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Results for the search with the keyword Hanan Awwad :

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kadaya Arabia fi Adab Ghada Al samman
قضايا عربية في أدب غادة السمان

4.00 $

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Nanotechnology and Textiles

32.90 $

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Soura Moshreka min Hadarat Baghdad fi Al Assr Al Abbassi
صورة مشرقة من حضارة بغداد ف العصر العباسي

4.00 $

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أساليب الأمهات في التطبيع

5.00 $

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طيبة النشر في القراءات العشر

2.00 $

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Ikhtibar Al Ist'dad al madrasi li atfal al hadanah wal rawdah
اختبار الاستعداد المدرسى لاطفال الحضانه والروضه

4.00 $

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الاختلاف والاتفاق بين انجيل برنابا والاناجيل الاربعه

65.00 $

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Assamt al mu'aber
الصمت المعبر

2.00 $

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zahrat annektar
زهرة النكتار

5.00 $

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haza hawa arrijal
هادا هوى الرجال

5.00 $

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ijet assaa ya bayi
اجت الساعة يا بيي

8.00 $

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alantologia alloubnani
الانطولوجيا اللبناني

8.00 $

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waynak taa-alamir assaghir
وينك تعا- الامير الصغير

5.00 $

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mbareh kenna wled
مبارح كنا ولاد

5.00 $

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alinjil (matta) arrou'ya (youhanna)
الانجيل (متى) الرؤيا(يوحنا)

3.00 $

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kanat maktoubi alo- almorsiyada
كانت مكتوبي الو- المورسيادا

3.00 $

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wa kaman baed marra-alwan mish abaadha
وكمان بعد مرا-الوان مش ع بعضها

3.00 $

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akh faqesh arroman
اخ فقش الرمان-ماريس-حف

3.00 $

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akhaz mraa toul wa kan oumri 17
اخذ مراع طول-وكان عمري17

3.00 $

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dawr mou'assasat arri'asa fi sounaa alistratijia alamericia ashamila baada alharb aln\barida
دور مؤسسة الرئاسة في صنع الاستراتيجية الأمريكية الشاملة بعد الحرب الباردة

15.00 $

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riwayat al moudallisin fi sahih mouslim
روايات المدلسين في صحيح مسلم - جمعها ، تخريجها ، الكلام عليه

13.00 $

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sahih al houffaz mimma ittafaqa alayhi al a'imma assitta
صحيح الحفاظ مما اتفق عليه الإئمة الستة

8.00 $

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mousnad al houffaz fima ittafaqa alayhi al a'imma assitta
مسند الحفاظ فيما اتفق عليه الأئمة الستّة

8.00 $

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Garlic, Onion & Insulin effect on Lingual Papillae of Diabetic Rats

57.90 $

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Sinaat Al Zouhour mina Al pando
صناعة الزهور من الباندو

20.00 $

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Wajaa al marakeb
وجع المراكب

3.00 $

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Ziraat Al Hour wa Al Sefssaf
زراعة الحور والصفصاف

12.00 $

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تفصيل زى المرأة المسلمة - باللغة الانجليزية

2.00 $

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wardat alsahraa
وردة الصحراء

2.00 $

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التقاء الشيء و عكسه

2.00 $

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المكان علاقات مكاتبة

2.00 $

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byrwt wdwrha aljhady mndh alftha al’islamy haty nhayah al’ahd al’athmany
بيروت ودورها الجهادي منذ الفتح الإسلامي حتى نهاية العهد العثماني

4.00 $

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hayaah almsyha ’aysy abn mrym (’a) mn mnzwr ’islamy - drasah mqarnah m’a mlhaq khasa b’alamat alsa’aah
حياة المسيح عيسى ابن مريم (ع) من منظور إسلامي - دراسة مقارنة مع ملحق خاص بعلامات الساعة

4.00 $

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La Vie de Jésus (LE MESSIE) hayaah almsyha ’aysy abn mrym [f]ـ
La Vie de Jésus (LE MESSIE) حياة المسيح عيسى ابن مريم [ف]ـ

4.00 $

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r’aayah alytym fy al’islam
رعاية اليتيم في الإسلام

8.00 $

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Akniss Alshamess An Alsoutouh
أكنس الشمس عن السطوح

6.00 $

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Bareed Beirut
بريد بيروت

8.00 $

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Hikayat Zahra
حكاية زهرة

7.00 $

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Misk Alghazal
مسك الغزال

8.50 $

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Inaha London Ya Azizi
انها لندن يا عزيزي

10.00 $

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Imraatan Aala Shatia Al Baher
امرأتان على شاطىء البحر

4.50 $

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Hikayati Shareh Yatoul
حكايتي شرح يطول

10.00 $

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sahibat addar shahrazad
صاحبة الدار شهرزاد

10.00 $

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kama habbat alhita
كما حبة الحطنة

5.00 $

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Adewa Wa Taamoulat Fi Sourat Taha
اضواء وتاملات في سورة طه

4.00 $

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Evolution of Self-Care in Leukemia Patients and Implications for Nurse

39.90 $

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The Impact of Banking Sector Development on Economic Growth in Egypt

79.90 $

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Corona virus and its impact on management and employees

36.90 $

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The Use of the L1 in L2 Classroom Intercation in an Egyptian Setting

76.90 $

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Call Centre and Hospitality Industry in J&K State

71.90 $

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Two Ethnicities, Three Generations

82.90 $

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Exact and Local Search Techniques

43.90 $

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Medical effects of some natural products on Neurodegenerative diseases

54.90 $

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Women’s Emotional Response Concerning First Gynecological Examination

71.90 $

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Umbilical Cord: A Magic Crystal Ball

54.90 $

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Serum Neopterin Level In Early Onset Neonatal Sepsis

54.90 $

see the detail
Effects of Punica granatum and/ or Sitagliptin on diabetic nephropathy in male rats

76.90 $

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Effect of daily exposure to EMF/5G on rheumatic diseases and COVID-19

45.90 $

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Electronic Health Records In Saudi Arabia

60.90 $

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Quality of Life

39.90 $

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Women's Body mass Index and IVF success

54.90 $

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Impact of Nursing Intervention on Relief of Breast Engorgement

82.90 $

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Nursing Diagnoses Profile for Multiple Sclerosis: Maslow's Model

71.90 $

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Pulmonary Tumor and Amyloidosis in Commercial Laying Hen

43.90 $

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Histopathologic Effect of Carbarayl in Turkey

43.90 $

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Experimental Approaches to Measure Immunocompetence

39.90 $

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Excessive mineral fertilizers

43.90 $

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The Effects of Using Interactive Laboratory Simulation

54.90 $

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Fetuin –A in Health and Disease

45.90 $

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39.90 $

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Urban Geography of the Housing Patterns in Cairo Governorate, Egypt

71.90 $

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The Human Body and E - Product

57.90 $

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Phosphate rock in Agriculture

43.90 $

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43.90 $

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Potential hyper accumulator plants

43.90 $

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Nitrate accumulation in plant and soil, Factors affecting the process and their impact on human and animal health

39.90 $

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Direct application of rock phosphates

43.90 $

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ZnS Wurtziods Nanosturctures

54.90 $

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Printing Techniques and Methods of Printing

32.90 $

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Modification of Acrylic Fibers

39.90 $

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أعزََُ مكان ٍ في الدَنا سرجُ سابح ٍ و خيرُ جليس ٍ في الأنام ِ كتابُ

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