

31.90 $

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المخاطر والأزمات في قطاع الكهرباء

31.90 $

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التحليل الاقتصادي الكلي

31.90 $

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هيئات المطابقـة في التشـريع المغربـي ومقومات الحكامـة

39.90 $

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أساسيات الري وإدارة ماء الحقل

81.90 $

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تخطيط التنمية السياحية في ليبيا دراسة في إقتصاديات السياحة

48.90 $

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Quranic Tajweed for beginners

21.90 $

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الألعاب اللُّغويَّة ودورها في تعليم اللُّغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها

21.90 $

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قياس الكفاءة التحصيلية للمصارف الزراعية

21.90 $

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اقتصاديات الموارد السمكية

79.90 $

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الصوت والايات المتعلقة به في القران الكريم

69.90 $

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صدمات السياسة النقدية Monetary Policy Shocks

79.90 $

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أثار تذبذب قيمة العملة المحلية على الاقتصاد

35.90 $

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مدخل للإقتصاد

64.90 $

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دوراللغة لتطوير الاعلام السياحي

35.90 $

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اسس ومبادىء المحاسبة المالية الجزء الاول

69.90 $

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التطبيب عن بعد

49.90 $

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الإصلاح الاقتصادي الجوانب المؤسساتية والتنمية المستدامة بالدول العربية

32.90 $

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قضايا التجارة الخارجية والتنمية في السودان

64.90 $

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نظام المعلومات التسويقية في المؤسسة

49.90 $

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الإرشادات الغذائية فى الصحة والمرض

74.90 $

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تقدير دوال الإنفاق الأستهلاكي العراقي لمسح ميزانية الأسرة

48.90 $

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متطلبات تطبيق الجودة الشاملة بالجامعة العمالية لتحقيق الاعتماد

54.90 $

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واقع أداء صناعة النقل البحري في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي والعراق

49.90 $

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ظـاهرة التسـرب الـنقدي التحليل النظري والتطبيقي :الـعـراق دراسـة حالة

23.90 $

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السياسة النقدية المثلى والاستقرار المالي :تحليل نظري وتطبيقي

31.90 $

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الثقافة العلمية متعددة الأبعاد على وفق مشروع الإصلاح التربوي 2061

48.90 $

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اقتصاديات النقل

44.90 $

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الشافي العي شرح مسند الشافعي

81.90 $

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أسئلة الترجمة ومقتضياتها

26.90 $

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سياسة التيسير الكمي : المفاهيم، التجارب والآثار

26.90 $

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الاستثمار الاجنبي المباشر والتجارة الدولية

74.90 $

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اتفاقية التجارة الحرة المقترحة بين مصر والولايات المتحدة الامريكية

84.90 $

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القيمة المضافة للمعرفة

64.90 $

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القيادة الجامعية المصرية بين الواقع والمستقبل

64.90 $

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تحسين جودة خدمة التعليم العالي باستخدام دالة نشر الجودة

49.90 $

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الاتصالات التنظيمية

55.90 $

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دور الجودة في تعزيز أبعاد المسؤولية الاجتماعية

21.90 $

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عملية البيع وإدارة المبيعات

21.90 $

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أنماط المرؤوسين وعلاقتها بأنماط القادة

31.90 $

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تأثيرات الخطأ البشري في المخاطر المصرفية والتحول الى المنظمة المتعلمة

48.90 $

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أثر نظام المعلومات الالكتروني على فعالية الاداء بمركز بنون السودان

31.90 $

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إعداد قيادات التغير التربوي للمناطق التنموية

39.90 $

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الفكر المقاولاتي

23.90 $

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مساهمة التوجه الريادي في تحقيق البراعة التنظيمية وتعزيزها

23.90 $

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Application of Integration Maintenance System in Berber Cement Company

23.90 $

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الذكاءات المتعددة في إدارة الأعمال

21.90 $

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الذكاءات المتعددة في إدارة الأعمال

21.90 $

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الاتصال التجاري و فعاليته في المؤسسة الاقتصادية

79.90 $

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إمكانية تبني إدارة الجودة الشاملة في جامعة بنغازي بليبيا

35.90 $

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تقييم واقع استخدام نظام المعلومات الصحي المحوسب في المستشفيات العمومية

28.90 $

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رأس المال الفكري

64.90 $

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تقنية التكلفة المستهدفة أداة لإدارة التكلفة الستراتيجية – دراسة تطبيقية

64.90 $

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الإبداع الإداري الطريق إلى ضمان الجودة والاعتماد

74.90 $

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تقويم نظام التأمين الصحي الإجتماعي في جمهورية مصر العربية

64.90 $

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المناخ التنظيمي وأثره في الرضا الوظيفي

35.90 $

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إدارة الخطر في ظل الميكانيزمات الحديثة لتسيير شركات التأمين

55.90 $

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أثر توظيف الإدارة الالكترونية في عمليات إدارة المعرفة-

54.90 $

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تخطيط موارد المؤسسة (ERP)

39.90 $

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الإبتكار التسويقي و أثره على تطور أداء المؤسسة الإقتصادية الجزائرية

53.90 $

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الاستراتيجيات الإشهارية في المؤسسات الاقتصادية

64.90 $

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التسويق البيئي

49.90 $

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مصادر القدرة التنافسية لمنظمات الاعمال

74.90 $

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إدارة الأزمات الناجمة عن لائحة عقــود مشروعات التشــييد

23.90 $

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الإسكان منخفض التكالیف

23.90 $

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البرامج الزمنية و مخاطر مشروعات التشييد

39.90 $

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الخرسانة المعدلة بالاضافات

23.90 $

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تطبيق نظام ضمان الجودة في مؤسسات التعليم العالي الجزائرية

74.90 $

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التوجهات الحديثة للمشاريع

24.90 $

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الطرق الكمية و إدارة المشاريع

24.90 $

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نظام المؤتمرات الالكتروني

35.90 $

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وزارة التربية الوطنية وإدماج تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات بالمدرسة

35.90 $

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ترتيب المؤسسات التعليمية وفقاً لتحليل مغلف البيانات

35.90 $

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نظام التراسل في مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي

23.90 $

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التحليل العددي بالماتلاب

58.90 $

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البوابة المكانية للجيواقتصادية

21.90 $

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خبرات المستخدم كمحدد لتطبيقات تكنولوجيا المعلومات في تصميم المنتجات

74.90 $

see the detail

دور نظم المعلومات في عملية اتخاذ القرارات الإدارية

55.90 $

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Mise en place de l’ENT de l’Université Sultan Moulay Slimane

49.90 $

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كفاءة الشبكات العصبية الاصطناعية في تشخيص مرض السكري

49.90 $

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تمييز المتكلم باستخدام الأصوات الذاتية كمجموعة صفات

49.90 $

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الذكاء الاصطناعي

22.90 $

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إستخدام أعضاء هيئة التدريس بكلية الآداب بجامعة النيلين لشبكة الإنترنت

49.90 $

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تصميم المترجمات باستخدام JAVACC

23.90 $

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Cross Language Plagiarism of Arabic-English Documents Using Linear Log

49.90 $

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Development of Telemedicine applications on Smartphones

48.90 $

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أساسيات و تطبيقات الماتلاب للمهندسين

49.90 $

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تصميم وتنفيذ موقع الكتروني لتوفير فرص عمل للعاطلين

21.90 $

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اساسيات البرمجة والأساليب الإحصائية باستعال لغة البرمجة R

64.90 $

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تأثیر راهبردهای آموزشی مبتنی بر نظریۀ هوش های چندگانه در آموزش ترکیبی

55.90 $

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power point 2013

35.90 $

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تطوير وحدة من كتاب الجغرافيا في ضوء برنامج سكامبر

39.90 $

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دليل تدريس التربية البيئية

23.90 $

see the detail

دور منظمات المجتمع المدني فى تطویر ممارسة الأنشطة اللاصفية في المدارس

60.90 $

see the detail

دليل الإعتماد الأكاديمي وضمان الجودة لمؤسسات التعليم العالي

48.90 $

see the detail

استراتيجيات تنفيذ المنهج

21.90 $

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برنامج علاجي مقترح لتخفيف درجة القلق والاكتئاب لدى الطفل الأصم

60.90 $

see the detail

متطلبات القيادة الشبكية في وزارة التربية والتعليم بغزة وسبل تعزيزها

44.90 $

see the detail

التعليم الالكتروني والتعلم عن بعد

31.90 $

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الإصلاحات التربوية والأسرة الجزائرية: واقع وآفاق

35.90 $

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الكتاب مهمون

27.90 $

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الصحة المدرسية في المدارس الابتدائية في دولة الكويت

49.90 $

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تصميم الاستبيان في البحوث الاجتماعية مبادئ نظرية وتطبيقات حاسوبية

69.90 $

see the detail

اسباب ومعالجة الضعف في التعبير الكتابي لطلاب شهادة البروفيه

36.90 $

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عالم الأوز

54.90 $

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فاعلية برامج القصة الحركية في تعلم المهارات الأساسية في رياضة السباحة

21.90 $

see the detail

المواقع الإلكترونية للطفولة وتربية الطفولة

54.90 $

see the detail

جامعة الطفل وتربية الإبداع

48.90 $

see the detail

تنمية العلاقات والمفاهيم التوبولوجية لطفل الروضة باستخدام مسرح الطفل

39.90 $

see the detail

تطوير مفاهيم الأطفال الدينية والاجتماعية

74.90 $

see the detail

برامج تنمية المخ البشري

64.90 $

see the detail

ثقافة الجودة لدى معلمي المرحلة الثانوية وطلابها

35.90 $

see the detail

تقنية الواقع المعزز للتعليم

35.90 $

see the detail

دليل المربي المختص في الاعاقة الذهنية

23.90 $

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إدمان التعامل مع الأجهزة الإلكترونية لدى الطفل -آثاره وسبل علاجه

48.90 $

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واقع الشراكة المجتمعية بين المدارس والمجتمع المحلي وسبل تطويرها

21.90 $

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المسئولية البيئية المستدامة بالمدارس الإيكولوجية في ضوء برامج ال FEE

54.90 $

see the detail

تقنيات وأدوات حديثة في البحوث الاجتماعية، النفسية والتربوية

48.90 $

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براديغم تكوين المكونين في المنظومة التربوية الجزائرية

48.90 $

see the detail

مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي وعملية صنع القرار التعليمي في مصر

54.90 $

see the detail

متطلبات تطوير ضوابط أخلاقيات البحث العلمي بالتطبيق على البحث التربوي

73.90 $

see the detail

التخطيط لتفعيل مؤشرات جودة الأداء الجامعي علي ضوء الخبرات الأجنبية

64.90 $

see the detail

فاعلية برامج التدريب المقدمة من وجهة نظر معلمي الجغرافيا

79.90 $

see the detail

اكتشاف ورعاية الموهوبين : سياسات وممارسات فى ضوء الخبرات العالمية

35.90 $

see the detail

مقدمة في علوم لغة الإشارة

31.90 $

see the detail

تطوير وحدات تعليمية في ضوء التربية الإعلامية في كتب التربية الوطنية

48.90 $

see the detail

جودة المقررات الإلكترونية

39.90 $

see the detail

دليل تدريب ألعاب المضمار والميدان الأكاديمي

84.90 $

see the detail

التعليم المتمايز

48.90 $

see the detail

الأجهزة المساعدة لذوي الإعاقة

23.90 $

see the detail

دراسة أهمية شواهد القبور الأثرية وطرق تنفيذها

21.90 $

see the detail

السياسة الداخلية لمملكة الفرنجة فى عهد الملك كلوتير الثانى 584-628م

35.90 $

see the detail

الفتح الاسلامي لبلاد المغرب 23-64 هـ

21.90 $

see the detail

هدية السلطان عبد الحميد الثانى من دفتر ذكريات العائلة 1876- 1909م

23.90 $

see the detail

على الغاياتي

48.90 $

see the detail

دور علماء الموالـي في الحركة الفكرية في الأندلس

48.90 $

see the detail

الاحلاف الدولية وقيام الحرب العالمية الاولى

35.90 $

see the detail

تاريخ فلسطين القديم بين روايات العهد القديم، والدراسات الحديثة

69.90 $

see the detail

الشيخ محمد الخالصي والمعارضة السياسية ضد الأسرة البهلوية 1921-1941م

35.90 $

see the detail

العلاقات العراقية اليوغسلافية 1958-1980

69.90 $

see the detail

العلاقات السياسية المصرية- التونسية (1956-1970) دراسة تاريخية

79.90 $

see the detail

دور كاستلري السياسي في اوربا 1812-1822

69.90 $

see the detail

صلاح الدين الأيوبي والعلم

23.90 $

see the detail

موقف المملكة العربية السعودية من التطورات السياسية في لبنان

48.90 $

see the detail

الجزائر في الحرب العالمية الثانية (1939-1945)

67.90 $

see the detail

أصول اللهجة الموصلية في اللغة العربية الفصحى

64.90 $

see the detail

القياس عند ابن الأنباري: دراسة لطرق استدلالاته بالقرآن الكريم

35.90 $

see the detail

مدخل إلى نحو اللغة التگرايت

35.90 $

see the detail

دروس في علم المصطلح

28.90 $

see the detail

طرق القياس المنطقي في الحديث النبوي درس نموذجي لطلبة المرحلة الجامعية

21.90 $

see the detail

ماريانا بينيدا

21.90 $

see the detail

الدُرر الفريدة في البلاغة الجديدة

21.90 $

see the detail

المثاقفة اللِّسانيَّة بين العربيَّة والأمازيغيَّة (القبائليَّة)

23.90 $

see the detail

أثر نظريَّة العامل في حوسبة اللُّغة العربيَّة

23.90 $

see the detail

معجم المصطلحات الخاصة بالتفسير وعلوم القرآن

60.90 $

see the detail

استراتيجيات تعلّم الثقافة العربية وتعليمها في برامج الدراسات الخارجية

35.90 $

see the detail

الإمام الحسين (ع) في الشعر المسيحي المعاصر

69.90 $

see the detail

المقدمات في النحو

64.90 $

see the detail

المقارنة بين آراء ابن مالك وابنه في المسائل الصرفية والنحوية

49.90 $

see the detail

الإبداع والهُويَّةُ عند أدباء البحيرة

35.90 $

see the detail

الفصيح في العامية الجزائرية- الأمثال الشعبية نموذجا- دراسة تأثيلية

23.90 $

see the detail

تنوع الأساليب التوجيهية في الخطاب النبوي

55.90 $

see the detail

الإعلامية في علم اللغة النصي دراسة تطبيقية في النص الأدبي الحديث

49.90 $

see the detail

ألفاظ الأذى والمرض والموت في القرآن الكريم

48.90 $

see the detail

أنماط النفي في اللغة الأمهرية

31.90 $

see the detail

هل يمكننا تحديد مفهوم المعيار المعجمي؟

21.90 $

see the detail

دراسات في العملية التعليمية وعلاقتها بالتفكُّر

24.90 $

see the detail

دلالة المكان في قصص وارد بدر السالم

35.90 $

see the detail

التوثيق السّردي وحضور الوعي في رواية ذاكرة معتقلة لبلال لونيس

39.90 $

see the detail

سحرية المحكي الفنتازي في ثلاثية حسن الجندي

31.90 $

see the detail

الأنساق والعتبات

23.90 $

see the detail

تعريفات العلوم وتحديدات الرسوم

21.90 $

see the detail

Translating Abu Jaber's "Arabian Jazz" from English into Arabic

23.90 $

see the detail

الترجمة والثقافة

43.90 $

see the detail

من وسائل التماسك النصي

21.90 $

see the detail

إثبات العقد الإلكتروني وحجيته في ظل عالم الأنترنت

39.90 $

see the detail

المشروطية في السياسات الخاصة بصندوق النقد الدولي و انعكاساتها

54.90 $

see the detail

حماية التراث الثقافي

69.90 $

see the detail

دليل الإجراءات العملية بالإدارة القضائية

74.90 $

see the detail

اثر استئجار الارحام على النسب

21.90 $

see the detail

قضايا الأسرة المعاصرة قرارات المجامع الفقهية وقوانين الأحوال الشخصية

64.90 $

see the detail

اتحاف المهرة بالقيم الأسرية النضرة

79.90 $

see the detail

لغة القانون

49.90 $

see the detail

واو العطف والقائلون في سورة يوسف عليه السلام -قراءة تفسيرية

55.90 $

see the detail

الحماية القانونية الدولية لحقوق الإنسان العراقي

21.90 $

see the detail

العقود و الاتفاقيات البترولية

39.90 $

see the detail

الضبط التشريعي لإستخدام الحكومة للقوة في مواجهة الاضطرابات العامة

48.90 $

see the detail

دور المؤسسات في التنمية الاقتصادية لبلدان مختارة مع إشارة إلى العراق

39.90 $

see the detail

مجموعة التشريعات الرياضية في جمهورية العراق

54.90 $

see the detail

دور الرسائل النصية في ابرام العقد وإثباته

35.90 $

see the detail

-البعد الاقتصادي للسياحة-حالة الجزائر

35.90 $

see the detail

اﻻقتصاد السياحي

55.90 $

see the detail

الفروع والنوافذ الإسلامية في البنوك التقليدية مع الإشارة لبعض التجارب

35.90 $

see the detail

تحليل مغلف البيانات:النظرية والتطبيقات

64.90 $

see the detail

المراة في التعابير الشعبية

49.90 $

see the detail

اثار الهجرة الدولية في البلدان العربية

74.90 $

see the detail

التنظيم التشريعي لممارسة مهنة العمل الاعلامي

69.90 $

see the detail

القصيدة الحديثة بين الغنائية والغموض

64.90 $

see the detail

التأديب في مجال التعليم في الفقه الإسلامي وتطبيقاته في المملكة العربية

35.90 $

see the detail

تاريخ الوقائع الاقتصادية في العالم

74.90 $

see the detail

السياسة المالية في العراق بين الاستدامة المالية ومتطلبات الاقتصاد

55.90 $

see the detail

أساسيات التنمية الإقتصادية

84.90 $

see the detail

أثر تدفق الاستثمار الأجنبي المباشر على التشغيل في الجزائر

79.90 $

see the detail


23.90 $

see the detail

عمتنا النخلة

23.90 $

see the detail

عوامل و روشهای تعیین خشکسالی دریاچه ارومیه با استفاده از شاخص های اند

24.90 $

see the detail

تصحيح وتحرير ما وقع من تصحيف وتحريف

71.90 $

see the detail

المسؤولية المدنية عن حوادث نقل الأشخاص بالسكك الحديدية

39.90 $

see the detail

كفاءة أداء الشركات المالية المدرجة بسوق المال الليبي

49.90 $

see the detail

منهج تفسير الحسن العسكري واتجاهه عرض ونقد

35.90 $

see the detail

تكامل لوبيغ

35.90 $

see the detail

قياس لوبيغ والدوال القابلة للقياس

35.90 $

see the detail

تكامل الدوال الحقيقية

35.90 $

see the detail

حول الحل العددي لنظام التفاعل-الانتشار مع تفاعل عكسي سريع

49.90 $

see the detail

بعض الدوال الخاصة وخصائصها

35.90 $

see the detail

وجود ووحدانية حل المعادلات التفاضلية العادية من الرتبة الأولى

35.90 $

see the detail

الفضاءات المترية و بعض المفاهيم التوبولوجية

35.90 $

see the detail

حساب التكاملات الثنائية و الثلاثية عدديا

49.90 $

see the detail

الجبر النيتروسوفي

35.90 $

see the detail

الوجيز في الجبر

35.90 $

see the detail

بحوث العمليات والطرق الامثلية

74.90 $

see the detail

فضاءات هلبرت

35.90 $

see the detail

اثر استعمال اسلوب العرض التركيبي لنظرية ميرل في التصميم التعليمي

28.90 $

see the detail

متسلسلة فورير

31.90 $

see the detail

حساب التكاملات الثنائية والثلاثية عددياً للفترات الجزئية غير المتساوية

23.90 $

see the detail

On Artin Cokernel of The Group Dnh When n is an Even Number

31.90 $

see the detail

تحسين خوارزمية Polak-Ribière للتدرج المترافق المهجنة

31.90 $

see the detail

المسلمات الانفصالية للفضاءات التوبولوجية

21.90 $

see the detail

طريقة اختيار الجينات عالية الأبعاد بالاعتماد على تحسين خوارزمية الخفافيش الثنائية

23.90 $

see the detail

Comportement asymptotique de quelques problèmes d'évolution

35.90 $

see the detail

المتتاليات و المتسلسلات و تطبيقاتها

39.90 $

see the detail

متسلسلات فورييه و تطبيقاتها

28.90 $

see the detail

متسلسلات القوى وتطبيقاتها

35.90 $

see the detail

تكامل الدوال الحقيقية على فترة مغلقة

28.90 $

see the detail

بعض خواص الفضاءات المعيارية

28.90 $

see the detail

المختصر في التحليل الكسري مدعم بتمارين

21.90 $

see the detail

استراتيجيات تحسين انتاجية المياه في حوض العاصي الأعلى

55.90 $

see the detail

تحقيق استقرارية وسائل اتصال الشبكة الخاصة المتنقلة في الزمن الحقيقي

55.90 $

see the detail

الرسم الهندسي باستخدام برنامج الاوتوكاد مع تطبيقات

35.90 $

see the detail

وصف طرق التصميم للتبليط المرن طويل الامد تحت تأثير الاحمال المرورية

35.90 $

see the detail

دراسة مختبرية لتبديد طاقة الجريان باستخدام الهدارات المدرجة

35.90 $

see the detail

كتاب اهتزازات ميكانيكية

39.90 $

see the detail

Attitudes and Awareness of Traffic Safety among Libyan Drivers

39.90 $

see the detail

Flow Induced Vibration

21.90 $

see the detail

سلوك القص لعتبات خرسانة المساحيق الفعالة المسلحة

23.90 $

see the detail

سلوك القص لعتبات خرسانة المساحيق الفعالة

23.90 $

see the detail

التحليل غير الخطي للبلاطات الخرسانية الليفية المسلحة

23.90 $

see the detail

التحليل الديناميكي للجسور الصندوقية المنحنية

31.90 $

see the detail

التصميم الزلزالي للمباني- المبادئ الأساسية

31.90 $

see the detail

مهندس المواد الخلفية العلمية وفرص العمل

48.90 $

see the detail

التحليل غير الخطي للسقوف الخرسانية الليفية المسلحة عالية المقاومة

31.90 $

see the detail

Experimental Investigation of Scour Downstream Combined Structures

69.90 $

see the detail

المواد الانشائية

49.90 $

see the detail

مبادئ هندسة الري والصرف

69.90 $

see the detail

مواضيع مختارة في الهندسة الميكانيكية

36.90 $

see the detail

التخطيط الحضري بحي الطليح - عطبرة

39.90 $

see the detail

إدارة وتخطيط التكلفة في مشاريع التشييد في السودان

31.90 $

see the detail

تقدير معدل الخسائر للنشاط التأمينى باستخدام نظرية الفئات الفازية

74.90 $

see the detail

Veneering Techniques and Materials of Zirconia Based Restorations

55.90 $

see the detail

Evaluation of oral rinse solution as a method of detection of Candida

55.90 $

see the detail

Dentoalveolar Compensation in Relation to Mild Skeletal Discrepancies

55.90 $

see the detail

Dietary Habits and Its Relationship to Caries Experience Among Prescho

49.90 $

see the detail

Lymphatic malformation of head and neck

35.90 $

see the detail

ترمیم زخم و گیاهان ترمیم کننده زخم در ایران

35.90 $

see the detail

التخلص الآمن من نفايات المنشآت الصحية: تداول آمن-بيئة آمنة

35.90 $

see the detail

استافیلوکوکوس ارئوس: بیماری ها و درمان های گیاهی

35.90 $

see the detail

التغيرات المظهرية والنسجية على المشيمة الناجمة عن الأمراض الشائعة

31.90 $

see the detail

تقييم الحالة المناعية لمرضى الربو

21.90 $

see the detail

هشاشة العظام

39.90 $

see the detail

الداء الزلاقي دراسة مختبرية لعينة من الاطفال العراقيين

21.90 $

see the detail

الفروق في مكونات الذاكرة العاملة

49.90 $

see the detail

تأثير هورموني الدرقية والتايروتروبن على مستلمات غدة التوثة

74.90 $

see the detail

دراسة مرضية عن داء الأبواغ الدقيقة في بعض الحيوانات المختبرية

69.90 $

see the detail

كيف نساعد الأطفال وأهاليهم في حالات الكوارث الإنسانية

64.90 $

see the detail

دراسة مقارنة لتأثير الستيكولين و الثيانين على مستويات الدوبامين و السيروتونين

69.90 $

see the detail

التأهيل الغذائي و الرياضي والسلوكي لمرضى قصور التروية القلبية

21.90 $

see the detail

رمز گشایی زبان چامسکی

48.90 $

see the detail

انت وطفلك وحساسية الطعام

23.90 $

see the detail

مرزنجوش و گل راعی: فیتومدیسین در ایران

35.90 $

see the detail

الاستجابة الدوائية لبعض المسدرات والمسكنات في أفراخ الدجاج المجهدة

64.90 $

see the detail

الدايفينهايدرامين والتسمم الحاد بالمركبات الفسفورية في أفراخ الدجاج

55.90 $

see the detail

دراسة تشخيصية لبعض مسببات الإسهال المعدية في العجول

32.90 $

see the detail

الإجهاد التأكسدي المحدث بجراثيم المكورات المعوية البرازية في السَّمّان

64.90 $

see the detail

هندسة تقوية الصوت

64.90 $

see the detail

معالجة صعوبات أداء مازوركا البيانو مصنف 50 عند كارول شيمانوفسكي

60.90 $

see the detail

هندسة تقوية الصوت

64.90 $

see the detail

الفلك في العراق القديم

31.90 $

see the detail

ضريح موسى بين أريحا ودمشق

48.90 $

see the detail

رسالتان حول مسائل لها أبعاد مقدسة

39.90 $

see the detail

التقدير الحصين لمعدلات الخصوبة والتنبوء بها لعام 2031 في العراق

64.90 $

see the detail

الفرد في القران الكريم

69.90 $

see the detail

تقدير قيم الفقد في وحدة القطع للحاصدتين

55.90 $

see the detail

موقف الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية من القضية الفلسطينية 1945-1949

64.90 $

see the detail

المجتمع والسلطة في الجزائر

49.90 $

see the detail

تطوير وحدة من كتاب التربية الوطنية والمدنية للصف العاشر

48.90 $

see the detail

عيون المها وعذوبة العشق

19.90 $

see the detail

التيلوروكراتيا المعقدة

21.90 $

see the detail

سياسات إدارة التنوع الإثني في المجتمعات التعددية

23.90 $

see the detail

تأثير مواد البناء ونظم الإنشاء على إقتصاديات مشروعات التشييد

31.90 $

see the detail

العنف والعنف المضاد في المنطقة العربية

23.90 $

see the detail

العلاقات الدولية قراءة لثوابت التغير في دول التغيير العربي

49.90 $

see the detail

في نقد الأحزاب الإسلامية في مصر بعد 2011

69.90 $

see the detail

الحراك الشعبي في العالم العربي كيف وإلى أين

69.90 $

see the detail

التحولات الأمنية في الاتحاد الأوروبي وانعكاساتها على دول المغرب العربي

74.90 $

see the detail

المدخل إلى كتابة البحث العلمي

35.90 $

see the detail

المدخل إلى كتابة البحث العلمي

35.90 $

see the detail

الاعلام المرئى والسلطة فى وقت الازمات

74.90 $

see the detail

مقدمة في علم السياسة والعلاقات الدولية

74.90 $

see the detail

مسألة الإصلاح الأمني بالمنطقة العربية

21.90 $

see the detail

السياسة الشرعية ودورها في الإصلاح الإداري

54.90 $

see the detail

الاسلام والعلم

74.90 $

see the detail

Impact of deinstitutionalization of mental health services on recovery

31.90 $

see the detail

العلاج بالتقبل والالتزام لمرضي الفصام الذين يعانون من هلاوس سمعية

21.90 $

see the detail

أثر الضوضاء في الذاكرة والعبء المعرفي لدى طلاب الجامعة

35.90 $

see the detail

العدوان نحو الذات

35.90 $

see the detail

التخطيط التربوي

69.90 $

see the detail

-دور التفاؤل في التقبل و الاندماج مع المرض المزمن -السكري

35.90 $

see the detail

سيكو باثولوجية الإخراج الضد اجتماعي لدى المراهق مدمن المخدرات

39.90 $

see the detail

مدیریت استرس "راه های مقابله با استرس"

31.90 $

see the detail

أنماط الشخصية الانيكرام والذات الأكاديمية لدى الطلبة المتميزين

48.90 $

see the detail

اللاجئون السوريون بين المطرقة والسندان

48.90 $

see the detail

تنمية المفاهيم التاريخية لاطفال الروضة

21.90 $

see the detail

واقع استراتيجية نموذج المعرفة السابقة والمكتسبة في عملية االتدريس

48.90 $

see the detail

الطفل الأصغر شخصية مميزة

31.90 $

see the detail

أدمان الصور الذاتية السيلفي واضطراب الشخصية النرجسية لدى الطلبة

21.90 $

see the detail

مدخل إلى علم النفس

74.90 $

see the detail

الطمأنينة وعلاقتها بزيارة المراقد المقدسة

35.90 $

see the detail

أسس الارشاد النفسي وتطبيقاته

69.90 $

see the detail

مبادئ الشخصية ونظرياتها

64.90 $

see the detail

أساسيات مناهج البحث في علم النفس

64.90 $

see the detail

لآلئ الطاقة الإيجابية

69.90 $

see the detail

الحوار الاسري وعلاقته بسمو الذات لدى تلامذة المرحلة الابتدائية

35.90 $

see the detail

سلوك المماطلة كيف يمكن التنبؤ بحدوثه لدى الشباب؟

35.90 $

see the detail

العلاج العقلاني الانفعالي وتصحيح الأفكار الخاطئة

48.90 $

see the detail

الحياة بعد الصدمة

54.90 $

see the detail

أساليب الســـــلوك التكيّفي

24.90 $

see the detail

الارشاد النفسي

39.90 $

see the detail

نظريات الشخصية والعلاج النفسي

79.90 $

see the detail

القرآن الكريم والتربية الراقية

69.90 $

see the detail

جغرافية الكتاب المقدس

64.90 $

see the detail

المسيحية في إفريقيا

48.90 $

see the detail

الإدارة العامة ودورها في مواجهة التحديات التي تواجه الحج

48.90 $

see the detail

سؤال المنهج في العلوم الشرعية

60.90 $

see the detail

حكم بناء كنائس النصارى في بلاد المسلمين

35.90 $

see the detail

القرآن والمجتمع الإسلامي

69.90 $

see the detail

الانجيل تاريخه وما بقي من اخباره و مواعظه

64.90 $

see the detail

الانحراف العقدي للمسيحية بعد المسيح عيسى عليه السلام

23.90 $

see the detail

سياسات ومناهج التعليم الزراعي في الجمهورية اليمنية

49.90 $

see the detail

قره قوش بخديدا تاريخ وحضارة الى الزوال

69.90 $

see the detail

البيئة الافتراضية لتدريس مقرر القرآن وعلومه

35.90 $

see the detail

سلوك قص العتبات الخرسانية الخفيفة والمقواة بألياف الكربون

55.90 $

see the detail

تأثير درجات الحرارة العالية على الخلطات الخرسانية المختلفة

55.90 $

see the detail

سورة الفاتحة

21.90 $

see the detail

الملل اليهودية المعاصرة

21.90 $

see the detail

الاجهاد التأكسدي والسمنة وفصل لإنزيم كلوتاثايون بيروكسديز لدى العقيمات

49.90 $

see the detail

تقدير متبقيات مبيد اميداكلوروبرايد في بعض الفواكه والخضر ودراسة سميته

39.90 $

see the detail

تأثير التغليف بصفائح الألياف الزجاجية على قابلية الانثناء والقص للأعضاء الخرسانية

23.90 $

see the detail

Estrogen receptor alpha gene polymorphisms and metabolic syndrome

55.90 $

see the detail

دراسة لإنتاج أوساط غذائية زرعية ميكروبية من مصادر نباتية

55.90 $

see the detail

دور الطحالب في المعالجة الحيوية

64.90 $

see the detail

فعالية بروتينات حليب الابل العراقية في قتل خلايا السرطان

64.90 $

see the detail

تأثير الرمان على تصلب الشرايين

64.90 $

see the detail

فسيولوجيا الجهاز العصبى ‏وأعضاء الحس

49.90 $

see the detail

حديقة حيوانات بغداد

23.90 $

see the detail

نظم إنتاج الإستزراع المائي

53.90 $

see the detail

الحشرات ذات الأهمية الطبية والبيطرية

69.90 $

see the detail

تأثير التهاب المفاصل في بعض معايير الدم لدى النساء في محافظة النجف

49.90 $

see the detail

The effect of vitamin C and curcumin against malathion toxicity

55.90 $

see the detail

The prognostic factors effect on outcome intrauterine insemination

36.90 $

see the detail

التاثيرالكيميائي لنبات السيسبان على حياتية حشرة خنفساء اللوبيا

49.90 $

see the detail

أستنباط أوساط زرعية محلية لتنمية وانتاج الفطر المحارى

49.90 $

see the detail

عزل مادة بروتينية من مرضى الهزال السرطاني مع دراسة قابليتها المناعية

35.90 $

see the detail

مقارنة عزلات مختلفة من الفطر Rhizoctonai بأستخدام تقنيات الوراثة الجز

55.90 $

see the detail

حساسية وخصوصية الطرق المناعية والجزيئية في تشخيص داء المقوسات القندية

49.90 $

see the detail

اللغة في ضوء اللسانيات البيولوجية والعصبية

21.90 $

see the detail

معاملة تبن الشعير بالفطر ترايكوديرما وخميرة الخبز والمعزز الحيوي

49.90 $

see the detail

شجرة البطوم

31.90 $

see the detail

المكافحة الحيوية لعثة الجريش (الانجوموا) Sitotroga cerealella

23.90 $

see the detail

دراسة صفة تحمل الملوحة في المزارع النسيجية لنبات الفلفل C. annuum

23.90 $

see the detail

أساسيات وتطبيقات الاستشعاع اليخضوري في علم النبات

48.90 $

see the detail

مرض لفحة الأسكوكيتا على الحمص في سورية

55.90 $

see the detail

مركبات حلقيةغيرالمتجانسة المشتقة من البنزوترايازول وتأثيرها بايلوجياً

55.90 $

see the detail

Electron-Transfer Kinetic Reactions of Binary & Ternary Complexes

39.90 $

see the detail

تخفيض تركيزعنصرالفلوريد في مياه الشرب بمنطقة وادي سوف بطريقة الترسيب

23.90 $

see the detail

التحرر المسيطر عليه لدوائي الاتينولول والسيبروفلوكساسين

23.90 $

see the detail

Electrocoagulation of herbicides in aqueous solutions using electrodes

55.90 $

see the detail

توليد الهيدروجين وتخزينه في الكيمياء ؛ في إرجاع الوظائف العضوية

21.90 $

see the detail

التفكك الضوئي لمتعدد (كلوريد الفينايل)

21.90 $

see the detail

مفهوم وطرق الإرجاع في الكيمياء العضوية

23.90 $

see the detail

المحاكاة الذرية بين مركب الليمون و متراكب البيتاسيكلوديكسترين

21.90 $

see the detail

النمذَجة الجزيئية لمركب الأللين "الثوم" مع معقد البيتاسيكلوديكسترين

21.90 $

see the detail

الأسفلت كيميائيـــــاً

21.90 $

see the detail

رسوبية وطباقية تكويني انجانة والمقدادية في زاخو وعين سفني شمال العراق

48.90 $

see the detail

دور التشريعات في الارتقاء بالبيئة العمرانية للمناطق العشوائية

49.90 $

see the detail

مصادر و توزيع المركبات الاروماتية متعددة الحلقات

64.90 $

see the detail

متبقيات بعض المبيدات الحشرية في مياه ورواسب وأحياء من مناطق هور الحمار

74.90 $

see the detail

الغـــذاء كعلاج ودواء للإنسان

35.90 $

see the detail

التكوين النوعي للهائمات النباتية في شط العرب

39.90 $

see the detail

قياس تركيز غاز الرادون المشع في الماء لمدارس مدينة الحلة

21.90 $

see the detail

التلوث البيئي وتأثيره على النبات والانسان

31.90 $

see the detail

المعالجه الحيويه لمياه الصرف الصحي لمدينة تكريت

39.90 $

see the detail

التلوث الصناعي

23.90 $

see the detail

القاتل الصامت وأثره على البيئة

23.90 $

see the detail

Ecology and adaptive responses of some Hydrophytes in Ismailia, Egypt

79.90 $

see the detail

استخدام المرشح الرملي البطيء في أزالة العكورة من مياه نهر دجلة

49.90 $

see the detail

تلوث التربة بالعناصر الثقيلة والمشعة

23.90 $

see the detail

مياه الأهوار بين الواقع والطموح

39.90 $

see the detail

الإشارات العلمية حول الضوء في القرآن الكريم

23.90 $

see the detail

مختبر كهرومغناطيسية

31.90 $

see the detail

فيزياء الليزر

39.90 $

see the detail

البهارات كمضادات للبكتيريا

35.90 $

see the detail

النباتات السامة في منطقة القصيم، المملكة العربية السعودية

33.90 $

see the detail

الجينوم دراسة وتحليل

48.90 $

see the detail

Heterosis, Combining Ability Breeding In Cotton

64.90 $

see the detail

البايلوجي الجزيئي بشكل مبسط

84.90 $

see the detail

دليل الوراثة الكمية وتقنيات الإحصاء الحيوي في تربية النبات

79.90 $

see the detail

تثبيط الفعالية التطفيرية للسايكلوفوسفومايد باستخدام مستخلص عرق السوس

64.90 $

see the detail

الاساليب المتقدمة في كتابة البحوث العلمية ( الجغرافية )

79.90 $

see the detail

مشاريع تربية وإنتاج الدواجن في محافظة بغداد

64.90 $

see the detail

توظيف نظم المعلومات الجغرافية والاستشعار في التقييم الكمي للتعرية

31.90 $

see the detail

جغرافية ليبيا

39.90 $

see the detail

دراسات بحثية وأوراق عمل أكاديمية فى إقتصاديات السكان

55.90 $

see the detail

جغرافية ليبيا السياحية

49.90 $

see the detail

الجمهوريات الاسلامية في آسيا الوسطى وأذربيجان وجمهوريات روسيا الاتحادية

40.90 $

see the detail

جُغرافيَة الأراضي الجَافَّة والقَاحِلة

69.90 $

see the detail

الجيولوجيا التركيبية

60.90 $

see the detail

تأثير نوعية المياه والمادة العضوية في ادارة الترب الجبسية

64.90 $

see the detail

التفقيس وأدارة المفاقس

64.90 $

see the detail

التحري عن مسبب مرض التقزم والاصفرار لمحصول الباذنجان في البيوت المحمية

49.90 $

see the detail

تمكين المرأة الريفية عبر الجمعيات النسوية لإنتاج وتسويق الصمغ العربي

35.90 $

see the detail

الدليل التسويقي للتمور

55.90 $

see the detail

استخدام تقنية النانو في صناعة الدواجن

31.90 $

see the detail

تأثير موعد و أسلوب الفطر المحاري تحت ظروف التبريد الصحراوي

48.90 $

see the detail

Evaluation Of Some Propeties Of Red And Brow

55.90 $

see the detail

دراسة تأثير المعاملات الأولية في حفظ الجزر والفاصولياء المجمدة

35.90 $

see the detail

اسس التعبئة والتغليف

69.90 $

see the detail

تقييم وتوصيف بعض الطرز الوراثية للذرة الصفراء

64.90 $

see the detail

دراسات حول الفطر المحاري الملك وفطر الشتاء

64.90 $

see the detail

تحليل المسار بين المؤشرات الزراعية لطرز وراثية من الحنطة في العراق

55.90 $

see the detail

تحليل التباين بين طرز وراثية من الحنطة الناعمة جنوب العراق

49.90 $

see the detail

مقاومة المواد الهندسية

48.90 $

see the detail

دور الهيئة السودانية للمواصفات والمقاييس في اختبار جودة الحديد

23.90 $

see the detail

كتاب ميكانيكا المواد الجزء الأول

23.90 $

see the detail

المعالجة الحيوية للعناصر الثقيلة بأستخدام البكتريا

23.90 $

see the detail

التحري عن أضداد جرثومة الملتوية البوابية لدى مرضى الشكايات الهضمية

21.90 $

see the detail

دراسة تأثير المستخلص المائي لنباتي بدور الكتان وأوراق التوت الأبيض ضد الأنواع البكتيرية من المصابين بالتهاب غدة البرستات

36.90 $

see the detail

انتاج حامض الكوجيك من الفطريات الخيطية

55.90 $

see the detail

البكتيريا المسببة للأمراض

26.90 $

see the detail

توظيف انموذج ظواهري لتوصيف انبعاث جسيمات الفا لنوى زوجية- زوجية ثقيلة

35.90 $

see the detail

تحيد قدرة بعض مواد البناء على توهين أشعة كاما لاستعمالها كدروع

49.90 $

see the detail

النشاط الإشعاعي الطبيعي في النباتات الطبية

31.90 $

see the detail

الالكترونيات العملية

21.90 $

see the detail

التحليل الديناميكي للصفائح باستخدام طريقة الطبقة المحددة

23.90 $

see the detail

Mécanique Quantique

54.90 $

see the detail

فيزياء الجوامد

36.90 $

see the detail

دراسة وحساب الخصائص الطيفية والحرارية لاشباه الموصلات

49.90 $

see the detail

فيزياء البلازما وتطبيقاتها لطلاب العلوم والهندسة

48.90 $

see the detail

اساسيات الهندسة الحرارية

41.90 $

see the detail

تحضير ودراسـة أغشية ZnO:Mn

21.90 $

see the detail

مفردات أسماء الحيوانات في كتاب "الحيوان" للجاحظ

48.90 $

see the detail

تربية البط و الإوز

23.90 $

see the detail

عالم البط

64.90 $

see the detail

مزارع الأرانب

84.90 $

see the detail

اثر المعزز الحيوي العراقي في الاداء الانتاجي والفسلجي لطائر السلوى

35.90 $

see the detail

حديقة حيوانات بغداد

39.90 $

see the detail

قصص خرافية من اسكتلندا

23.90 $

see the detail

قصص قصيرة للأطفال

21.90 $

see the detail

الموروث الثقافي وأشكال التعبيرالغنائي بمنطقة قورارة

21.90 $

see the detail

اغرب الامراض النفسية

21.90 $

see the detail

الصحة النفسية والمرض النفسي

74.90 $

see the detail

الوحده عند فاطمه ناعوت

21.90 $

see the detail

الأمن التربوى المصرى

64.90 $

see the detail

نحو بيئة تربوية آمنة

49.90 $

see the detail

الريادية في الصحافة الإلكترونية الفلسطينية

35.90 $

see the detail

رمزية التمثلات والتمظهرات التعبيرية لشفرتي الطقوس والحلي

74.90 $

see the detail

أثر تطبيق التسويق الداخلي في الالتزام التنظيمي

21.90 $

see the detail

التدريب و أثره في تحقيق الميزة التنافسية بالمؤسسة الاقتصادية

48.90 $

see the detail

التواجد الرقمي لمكتبات الجامعات العربية عبر خدماتها المعلوماتية

60.90 $

see the detail

تنمية الموارد البشرية

23.90 $

see the detail

الزمن النحوي في العربية

21.90 $

see the detail

قاموس المصطلحات الإعلامية

48.90 $

see the detail

الصحافة الالكترونية

48.90 $

see the detail

مستقبل الصحافة الورقية في ظل تحديات القرن الواحد والعشرين

48.90 $

see the detail

القارئ العادي

48.90 $

see the detail

لمحات إنسانية من الحياة المصرية

49.90 $

see the detail

أثر برامج التكيف الإستراتيجي في قدرة المنظمة على إدارة الأزمات

64.90 $

see the detail

سُورَةُ البَلَدِ دِرَاسَةٌ دَلَالِيَّةٌ

35.90 $

see the detail

الذكاء السائل والمتبلور

64.90 $

see the detail

علة تضعيف الراوي في شيخ معين دراسة ورقاء بن عمر عن منصور بن المعتمر

35.90 $

see the detail

نظريات المنظمة

69.90 $

see the detail

تجارب التنمية الإنسانية في دول إسلامية

74.90 $

see the detail

التاريخ الثقافي للنخبة في الجزائر

64.90 $

see the detail

المفهوم اللغوي والبعد العلمي في الرؤية الشرعية للاهلة

35.90 $

see the detail

واقع ممارسات أمن المعلومات في المكتبة الرئيسة بجامعة السلطان قابوس

64.90 $

see the detail

العنف الطلابي في الجامعات السودانية

35.90 $

see the detail

أعلام رواة أحاديث المختار من كنوز السنة النبوية

35.90 $

see the detail

حقيبة محوسبة لتنمية مهارات التمثيل في الرياضيات

69.90 $

see the detail

الزواج المبكر في العراق

35.90 $

see the detail

الإخراج الصحفي في صحافة الأطفال مجلة المزمار انموذجا

35.90 $

see the detail

مدخل إلى الإنتاج الإذاعي

35.90 $

see the detail

اتجاهات الاساتذة نحو تدريس مادة الرياضيات وفق المقاربة بالكفاءات

35.90 $

see the detail

تلقي الخطاب الديني في مصر

79.90 $

see the detail


48.90 $

see the detail

صناعة البطاريات السائلة

23.90 $

see the detail

قضايا في أسلمة العلوم الاجتماعية علم الاجتماع أنموذجا

39.90 $

see the detail

الدخيل أو التشاؤم

21.90 $

see the detail

الأداء الوظيفى وبيئة العمل

54.90 $

see the detail

وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والسياسة والدولة

54.90 $

see the detail

أثر تمكين العاملين في تحسين الأداء الاجتماعي للمؤسسات الاستشفائية

89.90 $

see the detail

تقدير خطر سعر الصرف في المؤسسة الإقتصادية

64.90 $

see the detail

جاهزية نظم اصلاح الخدمة واثرها في استجابة الزبون

69.90 $

see the detail

الحركات الاجتماعية عبر التخصصات البينية

73.90 $

see the detail

أثر الصراع على الموارد الطبيعية في نزاع دارفور (السودان)

35.90 $

see the detail

أسس ومبادئ علم التدريب الرياضي

69.90 $

see the detail

الإنتقاء والتوجيه الرياضي القاعدي على ضوء تكنولوجيا المعلومات

79.90 $

see the detail

التدريب بالأثقال في كرة القدم

69.90 $

see the detail

تحديد مستويات معيارية لبعض المحددات لاختيار لاعبي كرة القدم

74.90 $

see the detail

مدخل الى العروض والمهرجانات الرياضية

48.90 $

see the detail

تأثير التمارين البدنية باستخدام الاوزان الاضافية لاطفال الوزن الزائد

23.90 $

see the detail

توجيهات ميدانية في كرة اليد

23.90 $

see the detail

أثر توظيف الوسائط المتعددة على تعلم بعض المهارات الأساسية في كرة السلة

23.90 $

see the detail

القواعد العامة لتنظيم منافسات رياضة بناء الأجسام وكيفية الاشتراك فيها

23.90 $

see the detail

مقاربة نفسية معرفية للعلاقة بين العقل والجسد

48.90 $

see the detail

حراسة مرمى كرة القدم: الصفات البدنية والمهارية

23.90 $

see the detail

استخدامات أساليب التدريـس الحديثة في تعليم رياضة الوثب الطويل

48.90 $

see the detail

إنتاج علمي الدكتورة هند عبدالرازق متولي سليمان

79.90 $

see the detail

الباركود في أطار تطوير منظومة التعليم و العملية التعليمية في التربية

49.90 $

see the detail

قلق المستقبل للرياضيين

35.90 $

see the detail

التسهيلات للمستقبلات الحسية العضلية (P.N.F) بين التأهيل والتدريب

35.90 $

see the detail

القياس والتقويم في المجال الرياضي

31.90 $

see the detail

أثر استراتيجية التعارض المعرفي في التفكير التصميمي

48.90 $

see the detail

منهجية تدريب الناشئين في كرة القدم

48.90 $

see the detail

تأثير برنامج علاجي طبيعي و فيزيائي على حالة الام اسفل الظهر الحادة

23.90 $

see the detail

الميكانيكا الحيوية في المجال الرياضي

39.90 $

see the detail

طريقة التدريب التبادلي في تطوير النظام اللاهوائي والهوائي

54.90 $

see the detail

طرائق وأساليب التدريس والتدريب

39.90 $

see the detail

برنامج رياضي – حمية غذائية مقترح للتقليل من مضاعفات مرض السكري فئة (12-16) سنة

21.90 $

see the detail

التدريب الرياضي في كرة اليد لصنف أقل من 19 سنة

53.90 $

see the detail

Intensity Noise Reduction Using a Gain Saturated SOA

35.90 $

see the detail

شخصيات لا نعرفها في عالم الطيران

19.90 $

see the detail

Learn AutoCAD 2014

23.90 $

see the detail

المواد السيراميكية

89.90 $

see the detail

أساسيات ميكانيكا الموائع

98.90 $

see the detail

أسباب وآثار التحولات الحضرية في مدينة نابلس

31.90 $

see the detail

فلسفه تغییر حالت و نگاره فارسی

48.90 $

see the detail

علم هندسة البيئة العملية

90.90 $

see the detail

الآت التدفق غير الانضغاطي

89.90 $

see the detail

البيئة الخضراء المستدامة

49.90 $

see the detail

تقنيات بحث أجيال الويب واسترجاعها

23.90 $

see the detail

ازالة الكولسترول والدهون من اللحوم بتقنية ثاني اوكسيد الكاربون فوق الحرج

64.90 $

see the detail

العمليات والتحكم في الصناعة البتروكيميائية

43.90 $

see the detail
Low Cost Housing Construction Prospects and Constraints in Addis Ababa

54.90 $

see the detail
Third Place for Third Ages

39.90 $

see the detail
Potentialities in Creating the Pedestrian Malls

21.90 $

see the detail
Study on Environmental Improvement of T S Canal in Thiruvananthapuram

54.90 $

see the detail
An Overview of the Design of Iranian Architectural Styles

67.90 $

see the detail
Sense of Security Improvement in Residential Urban Neighborhoods

98.90 $

see the detail
Improving mobility for the implementation of the SETP Santa Marta

39.90 $

see the detail
Architectures and their Impact on Environment

54.90 $

see the detail
Theory and calculation of water supply and distribution systems

37.90 $

see the detail
Re-use Architecture/

71.90 $

see the detail
School without Classrooms

71.90 $

see the detail
The Mountain Avalanche- A Winsome episode

45.90 $

see the detail
Daylight availability in interiors during operating time

32.90 $

see the detail
Optimal Seismic Design of RC Shear Wall-Frame Structures

39.90 $

see the detail
Urban morphology, outdoor thermal comfort and walkability

54.90 $

see the detail
Energy Analysis Framework IV

71.90 $

see the detail
Islamic Architecture

54.90 $

see the detail
An Architecture Perspective: Basic Concepts

60.90 $

see the detail
Captivating Spatial Experiences Through Aural & Visual Architecture

43.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
Diversity of Culture

43.90 $

see the detail
ACCESSIBILITY FOR ALL; Planning For Barrier Free Built Environment

43.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Stakeholder Analysis in Peri-Urban Sanitation Development Projects

39.90 $

see the detail
Urban Design in Contemporary Society

39.90 $

see the detail
Wooden Materials and Light Structural Systems

54.90 $

see the detail
Universal Design Approach for the Children with Physical Disabilities

39.90 $

see the detail
Fire in Naturally Ventilated Building

39.90 $

see the detail
Sustainable adaptation climate and energy efficiency

39.90 $

see the detail
Wind Analysis of Flat Slab Multistoried Building Construction

71.90 $

see the detail
Spaces for high performance and sports social integration

54.90 $

see the detail
Multifunctional public and business complex

54.90 $

see the detail
Re-inventing Urban Spaces by accessing accessibility in old city core

32.90 $

see the detail
Festival and Cultural Urban Spaces

71.90 $

see the detail
Parking Policy for Vadodara city,Gujarat, India

59.90 $

see the detail
Urban Entertainment Hub

76.90 $

see the detail

60.90 $

see the detail
Planning & Designing of Auditorium

39.90 $

see the detail
Features of the formation of modern higher educational institutions

23.90 $

see the detail

79.90 $

see the detail
Open and Green Spaces as Element of Architecture

60.90 $

see the detail
Civil Construction

54.90 $

see the detail
Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval

39.90 $

see the detail
Continous City

43.90 $

see the detail
Sustainability of Plaster Mould for Indigenous Jewelry Production

54.90 $

see the detail
New Human Being

26.90 $

see the detail
Textile Techniques in Furniture Design

46.90 $

see the detail
Trims: Design with Waste Textile Materials

54.90 $

see the detail
Defects and its rectification methods in garment production

43.90 $

see the detail
Inabel: The Ilocano Weaving Industry Amidst Globalization

39.90 $

see the detail
Indian Classical Art of Gupta Age

76.90 $

see the detail
Dogmas in orthodontics

61.90 $

see the detail
The arts as influencers in a child's cognitive development

39.90 $

see the detail
Joy of Public speaking

39.90 $

see the detail
Of drawing as a tool beyond art education

26.90 $

see the detail
Effect of Pressure Angle & Backup Ratio on Asymmetric Spur Gear Tooth

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
The management of the amateur artists' movement

39.90 $

see the detail
Marble Dust Concrete

39.90 $

see the detail
Color Symbols

26.90 $

see the detail
World National Anthems

54.90 $

see the detail
The aesthetics of artistic cooperation

37.90 $

see the detail
Planning Interventions for Non-Motorized Transportation in Chandigarh

54.90 $

see the detail
Invisalign System

54.90 $

see the detail
Modern Approach of Antimicrobial Finishing of Textiles

71.90 $

see the detail
Retention and Relapse in Orthodontics

71.90 $

see the detail
Printing Styles with Traditional Design on Organic Cotton Kurtha

54.90 $

see the detail
Smart Grid Technology with Smart Devices and Smart Applications

94.90 $

see the detail
Computerization of Digital Art

39.90 $

see the detail
Genetic Diversity Study with Molecular Markers on Mussel Pernaviridis

54.90 $

see the detail
The world of fashion

43.90 $

see the detail
Punching Shear Strength the Fibre Reinforced Concrete Slabs

39.90 $

see the detail
Sensual images in Kushana Mathura Art

71.90 $

see the detail

26.90 $

see the detail
Minority groups protects their cultural identity

60.90 $

see the detail
Plentiness Out of Littleness

26.90 $

see the detail
Gene-Expression Based Cancer Classification From Microarray Data

39.90 $

see the detail
Challenges and Prospects of the Local Budget Process in Georgia

39.90 $

see the detail
Global Economic Re-birth in 2021 and Beyond

71.90 $

see the detail
Impact of Sub-National Revenues on Infrastructural Development

39.90 $

see the detail
Economic and social inequality in Mexico

54.90 $

see the detail
Collective Action and Mennonite Cooperativism in Chihuahua, Mexico

71.90 $

see the detail
Soil and Nutrients

71.90 $

see the detail
Globalization and Macroeconomic Volatility

61.90 $

see the detail
Feasibility and viability of bitcoin as legal tender.

54.90 $

see the detail
Application of SEEA in Coastal and Marine Ecosystems

39.90 $

see the detail
Monetary Economics, Banks and Other Financial Institutions

39.90 $

see the detail
Small-Scale Irrigation: Determinants and Impact on Income

54.90 $

see the detail
Rural Finance and Banking

54.90 $

see the detail
Turkey’s 2023 Energy Strategies and Investment Opportunities

45.90 $

see the detail
Economics and management of the national economy

43.90 $

see the detail
Financial Education and Involvement of the Population in Georgia

60.90 $

see the detail
Insurance Market of Georgia: Challenges and Development Prospects

54.90 $

see the detail

42.90 $

see the detail
Impact of Micro-Finance on Rural Economy

39.90 $

see the detail
Economic impact of offshore centers on national economic security: the EU experience

61.90 $

see the detail
Financial Stability in Georgia: Challenges and Prospects

39.90 $

see the detail
Africapitalism and Entrepreneurship

39.90 $

see the detail
Russia's digital future in light of the challenges of 2020

26.90 $

see the detail
Socio-economic costs of Terrorism on Pakistan's Exports

24.90 $

see the detail
The accounting and tax revaluation in Argentina in 2019

54.90 $

see the detail
Exterminating Corruption in Nigeria

39.90 $

see the detail
China's Practices and Experiences in Poverty Reduction:

19.80 $

see the detail
Budget Policy State Economy In City Center

54.90 $

see the detail
Tobacco growing and economically sustainable alternative livelihoods

39.90 $

see the detail
University Technology Transfer in a Factor-driven Economy: Egypt

54.90 $

see the detail
Women Economic Empowerment Through Saving and Loan Association

43.90 $

see the detail
Legality of timber from Community Forests in GABON

39.90 $

see the detail
Public debt and economic growth

43.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
Women with cancer risk factors

60.90 $

see the detail
Independence of the auditor. Internal organization of the entity

43.90 $

see the detail
Killing off the Economy to save Lives

43.90 $

see the detail
Exchange rate Volatility and Agricultural Commodity Prices

43.90 $

see the detail
Exchange Rate and Firm Cash Flow Sensitivity in Nigeria

43.90 $

see the detail
Best Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Sri Y S Jagan Mohan Reddy

76.90 $

see the detail
Eating habits in movies

49.00 $

see the detail

26.90 $

see the detail
Security Analysis & Portfolio Management Theory, Problems & Solutions

61.90 $

see the detail
Electronic Banking System:

39.90 $

see the detail
An Analysis of Financial Performance of Scheduled Commercial Banks

76.90 $

see the detail
Retail banking business

35.90 $

see the detail
Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Routine Medical Exam Among Banks

61.90 $

see the detail
The Impact of Mobile Money Transaction on Direct Banking

39.90 $

see the detail
HR Panorama in Indian Banks

104.90 $

see the detail
Service quality perception in private sector and public sector banks

54.90 $

see the detail
Citizens' property insurance

35.90 $

see the detail
Financial Accounting, Reporting and Analysis Practices of NGO'S

54.90 $

see the detail
Investment Management

76.90 $

see the detail
Lectures in: International Financial Markets

76.90 $

see the detail
Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPAC)

26.90 $

see the detail
Lending to investment projects of small business entities

55.90 $

see the detail
Investment Banking and Financial Services

54.90 $

see the detail
Investment Management

54.90 $

see the detail
Principles and Practices of Banking

54.90 $

see the detail
Strategic Credit Management

39.90 $

see the detail
Credit Risk Management

45.90 $

see the detail
Investors’ Perception Towards Online Share Trading

82.90 $

see the detail
The effect of Disclosure Quality on Income Smoothing & Informativenes

32.90 $

see the detail
Financial Accounting

79.90 $

see the detail

79.90 $

see the detail
Technological Advancement Of Banking Sector In India

71.90 $

see the detail
Effect of Green Tax Announcement on Indian Stock Market

43.90 $

see the detail
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management

87.90 $

see the detail
Liquidity Regulation and Profitability Growth

54.90 $

see the detail
External Debt & Nigerian Economy: Pre & Post Structural Break

39.90 $

see the detail
Understanding Commercial Bank Financial Management

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Health Status of Married Women in Jalandhar City, Punjab

45.90 $

see the detail
Nanoindentation on thin film shape memory alloy with varying annealing temperature

39.90 $

see the detail
Ti-rich NiTi smart materials for biomedical application

39.90 $

see the detail
Error Compensation Technique For Smart Industrial Metering System

40.90 $

see the detail
Practices for Teaching Ecology

26.90 $

see the detail
Experiential Learning

61.90 $

see the detail
Status of Drug Scientist and Their Pharma Profession in India

54.90 $

see the detail
Factors Affecting Teaching and Learning Among Students and Teachers

54.90 $

see the detail
Innovation in the Assessment of Technical Education

49.90 $

see the detail

76.90 $

see the detail
Secure and Scalable NOSQL for the Applications Deployed in Cloud

61.90 $

see the detail

37.90 $

see the detail
Training model for pMOOC-based EPT

41.90 $

see the detail
Female Education

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Tips and Tricks to Become a Topper

39.90 $

see the detail
Role of Author

39.90 $

see the detail
Influence of Re-admission Policy on Girl-Child Enrollment in Kenya

61.90 $

see the detail
Reading Intervention and Support

39.90 $

see the detail
Nutritional status of Pregnant Women

39.90 $

see the detail
Awareness of swayam programme among the Postgraduate students

54.90 $

see the detail
Moral education and citizen training

61.90 $

see the detail
Motricity and laterality in writing processes

39.90 $

see the detail
Teaching - Learning Process in Universities

39.90 $

see the detail
Biophysics in Nursing

54.90 $

see the detail

36.90 $

see the detail
Flipped Learning

71.90 $

see the detail
The University out of the closet

61.90 $

see the detail
The Articulated Voice or Word as a Means of Teaching-Learning

39.90 $

see the detail
Digital Pedagogy for Digital Age Education

61.90 $

see the detail

26.90 $

see the detail
Standard Installation Practices

40.90 $

see the detail
Recycling I build

71.90 $

see the detail
Visualization and Analysis of Performance of Faculties

39.90 $

see the detail
Study on the Image of Women in Chinese and European Literature

54.90 $

see the detail
Incidence of teacher's mental health in their pedagogical practices:

39.90 $

see the detail
Mathematical Ability,Reasoning and Achievement of High School Students

71.90 $

see the detail
The student affairs strategy of Secondary school in Thailand

39.90 $

see the detail
Comprehensive study on the practice and challenges of industries

39.90 $

see the detail
Orality and Pronunciation

39.90 $

see the detail
Lesson Study Based Mathematics Class Evaluation

39.90 $

see the detail
Career Aspiration and Academic Anxiety: Theory, Research & Application

54.90 $

see the detail
A Smart Guide To Your Research Thesis

39.90 $

see the detail
Design of Vehicular Event Data Recorder & Evidence Collecting System

54.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Successful preschool transitions from different perspectives

39.90 $

see the detail
Retention and Relapse in Orthodontics

71.90 $

see the detail
Application Development And Validation

54.90 $

see the detail
TRIBES IN INDIA AND TAMIL NADU: Development and Education

39.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
SSS Analysis of Microgrid with Comprehensive Load Modelling

39.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Worker's Perception of Strike Action in Tertiary Institutions

39.90 $

see the detail
Recent Studies of Education in Various Occasions

71.90 $

see the detail
Teaching EFL Vocabulary to Young Learners through Rhyme and Rhythm

49.90 $

see the detail
Impact of teacher-learner relationships on learners’ academic success

35.90 $

see the detail
Methodological alternative for the preparation of female teachers

39.90 $

see the detail
A Hybrid Algorithm Based On Machine Learning

39.90 $

see the detail
Organization of the paid education system in the PRC

39.90 $

see the detail
Learning Strategies Framed in Participatory Inquiry

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
ICT in Higher Education

71.90 $

see the detail
Competency Assessment

82.90 $

see the detail
Youth and Adult Education

54.90 $

see the detail

87.90 $

see the detail
The Multigrade School

54.90 $

see the detail

61.90 $

see the detail
Experiments to encourage a taste for science

39.90 $

see the detail
Inclusion and Culture of Peace in the social, educational and organizational sphere

54.90 $

see the detail
Education - Challenges of the 21st Century

61.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Dropout Technique for Image Classification

54.90 $

see the detail
An experience at the rural extension agency of Río Cuarto

54.90 $

see the detail
Chemical waste of animal origin

39.90 $

see the detail
Active and participatory methodological strategies

54.90 $

see the detail
Factors Influencing Student Attrition

39.90 $

see the detail
Strategies to Enhance Reading Skills Through the Use of Literary Texts

39.90 $

see the detail
Recommendations for the construction of Open Educational Resources

61.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Quality Of Life Of Stroke Patients In Neurology

54.90 $

see the detail
My Experiments with Database Management System-Part I

39.90 $

see the detail
Teaching strategies applied by teachers

39.90 $

see the detail

35.90 $

see the detail
Scientific Creativity in the Classroom

39.90 $

see the detail
"Professor, why are classes always the same?"

26.90 $

see the detail
Spherical Trigonometry

37.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Pedagogical innovations at the Moroccan University

52.40 $

see the detail
Positron Emission Tomography

54.90 $

see the detail
Association Rules Optimization using ABC Algorithm with Mutation

39.90 $

see the detail
Impact of Extended Family Ties on the Academic performance of Students

26.90 $

see the detail
Performance Analysis of Epilepsy Risk Level From EEG Signals

39.90 $

see the detail
Client Side Scripting

39.90 $

see the detail
The preschool education in Kosovo

39.90 $

see the detail
C Programming Language for Beginners

71.90 $

see the detail
Career Guidance

71.90 $

see the detail
Designing Interactive Digital Learning System

82.90 $

see the detail
ICT in language learning

54.90 $

see the detail
Mentoring and the Difference it Makes in Teachers' Work

32.90 $

see the detail
Assessment in Competency Based Medical Education for Undergraduates

39.90 $

see the detail
Principles of environmental education

39.90 $

see the detail
Forensic Aspects of Public Health Dentistry

71.90 $

see the detail
Active Learning and Evaluation of Education in Indonesia

39.90 $

see the detail
Effect of plant growth regulators and cow urine on Rose

39.90 $

see the detail
Design & implementation of digital components using Rev. Logic Gates

39.90 $

see the detail
Science Educators' Attitude towards Science

61.90 $

see the detail
Betacellulin in chronic periodontitis - an immunohistochemical study

45.90 $

see the detail
Governance of Education

52.90 $

see the detail
Application of ICT Tools in Imparting Primary Education

54.90 $

see the detail
Instructional Materials Management and Students’ Academic Achievement

39.90 $

see the detail
Study on Camel Tick Infestation in Tharparker Pakistan

39.90 $

see the detail
A Novel Approach Content Based Image Retrieval by Using Sketches

39.90 $

see the detail
A Study of Science Learning Efficacy at Informal Setting with POEC-2C

54.90 $

see the detail
Android Application

39.90 $

see the detail
An Introduction to Chromatography Techniques

39.90 $

see the detail
Computer simulation models in the educational process

39.90 $

see the detail
A Text Book on Lubrication

54.90 $

see the detail
Regression Based Prediction of House Prices using Python

39.90 $

see the detail
Research Study Designs in Periodontics

60.90 $

see the detail
Pedagogical topics

39.90 $

see the detail
Teaching experience in a virtual mathematics course

39.90 $

see the detail
Simulated Practices

54.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
Factors Contributing to Low Teacher Morale in Secondary Schools

60.90 $

see the detail
Teaching Literature to Humanize Learning

71.90 $

see the detail
Students’ Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Readiness

79.90 $

see the detail
Special course "Basics of Google services for education"

35.90 $

see the detail
Literacy Learning Difficulties

39.90 $

see the detail
Pedagogical Training and International Baccalaureate

43.90 $

see the detail
Self-critical reflections on the teaching experience at UPVT

43.90 $

see the detail
Study Activity Theory

60.90 $

see the detail
Technology and Creative Thinking

36.90 $

see the detail

71.90 $

see the detail
Life Skill Education: An Aura of Excellence

60.90 $

see the detail
Assessment of the Implementation of Vocational Agricultural Education

54.90 $

see the detail
Attitude of Secondary School Students Towards Moral Values

39.90 $

see the detail
Fueling Power Generators through Urine Electrolysis

39.90 $

see the detail
The Teaching Profession: Issues, Obligations and Expectations

54.90 $

see the detail
Applied Aspects Of Modern Education System

54.90 $

see the detail
Home - School Partnership for school effectiveness

87.90 $

see the detail
Personality Traits and Interpersonal Conflict

39.90 $

see the detail
Training of Trainers Manual on Competency-Based Education and Training

46.90 $

see the detail
Managing Learners' Time, Health and Study Habits

71.90 $

see the detail
Learners’ Responsibilities Towards Time, Health and Study Habits

71.90 $

see the detail
A Study of Rectangular R.C.C Overhead Water Tank

39.90 $

see the detail
Halide Salts Effect on Stainless Steel Alloys

76.90 $

see the detail
Awareness of Environmental Pollution Among Higher Secondary Students

39.90 $

see the detail
Quick guide to student's project report writing

43.90 $

see the detail
Managing Differences: Contemporary World's Challenges

40.90 $

see the detail
Evaluation of the Health Professional

39.90 $

see the detail
Engineering Student Perceptions of Service Quality in Higher Education

39.90 $

see the detail
AUTONOMOUS LEARNING: The Road To Self-Discovery

39.90 $

see the detail
A Test on Cyber Crime Awareness Among B.Ed. Students

39.90 $

see the detail
Role of Co-Curricular Activities

39.90 $

see the detail
Development of Labyrinth Type Solar Thermal Energy Storage System

54.90 $

see the detail
Curriculum and transition for the Intellectually Challenged learners

45.90 $

see the detail
Technology, Youth & Career

76.90 $

see the detail
Supervisory Monitoring Scheme: Implication to Teaching and Learning

39.90 $

see the detail
Structural Performance of Cold-Formed Steel in a Composite Beam System

82.90 $

see the detail
English Language Killer or Contributor

39.90 $

see the detail
Provision of Insulation in Residential Building for Thermal Comfort

39.90 $

see the detail
Smart Camera for Traffic Surveillance

39.90 $

see the detail
Influence of human resource best practices on commitment of teachers

54.90 $

see the detail
Applications of Item Response Theory: Educational Assessment in Africa

54.90 $

see the detail
Impact of inorganic pesticides and hedgerows on farmland birds

39.90 $

see the detail

61.90 $

see the detail
Career Preferences among Adolescents in Maharashtra

39.90 $

see the detail

61.90 $

see the detail
Physical Characterization of Nickel-Titanium SMA, Design and applicati

39.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Physiotherapy techniques on hamstring flexibility in Female

39.90 $

see the detail
Graduate Employability in GCC Countries: Case Study of Saudi Arabia

36.90 $

see the detail
Indian Palm Leaf Manuscripts - Automatic Metadata Extraction and Retrieval

54.90 $

see the detail
Annealed Nickel-Titanium Smart Alloy Thin Films

39.90 $

see the detail
Electro-deposition of Ni/Ni-Al composite on Cu substrate

39.90 $

see the detail
Introduction to Special Education and Disability Studies

82.90 $

see the detail
Bricks fabricated for high temperature furnace lining

39.90 $

see the detail
Guidance in Education

43.90 $

see the detail
Design and Functional Implementation of Image Processing Algorithms

50.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
AETCOM Preparatory Manual for Microbiology

43.90 $

see the detail
New educational needs

43.90 $

see the detail
Virtual Learning Environment Model

68.90 $

see the detail
Trends in teaching competencies in today's context

43.90 $

see the detail
Measurement and Evaluation in Human Kinetics and Health Education

115.90 $

see the detail
Gender diversity education in the training process.

43.90 $

see the detail
Scientific-research competence in education

76.90 $

see the detail
Management of Major Insect Pests of Brinjal

68.90 $

see the detail
Build the Best Version of Yourself

43.90 $

see the detail
Volleyball: an interdisciplinary tool for teaching exact sciences

43.90 $

see the detail
Good appetite

68.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
Success Stories

60.90 $

see the detail
Enseñanza del vocabulario de EFL a jóvenes estudiantes a través de la rima y el ritmo

49.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Fuzzy modeling for diagnosis of soft skills in Engineering

39.90 $

see the detail
Basic Education and Research Volume 2

61.90 $

see the detail
Cooperative Learning and Social Skills

54.90 $

see the detail
"Say and Do" Accelerated ReadingTM Vol. I, Nursery & Lower Primary

61.90 $

see the detail
Didactics and Organization in Early Childhood

39.90 $

see the detail
Peculiarities of the organization of extracurricular activities of students

64.90 $

see the detail
"Say and Do" Accelerated ReadingTM Vol. II, Upper Primary

61.90 $

see the detail
Can institutions limit me?

61.90 $

see the detail
Recycling I Care for My Ocean

61.90 $

see the detail
Pedagogical approach to quality student satisfaction

54.90 $

see the detail
Attitude of B.Ed., Students towards E-Learning during the Covid-19

54.90 $

see the detail
Solving Reading Problems in Nigeria

54.90 $

see the detail
PHARTTM Phonological Awareness Reading TestTM Stages 1-12

39.90 $

see the detail
Educational Counseling and Pedagogical Accompaniment Plan (PAP)

61.90 $

see the detail
Strategies used in EFL classrooms with young Down syndrome people

39.90 $

see the detail
Dynamic Approach to Teaching with GeoGebra

61.90 $

see the detail
Physical Activity and Stress during Confinement by COVID-19

39.90 $

see the detail
Competent Manager Guidelines

39.90 $

see the detail
Cognitive processes of learning and academic performance

39.90 $

see the detail
Supervised internship:

54.90 $

see the detail
100% Reading Success TM Textbook

54.90 $

see the detail
100% Reading Success TM Workbook

54.90 $

see the detail
Early Learning Kit TM Basic Language Concepts

71.90 $

see the detail
Early Literacy Activity Worksheets

71.90 $

see the detail
Neuro Linguistic Programming on Acoustic Communication

61.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Management for an economical and multi-purpose vocational education and training

54.90 $

see the detail
Improvement of Methodology of Formation of Professional Competencies

71.90 $

see the detail
Fundamentals of composition

54.90 $

see the detail
The Education of Human Virtues in the Family

71.90 $

see the detail
Supervised curricular internship:

61.90 $

see the detail
Furcation Involvement and its management

54.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Periodontal Plastic Surgery in Dentistry

61.90 $

see the detail
Auditing and Assurance

39.90 $

see the detail
Permanence Policy in Professional Secondary Education

71.90 $

see the detail
Employee's English Language Proficiency

57.90 $

see the detail
Biospatial Trajectories of Women Teachers

39.90 $

see the detail
Psychoeducational Intervention for Caregivers of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

54.90 $

see the detail
Essentials of Python

76.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Comparative Study of Education Funding in Nigeria

39.90 $

see the detail
The subjectivity of students in a situation of social vulnerability

39.90 $

see the detail
Aesthetics of dance in words and images

54.90 $

see the detail
Adolescence and family communication

54.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail

61.90 $

see the detail
Analysis of Collaborative Work, Education and Environmental Care

39.90 $

see the detail
Model of educational management to improve managerial leadership.

54.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Virtual Education

39.90 $

see the detail
Human Talent, Leadership Challenge in Educational Management

39.90 $

see the detail
Evaluate, and in Virtuality

39.90 $

see the detail

71.90 $

see the detail
Practicals: Advanced Computer Network using Cisco Packet Tracer

89.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Burnout syndrome and teachers' attitudes towards children

71.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Compiler with C: Lab Approach

54.90 $

see the detail
WhatsAPP Messenger as Media to Teach English

54.90 $

see the detail
Medical Image Compression Using Compressive Sensing

43.90 $

see the detail
Industrial Instrumentation Laboratory Manual

39.90 $

see the detail
Study Habit

71.90 $

see the detail
Determination of Stray Losses using myDAQ

39.90 $

see the detail
Map-Reduce Technique for sentiment analysis of twitter data

39.90 $

see the detail
Fundamentals of Digital Electronics & 8086 Microprocessor

71.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Vocational guidance strategies in secondary education

26.90 $

see the detail
Proposal for a Didactic Booklet for an Appropriate Vocational Guidance

37.90 $

see the detail
Intensive English

39.90 $

see the detail
Cultural approach in professional training of future teachers of music art

71.90 $

see the detail
Diagram of physical development and its relationship to laterality of children

37.90 $

see the detail
Short Stories

21.90 $

see the detail
Diversity and Inclusion Policy

37.90 $

see the detail

61.90 $

see the detail
Effects of school climate on indiscipline

54.90 $

see the detail
Computer Fundamentals & Operating Systems with Microsoft Office

71.90 $

see the detail
Transformer Protection with Sequence Components and Digital Filters

61.90 $

see the detail
Deming Service Quality Approach: Empirical Study In Higher Education

39.90 $

see the detail
Modern Trends in Education in Georgia - volume 2

46.90 $

see the detail
Artificial intelligence techniques using in the boiler of power plants

39.90 $

see the detail
Distance Education in Agriculture by TNAU

98.90 $

see the detail
Reducing the Computational Requirements of Nearest Neighbor Classifier

76.90 $

see the detail
Utilization of Instructional Technology In foreign Languages Learning

76.90 $

see the detail
Harmonics mitigation in distributed generation system

61.90 $

see the detail
Mathematics achievement status in first and other generation students

39.90 $

see the detail
Hormonal Influence on Periodontium : Recent Update

76.90 $

see the detail
Working Students: Stories Behind Their Lived Experiences

39.90 $

see the detail
Reversible Data Hiding Techniques

54.90 $

see the detail
Problems Encountered by the Students at Secondary Level

39.90 $

see the detail
Occupational health problems among screen equipment users in Nigeria.

54.90 $

see the detail
ESP effects on the English Reading Comprehension Level in PSY students

32.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Stress in lady doctors of Peshawar Pakistan

61.90 $

see the detail
Theoretical Perspectives in Adult Education

93.90 $

see the detail
Utilization of instructional materials by history teachers in Sironko

61.90 $

see the detail
Teacher Made Interactive Videos improve Math Skills in Millenials

39.90 $

see the detail
English for Communication

39.90 $

see the detail
The Ability Of Students’ Reading Comprehension

39.90 $

see the detail
Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory

82.90 $

see the detail
Language Teaching, Learning, and Testing (Selected Papers)

87.90 $

see the detail
Impact of Teachers' Adversity Quotient on Students' Success

40.90 $

see the detail
A Contrastive Analysis of the Arabic and English Noun Phrase

61.90 $

see the detail
Assessment of Occupational Health and Safety Risks

54.90 $

see the detail
Stacked breathing in CABG

54.90 $

see the detail
Justification: A Pragmatic Perspective

82.90 $

see the detail
The family, school and play mediation

26.90 $

see the detail
Online college portal

39.90 $

see the detail
Hashing based effective indexing for video retrieval using text query

54.90 $

see the detail
Factors Intend to Brain Drain among Nurses of Private Hospitals, Nepal

39.90 $

see the detail
Signal Processing Simulation using MATLAB

61.90 $

see the detail
The Art of Ethical Behavior

39.90 $

see the detail

26.90 $

see the detail
Nutritional Status of Adults in Low and Middle Income Strata

45.90 $

see the detail
Indigenous Pedagogy for Attaining the Sustainable Developmental Goals

39.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Organisational environment and teacher coexistence

54.90 $

see the detail

71.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail

59.90 $

see the detail
Strengthening Medical Education in India: Medical Teachers Perspective

39.90 $

see the detail
E-Content: Ensuring Equitable Use of Technology

71.90 $

see the detail
Inclusive Education in English Classes for Elementary Learners

39.90 $

see the detail

59.90 $

see the detail
The Competency-based Approach in Public Universities

39.90 $

see the detail

59.90 $

see the detail
Scientific Attitudes and Environmental Awareness of Students

39.90 $

see the detail
Peer Group Influence On Academic Performance Of Students

39.90 $

see the detail
The Information Gap Strategy and the Logical Thinking Skills

36.90 $

see the detail
Research of physical preparation of officers of ground forces

32.90 $

see the detail
Guide to Craniomaxillofacial Trauma

76.90 $

see the detail
Wave Energy - An OutLook

45.90 $

see the detail
Motherhood and a Successful Career

54.90 $

see the detail
Attitudes toward end of life care

54.90 $

see the detail
Intraoral Autografts in Dentistry

39.90 $

see the detail
Language Enhancement

43.90 $

see the detail
Platform Switching in Implants

61.90 $

see the detail
The Visual Literacy of Grade 10 Life Sciences Learners in Cytology

61.90 $

see the detail
Overschooling In Nigeria: Challenge And The Way Forward

26.90 $

see the detail
Gracious Living of Durua

76.90 $

see the detail
Water with its Chemistry

54.90 $

see the detail
International Students' Views on Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

54.90 $

see the detail
Root Canal Obturating Materials

54.90 $

see the detail
LEGO technology as a tool for the development of preschool children

35.90 $

see the detail
Sex Positivity

60.90 $

see the detail
Evaluative Study of Online Learning Programme During Covid 19

68.90 $

see the detail
Innovation in Higher Education: Latin American Perspectives II

68.90 $

see the detail
English for Professional Communication - Part I

60.90 $

see the detail

60.90 $

see the detail
Study for teaching - learning statistics

60.90 $

see the detail
Entrepreneurship; Vocational training in HEI students.

43.90 $

see the detail
Reading and writing in higher education

43.90 $

see the detail
Evaluation in the area of design

68.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
Online Teaching Learning During Lockdown of Covid19

60.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
Performance Evaluation of Arithmetic Circuits Using GDI Full Adder

43.90 $

see the detail
Artificial Intelligence In Teaching Learning Transaction

43.90 $

see the detail
Social Representations built on the Right to Education

71.90 $

see the detail
Acceptability of water reuse in irrigated agriculture

43.90 $

see the detail
Moving through the Academic Productions

43.90 $

see the detail
Promoting Peace, Dignity and Equity for a Healthy World

91.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
Intertidal Diversity around Saurashtra Coastline

43.90 $

see the detail
Pandemic Challenges COVID-19

68.90 $

see the detail
Elementary Teachers' Perspective on Metacognition

43.90 $

see the detail
Inclusive practice. Its formation from the Didactics of Mathematics

43.90 $

see the detail
South Africa’s Youth Crises

96.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
Teacher leadership competency in secondary schools

59.90 $

see the detail
Utility of Colonoscopy

60.90 $

see the detail
Use of Open Educational Resources in E-Learning Universities

43.90 $

see the detail
Assessment of Skills and Competencies of Built Environment Graduates

43.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
The virtual scenario in young people before Covid -19

60.90 $

see the detail
Awareness of Child Rights

84.90 $

see the detail
Graduate Employability Development Schemes

43.90 $

see the detail
Modeling the Stock Price Volatility

54.90 $

see the detail
“Language Independent Content Extraction From Web Pages”

39.90 $

see the detail
Influence of flipped classroom in english reading comprehension

71.90 $

see the detail
Comparative Study of Selected Physical Fitness Components

54.90 $

see the detail
How to Collect & Analyse Data For Quantitative & Qualitative Research

45.90 $

see the detail
Utilizing Academic-Network-Based Conflict of Interests

39.90 $

see the detail
E-learning with emphasis on Moocs

54.90 $

see the detail
Derivation and Inflection in Sudanese EFL Students' Performance

39.90 $

see the detail
Teenagers' Learning Experiences Through a Whatsapp Group in EFL

39.90 $

see the detail
Fundamentals of Digital Logic Design

61.90 $

see the detail
Forage Pellets to Feed Grasscutters in Captivity in Ghana

82.90 $

see the detail
Mapping the Road to Academic Passion

54.90 $

see the detail
Educational Management: New Perspectives

98.90 $

see the detail
Introduction to Statistical Inference and Applications

79.90 $

see the detail
Integration of Education Technology to Acquire Communication Skills

84.90 $

see the detail
Handbook on Introduction to Python Programming

50.90 $

see the detail
Methodological strategy in teacher preparation: oral expression

43.90 $

see the detail
Introduction to Ionic Conductivity of Glasses

43.90 $

see the detail

60.90 $

see the detail
Pedagogical strategy for the development of historical thinking

43.90 $

see the detail
Use of NICTs in the training of labor education teachers.

43.90 $

see the detail
Teacher’s perception about the use of ICT

43.90 $

see the detail

79.90 $

see the detail
Curricular Diversification at the Educational Institution Level

43.90 $

see the detail
Mode of Action Medical Professional

79.90 $

see the detail
We are Fidel

43.90 $

see the detail
ICT Implementation in Maldives Education Sector

43.90 $

see the detail
Does The Family Environment Affect High And Low School Performance?

43.90 $

see the detail
The History of the English Language

60.90 $

see the detail
Flow Machines

79.90 $

see the detail
Creativity in Primary Education

43.90 $

see the detail
Fundamentals of Citizenship Education

60.90 $

see the detail
Reopening of Schools During the Covid-19 Pandemic:

43.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
Constitutionality of the definitive cancellation due to reprobation

43.90 $

see the detail
Computational Tools in Experimental Chemistry Teaching

43.90 $

see the detail
Experiential Pedagogical Experience of Articulated Voice Education

43.90 $

see the detail
Institutional climate and teaching performance in educational institutions

54.90 $

see the detail
Managerial performance and teaching performance in educational institutions

60.90 $

see the detail
Professional Work Book on Virtual Instrumentation Using LabVIEW

43.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail

60.90 $

see the detail
The problem-solving method and academic performance

54.90 $

see the detail
Financial education and personal finance

43.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
Effects Of Corporal Punishment During Childhood On Parent-child Relationships

43.90 $

see the detail
Characteristics of virtual classes in teaching and learning processes

43.90 $

see the detail

43.90 $

see the detail
Public Policies for EJA in Mato Grosso

79.90 $

see the detail
Tools to tackle dropout and retention in universities

60.90 $

see the detail
Decoding Various Influences That Shape Career Aspirations Among Youth

39.90 $

see the detail
Challenges facing the tyre industry on enhancing customer loyalty

54.90 $

see the detail
CSEC Mathematics in Poetry

76.90 $

see the detail
Modern Trends in Education

71.90 $

see the detail
The Learning Experience of Students of a Secondary VET in Indonesia

76.90 $

see the detail
Career GuideBook on Pharmacy

54.90 $

see the detail
Open Badges as Recognition and Assessment Tools in Learning Frameworks

26.90 $

see the detail
Bio-metrics recognition

39.90 $

see the detail
Court Interpreting in Algeria

54.90 $

see the detail
Reflective Journal Writing for Primary Students’ Writing Abilities

26.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Satisfaction of Teachers in Relation to the Organizational Climate

54.90 $

see the detail
Design of High Speed Vedic Multiplier Using Vedic Mathematic Techniques

39.90 $

see the detail

26.90 $

see the detail
Educational Thoughts and Experiments of Rathindranath Tagore

71.90 $

see the detail
Observatory of trends and issues in Business, Education and Technology

39.90 $

see the detail
Design and Improvement of Cross Flow Heat Exchanger Using Integral Fins with Nanofluid

39.90 $

see the detail
Corporate Controlling

63.60 $

see the detail

71.90 $

see the detail
Superstructures of ZnO: Eu3+, Nd3+ for Bi-functional applications

39.90 $

see the detail

26.90 $

see the detail
Synthesis of green Au(Salen)@CC for catalytic degradation of dye

39.90 $

see the detail
Limiting the amount of trade credit

71.90 $

see the detail
Impact of Macroeconomic Factors and Dividend Yield on Bank NIFTY Index Returns

39.90 $

see the detail
The Role of Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI)

76.90 $

see the detail
Collaborative networks in coffee heads of families

71.90 $

see the detail

71.90 $

see the detail
Scheduling Models With Fuzzy

39.90 $

see the detail
Defluoridation by Biosorption Technique for Safe Drinking Water

39.90 $

see the detail
Most used collocations

39.90 $

see the detail
Cathodoluminescence Characterization: Applications on Nitrides

26.90 $

see the detail
Quranic Tajweed

23.90 $

see the detail
Noise Pollution Levels in Peripheral Areas

37.90 $

see the detail
Advances in Dense Optical Communication System

71.90 $

see the detail
Experimental shear analysis on hardened concrete beams:

37.90 $

see the detail
Evaluation of Pharmacological Activities of Limonia Acidissima L.

39.90 $

see the detail
Characterization of the water table of the kamimbi village .

26.90 $

see the detail
Advances in Photovoltaic System

71.90 $

see the detail
Role of Local Govt on Children’s Participation for Society Development

26.90 $

see the detail
Solar Power Distribution

71.90 $

see the detail
Words in the house

39.90 $

see the detail
Preventive Orthodontics

54.90 $

see the detail
Best Practices of Outcome Based Education

71.90 $

see the detail
COVID19: Challenges and Possibilities

61.90 $

see the detail
The Birds of Mukutmanipur Dam, Bankura, West Bengal ,India.

61.90 $

see the detail
Leadership Behaviour

71.90 $

see the detail
Mathematical Modeling of Geopolymer Reactions

43.90 $

see the detail
Digital Communication & Rural Economy of Bangladesh

45.90 $

see the detail

32.90 $

see the detail
The Prospect of ECOWAS Currency Union on intra-regional trade

35.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Investment Model for Agricultural Production

48.60 $

see the detail
Artificial Intelligence

71.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Provide a Healthy Lifestyle for Employees in Industrial Companies

39.90 $

see the detail

87.90 $

see the detail
Rural Community Tourism in the rural community of Raqchi - Cusco

26.90 $

see the detail
Economic Analysis of Malaysian Climate Change Mitigation Policies

76.90 $

see the detail
Review of Muladhara chakra

39.90 $

see the detail
A Study on Reduction of Non-Performing Assets in Commercial Banks

82.90 $

see the detail
Concept of Designing Chocolate and Caramel Chhana Delights

61.90 $

see the detail
Gilbert Multiplier Cell

54.90 $

see the detail
Integration of agriculture and mining in development,

26.90 $

see the detail
Obstetric Physiotherapy and Natural Humanized Birth

26.90 $

see the detail
Linking Regeneration and Yields Status with Silvicultural Intervention

39.90 $

see the detail
Developing and evaluating the electronic data acquisition system

26.90 $

see the detail
Face Recognition Techniques

39.90 $

see the detail
Network Routing Techniques

39.90 $

see the detail
Optical Amplifiers for WDM/DWDM Systems

39.90 $

see the detail
Foundations for Antenna Design

39.90 $

see the detail
Measuring Parameters for Communication Systems

39.90 $

see the detail

37.90 $

see the detail
Automatic Auscultation by using Visual Dot Pattern

39.90 $

see the detail
Chemical Amelioration of Expansive Soils

39.90 $

see the detail
The importance of the family and school relationship

26.90 $

see the detail
Interconnections between generational features and corporate culture

26.90 $

see the detail
Livelihood Capital And Poverty Of The Regional People

36.90 $

see the detail
The Effects of Gender and Hand Dominancy

39.90 $

see the detail
Studying Translation Texts

43.90 $

see the detail
High Performance Bacterial Concrete

71.90 $

see the detail
Enterprising Jammu through Microfinance

94.90 $

see the detail
Free Space Dense Optical Communication System

39.90 $

see the detail
Study on Spectroscopic Properties of Some Organic Fluorophores

76.90 $

see the detail
Engineering behaviour of an expansive soil stabilised with CCR

39.90 $

see the detail

26.90 $

see the detail
Impact of AI on Operations of Vietnam Commercial Bank

32.90 $

see the detail
Modeling of Kinases Inhibitors : 3D-QSAR, Moecular Docking and ADMET

31.90 $

see the detail
Local and Global Welfare When Regulating Organic Products

28.90 $

see the detail
3D Fractal Generation

54.90 $

see the detail
Indices for Periodontal Health And Disease Condition

54.90 $

see the detail
Genetic Variability in Brinjal

39.90 $

see the detail
Analyzing The Relationship Between Consumers’ Preference

49.90 $

see the detail
The Politics of Translating Modern Arabic Literature into English

54.90 $

see the detail
Quranic tajweed for beginners

21.90 $

see the detail
Effect of Technological Innovation

39.90 $

see the detail
Behavioral dominance of leaders

54.90 $

see the detail
Kinesio Taping as an adjunct

39.90 $

see the detail
Certain Investigations on Reversible Image Watermarking

76.90 $

see the detail
Phytoconstituents Remarkability of Rhynchotechum ellipticum

39.90 $

see the detail
Diagnostic Aids in Endodontics

54.90 $

see the detail
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

67.40 $

see the detail
The Basic Manual of Social Security:Theory and Evaluation

61.90 $

see the detail
Socioassistencial Evolution

39.90 $

see the detail
How to work in an inefficient market

39.90 $

see the detail
Assessment of Goods and Services of Mangroves

39.90 $

see the detail
Modern Trends in Education in Georgia - volume 3

66.90 $

see the detail
District Development Fund Default Rate

39.90 $

see the detail
Esthetics in Fixed Partial Denture

61.90 $

see the detail
Advanced academic vocabulary

49.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
English-Uzbek-Korean picture dictionary

39.90 $

see the detail
Lasers: a New Era in Prosthodontics

61.90 $

see the detail
Antropometric and Physiological National Volleyball Players

39.90 $

see the detail
Consumption Pattern of Moringa Oleifera in Bauchi State, Nigeria:

39.90 $

see the detail
Experiences of sexuality in religious women

37.90 $

see the detail
Gram Panchayat Own Revenue Management

39.90 $

see the detail
Local Development Strategy

52.40 $

see the detail
Social service at the interface with therapeutic practices

54.90 $

see the detail
Pedagogy of Sport

37.90 $

see the detail
New Trends in Textile Printing and Decolourization via Plasma

39.90 $

see the detail
Proficient English users' vocabulary

69.90 $

see the detail
Facial Asymmetry & Orthodontics

54.90 $

see the detail
Inflammatory mediators in the pathogenesis of periodontitis

76.90 $

see the detail

26.90 $

see the detail
Introduction to Economics

54.90 $

see the detail
Design and Analysis of Hybrid Power Generation System in South Asia

54.90 $

see the detail
Improvement of Transient Stability using Excitation Governor Control

54.90 $

see the detail
Sub Epithelial Connective Tissue Graft

54.90 $

see the detail
Production process mapping

39.90 $

see the detail
Public finances in Colombia

39.90 $

see the detail

76.90 $

see the detail
How to promote agriculture in Tunisia?

56.20 $

see the detail
Artificial Inteligence for Business

54.90 $

see the detail
Optimization of Water Foot Prints for River Basin

54.90 $

see the detail
Impact of Climate Change on Farmers

71.90 $

see the detail
Elementary Statistics

54.90 $

see the detail
Dairy Farming as a Source of Income for Rural Farm Households

54.90 $

see the detail
Nitrogen Fractions under Long-Term Fertilizer and Manure

39.90 $

see the detail
TMJ ankylosis- an overview

67.90 $

see the detail
Designing User Interface for Task Management Mobile App

61.90 $

see the detail
Fruits and Vegetables as Nutraceutical

54.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Vanishing Assets of the Young Professional

26.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail

76.90 $

see the detail
Public expenditure and economic growth in Benin

26.90 $

see the detail

26.90 $

see the detail
Application of modern models of economic growth

54.90 $

see the detail
Introduction to the Basic Statistics

76.90 $

see the detail
АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК для экономистов

71.90 $

see the detail
Study on Gender Inequality in Working Time

54.90 $

see the detail

50.90 $

see the detail
Economic and Coronavirus

71.90 $

see the detail

36.90 $

see the detail
Effect of the Indian classical Raga in Treatment of BP and Diabetes

54.90 $

see the detail
Grid for Future - The Smart Grid

87.90 $

see the detail
Genetic diversity of dessert and plantain banana varieties

26.90 $

see the detail
Accounting and efficiency assessment of export operations

49.90 $

see the detail
Economic Assessment of Corals & Coral Reef Ecosystem

39.90 $

see the detail
The Issues of Poverty and the Ways of Reducing It in Uzbekistan

71.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
A hospital based study of knowledge and attitude of expectant fathers

43.90 $

see the detail
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder and Management

82.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Indian Financial System

71.90 $

see the detail
Use “High IQ, Low Tech” to sell in 2020

45.90 $

see the detail
Productivity and efficiency of water used

39.90 $

see the detail
Risk assessment for micro companies belonging to selected economic

35.90 $

see the detail
Manipulation in politicians' speeches

79.00 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Efficiency of water used in peanut production

54.90 $

see the detail
Economics of Soyabean variety in Marathwada region of Maharashtra

54.90 $

see the detail
Effect of phytosanitary products on Beauveria bassiana

39.90 $

see the detail
Driving the emergence of an inclusive and circular green economy

39.90 $

see the detail
Labor Migration to the Middle East from Sri Lanka

39.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Efficiency and productivity of water used in milk production

54.90 $

see the detail
Linguistic representation of the conceptual model of the anatomical object

59.00 $

see the detail
Dental health of conscripts

49.00 $

see the detail
Effect of Micro Nutrients on Yield and Quality of Mango cv. Amrapali

39.90 $

see the detail
Experimental Investigation on Pervious Concrete

39.90 $

see the detail
Economic Study of Chickpea Cultivation in Auraiya District

39.90 $

see the detail

61.90 $

see the detail
Micronutrient composition of some soils of the Kologrievsky forest reserve

49.00 $

see the detail
Nano Technology in Textiles

76.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on production of Wheat

61.90 $

see the detail
Socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 on informal enterprises

39.90 $

see the detail
2020 Pandemics: A psychological factor

39.90 $

see the detail
Assessment and correction of anxiety in children and adolescents

59.00 $

see the detail
Soft Tissue Changes following Orthognathic Surgeries

39.90 $

see the detail
Economic Concepts in Banking, International Trade and Economic Development

59.90 $

see the detail
Technical and Economic Feasibility of Photovoltaic Systems

39.90 $

see the detail
Professional Ethics in Engineering : an Industry Perspective

31.90 $

see the detail
Effect of Phosphorus and PSB on growth, yield and quality of Greengram

39.90 $

see the detail
University education and its relationship to economic Economic growth:

39.90 $

see the detail
Trends and Growth Performance of Major Crops in Varanasi division

39.90 $

see the detail

61.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Dental Implants

76.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Visual Psychophysics

39.90 $

see the detail
The vinegar flyIn the South of Algeria

39.90 $

see the detail
A quick look into Chitosan and chitosan nano-conjugates

36.90 $

see the detail

64.90 $

see the detail
Effect of Poplar Clones on Fertility Improvement in Calcareous soil

54.90 $

see the detail
Labour and capital productivity in grapes (Vitis vinifera L.)

54.90 $

see the detail
Development of a Mobile Multi-nozzle Compression Pump Sprayer (Mmcp)

54.90 $

see the detail
Profitability and use of water in watermelon cultivation

54.90 $

see the detail
Dynamics of physiological indicators in the training of cross-country skiers

68.00 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Socio Economic Condition of the Fishers Folk in India:

45.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Flourine Free Remineralizating Agents in Dentistry- A Short Review

39.90 $

see the detail
Non-Fluoridated Remineralising Agents in Dentistry

71.90 $

see the detail
Handbook of Minor Oral Surgeries in Children

71.90 $

see the detail
Breast Cancer

39.90 $

see the detail
Elements of Economics

76.90 $

see the detail
Assessment of Phytoremedial Potential of Indigenous Flora

71.90 $

see the detail
Induced Defenses by Nonpathogenic Fungi Against Fungal Plant Diseases

89.90 $

see the detail
Development of teachers' professional competencies

79.00 $

see the detail
Sustainable Development in Universities

54.90 $

see the detail
The Importance of Derivatives Markets in Bangladesh

39.90 $

see the detail
Economic analysis of mustard cultivation in Lakhimpur Kheri distt. U.P

39.90 $

see the detail
Integrated Nutrient Management in Pomegranate

76.90 $

see the detail
Potential of the Cerro El Tabor Forest Reserve for birdwatching tourism

54.90 $

see the detail
Investments in Technological Innovation and Financial Performance

71.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Economic Study of Chickpea Cultivation in Auraiya Distt. of U.P.

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Green noodles with Eruca vesicaria leaves

39.90 $

see the detail
An Economic Analysis of Laser Land Levelling Practice in Haryana

54.90 $

see the detail

71.90 $

see the detail
Modeling and Simulation of High Reliable Renewable Energy based Hybrid

54.90 $

see the detail
Role of Nutrition in Oral Cancer

54.90 $

see the detail
Improvement of the karate club

49.90 $

see the detail
The taxation of leasing in Togo

39.90 $

see the detail
Non-Parametric Developments and Analyses of the CU, TE and TFP

54.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Foreign direct investments (II)

54.90 $

see the detail
The new Congolese man

61.90 $

see the detail
Digital Information Seeking Behaviour of Engineering Faculty Members

54.90 $

see the detail
Current issues of marketing system development in the agro-industrial complex

54.90 $

see the detail
Recent Advances in Luting Cements

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Evaluating the Impact of Development Programme

54.90 $

see the detail
Management of Vertical Integrated Industrial Enterprises

54.90 $

see the detail
A Framework to increase the lifetime of the Wireless Sensor Nodes

39.90 $

see the detail
Cadmium, Toxicity & Changes_Gene Expression; Mitochondrial Functions

40.90 $

see the detail

76.90 $

see the detail
The movable heritage of the State in Cameroon

54.90 $

see the detail
Specially protected natural areas of local importance

49.00 $

see the detail
The Role of Human Capital in the Process of Economic Growth

39.90 $

see the detail
Delivery of Drug to Ophthalmic Cavity: Novel Formulation Approach

45.90 $

see the detail
Formation of an Effective Mechanism Investment Support for the Regional Economy

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Data Analysis Using SPSS, MINITAB, STATA and Rstudio

71.90 $

see the detail
Advanced Self healing Materials in Concrete Composites

54.90 $

see the detail
Covid and Post Covid Effects on Human Health

39.90 $

see the detail
Improvements over Fuzzy clustering methods for large Datasets

39.90 $

see the detail
The Ideology of Capitalism

39.90 $

see the detail
Internet Technologies And e-Business

54.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Share of fat and protein in the diet of infants

54.90 $

see the detail
Multicultural Education

76.90 $

see the detail
Integrated Master of Library and Information Science Course in India

61.90 $

see the detail
Didactic Strategy for the Subject Financial Mathematics

39.90 $

see the detail
Dryland Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh

82.90 $

see the detail
The Secrets to Visible & Viral Online Presence

71.90 $

see the detail
Adropin and Diabetes Mellitus

45.90 $

see the detail
Comparison of football teams in some selected psychological traits

54.90 $

see the detail
Bambara Nut (Vigna -subterranean) Marketing in Bauchi State, Nigeria

39.90 $

see the detail
Super Capacitor Energy Storage System For Isolated Dc Micro Grid

39.90 $

see the detail
Myocardial infarction with angiographically healthy coronaries

54.90 $

see the detail
World tourism services market: state and development prospects

54.90 $

see the detail
Interpreting Services in the Maltese Healthcare Context

57.90 $

see the detail
Utilization of Waste Plastic - Processing Technology & Applications

82.90 $

see the detail
The power of medicinal plants

54.90 $

see the detail
Establishment of Innovative Agro-clusters in the Context of Economic Development

39.90 $

see the detail
Effect of Pseudomonas Fluorescens and Humic Acid on Cabbage

76.90 $

see the detail
Process of Onion: Curing, Processing, Design and Storage

54.90 $

see the detail
Establishment of innovative agro-clusters in the context of economic

39.90 $

see the detail
Integrated Weed Management – A Tool Box for Different Weed Control

39.90 $

see the detail
Relational Database Management System

76.90 $

see the detail
Laboratory Manual of Introductory Biology

39.90 $

see the detail
Cytological Changes in Urine among Sudanese Patients Complaining of Renal Failure

39.90 $

see the detail
Deep Learning & IOT Based Smart Life Saving Emergency Trafficlight Control

39.90 $

see the detail
Economic analysis of cut flower under polyhouse in Jabalpur district

39.90 $

see the detail
Factors Affecting Startups Survival in the MENA Region

39.90 $

see the detail
Machine Learning and Machine Behavior

40.90 $

see the detail
Study of Synthetic Polymers used in Hair Sprays

39.90 $

see the detail
Machine Learning Approaches Applied in Social Areas

71.90 $

see the detail
The determinants of banking performance in Tunisia

71.90 $

see the detail
Analysing Quality of Maternal Care through Maternity Waiting Homes in Chitipa district

71.90 $

see the detail
Terminology of Agricultural Extension Education

67.90 $

see the detail

26.90 $

see the detail
Design and Development of Automatic Dam Gate Control System

45.90 $

see the detail
Enterprise Economy

87.90 $

see the detail

37.90 $

see the detail
Industrial revolutions as the basis for sustainable economy forming: the EU experience and Ukrainian practice

71.90 $

see the detail
Van Hiele’s Instructional Model In Teaching Geometry

39.90 $

see the detail

54.90 $

see the detail
Economic impacts of Trade war between USA and China

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail

71.90 $

see the detail
Hydrosanitary exhaustion:

26.90 $

see the detail
Vascular Neoplasms

54.90 $

see the detail
Febrile diarrhea in Kolwezi town

26.90 $

see the detail
Basics of research methodology

39.90 $

see the detail
Approaches to financial contagion in the banking network

26.90 $

see the detail
Morphology, Development and Reproduction in Angiosperms

82.90 $

see the detail
Evaluation of Vitamin B12 and Folate Levels in Megaloblastic Anaemia

39.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle : Design, Planning & Mission Using Agridrones

39.90 $

see the detail
Rice Plant Diseases Detection Using IoT & Machine Learning

39.90 $

see the detail
Photography in Orthodontics

61.90 $

see the detail
Impact of ICT for information access in Special Libraries of Assam

71.90 $

see the detail
A Text Book of Agribusiness Management and Market Research

82.90 $

see the detail
Clear Cell

54.90 $

see the detail
Relationship between Head posture and dental arch dimensions

39.90 $

see the detail
Effects of Climate Change on Fishers

54.90 $

see the detail
Environs unexplored facts

39.90 $

see the detail
Indian Nobel Laureates

57.90 $

see the detail
Offset Rotavator

54.90 $

see the detail
Biomethanation Process

39.90 $

see the detail
Pyrolysis of Tyre Oil

61.90 $

see the detail
Vertical Meta Search Engine with Query Expansion through ARFT

39.90 $

see the detail
Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancers

79.90 $

see the detail

46.90 $

see the detail
Multicrop Thresher

61.90 $

see the detail
Drug Information Apps and Websites – A Review

39.90 $

see the detail
Sustainable Development Goals Manager Certification

54.90 $

see the detail
Stimulation of small business development in the Republic of Belarus

41.90 $

see the detail
Tribal Land Issues

79.90 $

see the detail

39.90 $

see the detail
New Normal and COVID-19

76.90 $

see the detail
The use of methods of unbiased estimates for probabilities

54.90 $

see the detail
Condition Evaluation and Classification Using Geospatial Tools

54.90 $

see the detail
High Step-Up Forward-Fly back Converter with Parallel Output

39.90 $

see the detail
Elementary Economics

37.90 $

see the detail
Experimental Investigation of Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer Laminates

45.90 $

see the detail
Pharmacological Activity of Alcoholic Extract of Spondias mombin Peels

39.90 $

see the detail
Economic and Managerial Aspects of Women Employees

82.90 $

see the detail
Tribal Community in India:

45.90 $

see the detail
Strategy Implementation in Micro-Enterprise "BurriBurguer's"

26.90 $

see the detail
Correlate of Income Diversification and Financial Sustainability

32.90 $

see the detail
Numerical Studies of MHD Convective Fluid Flows in Various Geometries

71.90 $

see the detail

108.90 $

see the detail
Wealth Management Secrets by Gnomes of Zurich

93.90 $

see the detail

26.90 $

see the detail
Production of Organic Fertilizer from Biodegradable Waste

39.90 $

see the detail
Agrarian sector of economy

48.60 $

see the detail
Biological Evaluation of Pliable Polymer-Ceramic Composites

39.90 $

see the detail
An Investigation of the Critical Success Factors

39.90 $

see the detail
Socio Economic Factors Influencing Cowpea Production:A Farmer's Guide

39.90 $

see the detail
Electricity consumption and economic growth

26.90 $

see the detail
A Study on Economics of Makhana (Euryale ferox) Production

61.90 $

see the detail
Zeolite CATALYST: A Review on the Production of Light Olefins

54.90 $

see the detail
Basic risk management in index-linked agricultural insurance

37.90 $

see the detail
Dermoscopy Atlas of Facial Melanoses

39.90 $

see the detail
Environmental Economics -Salt marshes of India

39.90 $

see the detail

26.90 $

see the detail
Postoperative Pain Management

39.90 $

see the detail
GIS and Remote Sensing for Water Sectors in Developing Nations

39.90 $

see the detail
Digital Image Segmentation Techniques: An Introductory Approach

39.90 $

see the detail
Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beams

76.90 $

see the detail
Studies on ZnS based Room Temperature Ferromagnetic DMS Nanoparticles

76.90 $

see the detail
Gene Action and Marker Assisted Backcross Studies

87.90 $

see the detail
Farmers' Perception and Adaptation Mechanisms To Climate Change

54.90 $

see the detail
Design Of High Speed and Low Power Multiplier

39.90 $

see the detail
Assessment of Zimbabwe current and future Water Resource situation

39.90 $

see the detail
Developing a Holistic Earnings Quality Model

39.90 $

see the detail
Productivity Analysis Approach

79.90 $

see the detail
Counteracting Resistance To Antibiotics In Orofacial Space Infection

71.90 $

see the detail
Buying motives of virtual goods in online games

39.90 $

see the detail
Contemporary Economics for Sustainable Development and Prosperity

61.90 $

see the detail
Effects of E-Waste on Environment

61.90 $

see the detail
Readings in Accounting

39.90 $

see the detail
Methodological and Conceptual Basis for Energy Development in Georgia

24.90 $

see the detail
Wage Management of Logistics

54.90 $

see the detail
Generating Revenues via AI-Enhanced Customer Experience

71.90 $

see the detail
Effects of multi-micronutrient mixture on pearl millet

54.90 $

see the detail
Technology Adoption in Dryland Crops of Andhra Pradesh

82.90 $

see the detail
The Socio-Economic Development impact of Microfinance products in Rwanda

39.90 $

see the detail
Process Standardization Of Sheerqurma & It's Shelf Life

54.90 $

see the detail
Exchange Rate Exposure of the Financial Sector of Pakistan

39.90 $

see the detail
Optimal Ordering Policy for Inventory System

82.90 $

see the detail
Economic Returns and Variety Development Cost of KESREF Cane

39.90 $

see the detail
An Assessment of Millennium Development Goal Two

54.90 $

see the detail
Evaluation and Optimisation of in silico

87.90 $

see the detail
Oil, Governance, and Economics in the Middle East

39.90 $

see the detail
Evolution of Self-Care in Leukemia Patients and Implications for Nurse

39.90 $

see the detail
Banking and Rural Development

76.90 $

see the detail
TRADE AND GROWTH IN AFRICA: Moving from Theories and Models to Policie

39.90 $

see the detail