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Results for the search with the keyword Dr Midhat Al Jabbar :

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الشاعر و التراث دراسة في علاقة الشاعر العربي بالتراث

8.00 $

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Mo9jam 9ilm Annafs - Arabi -inklizi
معجم علم النفس فرنسي - عربي - انكليزي

15.00 $

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Ma Tayassara mina Ay Al Ziker Al Hakim
ما تيسر من آي الذكر الحكيم

1.00 $

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Kira'at Al Mosslem
قراءة المسلم

2.00 $

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اسس الكيمياء العمليه

8.00 $

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اسس الكيمياء العامه وغير العضويه

10.00 $

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اسس الكيمياء العمليه التحليليه والعضويه وغير العضويه

10.00 $

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اسس الكيمياء الفيزيائيه

10.00 $

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اسس الكيمياء العضوية الارومايتة

30.00 $

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اسس الكيمياء العضوية الاليفاتية

30.00 $

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Ya Ya'esh
يا يعيش

2.00 $

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Al souyouf ( Al Intifada )
السيوف (الإنتفاضة )

2.00 $

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1.00 $

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Al Dirassat Al Loghawuia fi Al Irak
الدراسات اللغوية في العراق

9.00 $

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wada9an ayha al toufil - kisass
وداعا ايها الطفل - قصص

1.00 $

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Al Massounieh Tahhat al Adwa'e
الماسونية تحت الأضواء

1.00 $

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Al Mawsouah Al Arabieh Fi Alfaz Al Dodiya W Al Shazarat Al Loghawiyya
الموسوعة العربية في الالفاظ الضدية والشذرات اللغوية (تسعة اجزاء(

75.00 $

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Al Karea Al Baghdadi
القارىء البغدادي

4.00 $

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Kitab al majmu fi al muhit bit-taklif vol. 3
كتاب المجموع في المحيط بالتكليف الجزء الثالث

16.00 $

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alwajeez fi al wiratha
الوجيز في الوراثة

15.00 $

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min al alsardieh ila altakhaulieh
من السردية الى التخيلية

10.00 $

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La quête identitaire chez les personnages romanesques de Modiano

84.90 $

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Flipped Learning

71.90 $

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Guidance and Counseling

39.90 $

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Early Childhood Care and Early Education

39.90 $

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An Introduction to Education

39.90 $

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Pedagogy of English

39.90 $

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Ages of British Literature

39.90 $

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An Introduction to Communicative English

39.90 $

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Validation of the Cloze Test

43.90 $

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Equations of multi-Rees algebras

39.90 $

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Pre and Post ESWL Urine Culture as a guide for Antibiotic Management

39.90 $

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Histology Gastrointestinal Tract in Birds

39.90 $

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Synthesis of some new sodium Saccharine derivatives

76.90 $

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Analysis Of Alternating Current Machines

87.90 $

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Parvovirus B19 & Anemia

39.90 $

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EBV and RA

54.90 $

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Molecular Characterization of Multiple drug Resistance Shigella spp. Isolates

71.90 $

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Molecular And Conventional Identification of Bacteria in Neonatal Sepsis

54.90 $

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Intercultural Sensitivity Development

43.90 $

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Sociological Concepts

39.90 $

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Improving the performance of evacuated tubes solar collectors

43.90 $

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Particles Swarms Optimization in Solar Nano fluids Heating System

39.90 $

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Evacuated tubes solar collectors optimization

39.90 $

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Voice Transmission over Wireless Sensor Network (VoWSN) System. Vol I

76.90 $

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Polymer insulators for High Voltage Applications

60.90 $

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Drag Reducing Polymers (DRPs): Principles, Types and Applications

54.90 $

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Heart Disease Data Classification using Data Mining Techniques

76.90 $

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أعزََُ مكان ٍ في الدَنا سرجُ سابح ٍ و خيرُ جليس ٍ في الأنام ِ كتابُ

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