Tips To Pass MRCS Part A
96.90 $
| Development of a New Global Rating Scale or Checklist to Assess the Teaching of Surgical Skills Objectively
60.90 $
| Evaluating Common Hematological And Biochemical Biomarkers
60.90 $
Reduction of Root Canal bacteria
39.90 $
| Antimicrobial and antitumor substance(s) produced by Actinomycetes
61.90 $
| ashSha9rawi Imam Asrihi الشعراوي إمام عصره 4.00 $
AsSiraj al Munir fi Ghazawatt Sayed al Mursaleen السراج المنير في غزوات سيد المرسلين 4.00 $
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| al Shafiyat al Asher min al Kitab wa al Sunnah الشافيات العشر من الكتاب و السنّة 8.00 $
Ahabb al Asma'e li al Banin wa al banat أحب الأسماء للبنين و البنات 6.00 $
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WAQAIE MOAJJALAH وقائع مؤجلة 8.00 $
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ALSAYDALIYAH ALSHAABIYAH ALTADAWI BIL AASHAB الصيدلية الشعبية التداوي بالأعشاب 6.00 $
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العدالة الإجتماعية و التنمية في الإقتصاد الإسلامي 8.00 $
في أصل الأزمة الجزائرية 1958-1999 8.00 $
أبعاد الأندماج الأقتصادي العربي و إحتمالات المستقبل 10.00 $
المغرب العربي في مفترق الطرق في ظل التحولات العالمية 15.00 $
MISR FIL QURAAN WA ALSUNNAH مصر في القرآن و السنة 4.00 $
| NAWADER ALHOBB WAL HIKMAH نوادر الحب و الحكمة 3.00 $
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Rasa'il ArRasafi رسائل الرصافي 5.00 $
| Aslihat al Karin al Ishreen أسلحة القرن العشرين 4.00 $
| AsSina'at Al Askarieh al Arabieh الصناعات العسكرية العربية 5.00 $
AtTa'erat al Khafieh الطائرات الخفية 5.00 $
| fi tarikh al Arab qable al Islam في تاريخ العرب قبل الاسلام 7.00 $
| el tayyarat al suyasieh al Mo9asirah التيارات السياسية المعاصرة 8.00 $
ilem al ijeima9e علم الاجتماع 7.00 $
| al holoum wa al ramez wal alOustoorah الحلم و الرمز و الأسطورة 10.00 $
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al Asfar al Khamesah aw al banja tantra الأسفار الخمسة أو البنجا تترا 1.00 $
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Aelam al Mousika al Masrieh أعلام الموسيقى المصرية 4.00 $
| ALIEJAZ ALILMI FIL QURAAN ALKARIM الاعجاز العلمي في القرآن العظيم 6.00 $
| ADWAA ALA SILAT BAYN ALOROUBAH WAL ISLAM أضواء على الصلات بين العروبة و الاسلام 4.00 $
Mojaldat Barhoum Mمجلدات برهوم 6.00 $
| Sililsilat al Moghamireen al Athekia' 1-27 سلسلة المغامرين الأذكياء 20.00 $
| Silsilat al Moghamireen 13 , 1-6 سلسلة المغامرين 13 4.00 $
Silsilat al Ousbah al Khafieh 1-4 سلسلة العصبة الخفية 3.00 $
| Silsilat Zambou 1-7 سلسلة زامبو 4.00 $
| Silssalat Barhoum 1-12 سلسلة برهوم 9.00 $
Al Ahwaal Al Shakhsiyyah Fi Al Sharee'ah Al Islamiyyah الأحوال الشخصية في الشريعة الإسلامية 8.00 $
| Mufradaat al Quran مفردات القرآن 12.00 $
| Aljaziyah Waldrawish الجازية والدراويش 4.00 $
Ban Alsobuh بان الصبح 6.50 $
| Ghadan Yawm Jadeed غدا يوم جديد 5.50 $
| Enhanced Testbed Arch. for Network Security Baseline Traffic Modeling
39.90 $
Bone marrow examination in pancytopenic patients
71.90 $
39.90 $
| Jamee Al Ouloum wa Al hikam جامع العلوم والحكم 4.00 $
Min Hayat Al rassoul Salla Allah Aleihi wa Sallam من حياة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم 12.00 $
| Sinograhia al Masrah abr al Osour سينوغرافيا المسرح عبر العصور 4.00 $
| SHARH DIWAN ALAASHA شرح ديوان الأعشى 5.00 $
QASAED LILISLAM WAL JONOUB قصائد للاسلام و الجنوب 3.00 $
| MASHAEL ANNOUR مشاعل النور 4.00 $
| ALJADEED FI QAWAED ALTAJWEED الجديد في قواعد التجويد 10.00 $
SAKK ALKHALAS صك الخلاص 8.00 $
| DARAJAT WA LIRRIJAL ALAYHINNA DARAJAH درجة و للرجال عليهن درجة 2.00 $
| AZAWAJ ALISLAMI الزواج الاسلامي 2.00 $
ALUSRAH WA RIAYAT ATHAT ALINSANIYAH الأسرة و رعاية الذات الانسانية 2.00 $
| ALHAYD WA AHKAMUHU الحيض و أحكامه 2.00 $
| ALBINT FIL ISLAM البنت في الاسلام 2.00 $
MASAEL FIL HAYTA ALZAWJIYAH مسائل في الحياة الزوجية 3.00 $
| ALQURAAN WAL QISSAH ALHADITHAH القرآن و القصة الحديثة 3.00 $
| AHKAM ALMUAMALAT أحكام المعاملات 8.00 $
AHKAM ALIBADAT أحكام العبادات 10.00 $
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الدعوى واجراءاتها فى ضوء القانون Price set by the publisher on demand
| Adabuna Al Arabi fi Asr al walaa ادبنا العربى فى عصره الولاه 4.00 $
التحدث بالعربيه 5.00 $
الرقابه على النقد والتجاره الخارجيه 6.00 $
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الجوانب العمليه لحق الدفاع 6.00 $
الحمايه الجنائيه لاسرار المهنه 10.00 $
الاعداد النفسى الناشئين : دليل الارشاد والتوجيه للمدربين والاداريين واولياء الامور 12.00 $
استقلال القضاء مجلد رساله دكتوراه 16.00 $
Aghna mina Al Shoumouss أغنى من الشموس 10.00 $
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| Adewae Ala Ahewal Khaerr Oma Oukherigat LI Al Nass Fi Al Wilayat Al Moutahida Al Amerciya أضواء على أحوال خير أمّة أخرجت للناس في الولايات المتحدة الاميركية 3.00 $
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ilal arousein wa yanbaghi maarifatouhou qabla ijra' aqd azzawaj إلى العروسين ما ينبغي معرفته قبل إجراء عقد الزواج 1.50 $
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| jamaliat al shakel al Kasasi جماليات الشكل القصصي 8.00 $
Ecology and adaptive responses of some Hydrophytes in Ismailia, Egypt 79.90 $
| Non-Parametric Developments and Analyses of the CU, TE and TFP
54.90 $
| VEGF Gene Polymorphisms in Behçet Disease
36.90 $
Energy equation: strategic issues and challenges
54.90 $
| Commentary of Article 627 of the Tunisian Commercial Code
39.90 $
| Global Bifurcation of the Transport Equation and Pseudospectrum
61.90 $
Robust Estimations for Seemingly Unrelated Regression Equations Models
68.90 $
| Regenerative Endodontics
40.90 $
| Proliferation Capacity & osteogenic potential of hGMSCs versus hDPSCs
71.90 $
Pituitary adenomas
54.90 $
| Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Quality of Life
39.90 $
| Rising Trends in Cesarean Section Rates in Egypt
39.90 $
Modification of chemical structures of certain natural antioxidants
48.90 $
| Detection of moulds and their toxins in fresh water fish
54.90 $
| Fabrication of Ceramic Membranes from Egyptian Clays
48.90 $
Compensation of Ionospheric Effects in Spaceborne Differential InSAR
79.90 $
| Evalution Of Creatinine Concentration by Optical Fiber Biosensor
50.90 $
| Morphometric characterization of the Barbe horse breed in Algeria
54.90 $
Semi-Analytic Third-Order Purely Secular J - S Planetary Theory
54.90 $
| approaches to the orbit
43.90 $
| Design, Simulation & HW Implementation of Sigma Delta Modulator
43.90 $
Converting Non Edible Oil (Jojoba) to Biodiesel
39.90 $
| Tribological and Rheological Characteristics of Nano Lubricant
54.90 $
| Muhammed Naseef Hayatuhu wa atharuhu محمد ناصيف , حياته و آثاره 10.00 $
alSheikh AbdulRazzaq Afifi 1/2 الشيخ العلامة عبد الرزاق عفيفي 1/2 حياته العلمية , و جهوده الدعوية و آثاره 20.00 $
| Tabbakkat al Khawass Ahle asSideq wa al Ikhlass طبقات الخواص أهل الصدق و الأخلاص 8.00 $
الصراعات العربية - العربية 1945-1981 7.00 $
المجموعة الكاملة لخطب و أحاديث و تصريحات جمال عبد الناصر :
الجزء الأول 1952-1954 بناء الثورة في مصـر 11.00 $
المجموعة الكاملة لخطب و أحاديث و تصريحات جمال عبد الناصر :
الجزء الثاني 1955-1957 سنوات التحرر العربي 15.00 $
المجموعة الكاملة لخطب و أحاديث و تصريحات جمال عبد الناصر :
الجزء الثالث - القسم الأول 1958-1959 سنوات الوحدة 17.00 $
Al timthal ileman wa amalen التمثال علما و عملا 1.00 $
| al sourah ileman wa amalen الصورة علما و عملا 1.00 $
| Artificial intelligence techniques using in the boiler of power plants
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New Trends in Textile Printing and Decolourization via Plasma
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| Peaceful History between East and West: Middle Ages and modern Era
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| Fuzzy BCK-Algebra
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39.90 $
| Garlic, Onion & Insulin effect on Lingual Papillae of Diabetic Rats
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| Nursing Diagnoses Profile for Multiple Sclerosis: Maslow's Model
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Antimicrobial Resistance Trends in Respiratory Infections in Libya
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| Fuzzy Foldness of Ideals in BCK / BCI – Algebras
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39.90 $
Extracellular Signal Regulated Kinases 1/2 p (ERK1/2)
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| Heterocyclic Precursors as Main Entity for Poly Functional Dyes
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| Synthesis of Some New Indole Derivatives with Pharmaceutical Interest
54.90 $
Oily wastewater: problems & ways of recovery
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| Ecology of some Halophytes growing in the Coastal Salt Marshes, Egypt
71.90 $
| Egyptian Cereal Crops
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The Sustainable Profitability Equation Rd (t)
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| Sedimentological and Stratigraphical Studies
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| An Illustrated Field Guide to the wild plant of Sabaloka Area
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Using Some Untraditional Feed Additives
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| In vitro Antibacterial Activity of Essential oils from sage
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| Performance of Charm Baryons in ITS under Angular Correlation
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Recent Trends and Innovation in Energy Sector
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| Enhancement of Tension Control for Industrial Paper Winder
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| Improving the Properties of Oil Well Cement
21.90 $
Evaluation of the Behavioral Constraints by using Statistical Tool
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| The Impact of the outlet on the Flow Dynamics of a Fluidic Oscillator
45.90 $
| Osool ilm an nafs أصول علم النفس 9.00 $
ma9a Allah fi AsSama'e مع الله في السماء 6.00 $
| ma9e Allah fo al aredd مع الله في الأرض 7.00 $
| al Mufradd al Ilem fi Rasem al Kalam المفرد العلم في رسم القلم 4.00 $
Moukhtar al Ahadith anNabawieh مختار الأحاديث النبوية 5.00 $
| Adab AsSiyasah fi al Assre al Oumawee أدب السياسية في العصر الأموي 7.00 $
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Kitab al Mousbah al Mounir fi Ghareeb ashShareh al Kabbeer li arRafi9i كتاب المصباح المنير في غريب الشرح الكبير للرافعي 7.00 $
| Toulbatt atTalabah fi al Istilahhat al Fikhiah طلبة الطلبة في الأصطلاحات الفقهية 6.00 $
| Tafseer anNassefi تفسير النسفي 25.00 $
Tareekh ash shier alsiyasi تاريخ الشعر السياسي 7.00 $
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| Shatharat al Plateen / arRisalah atTadmourieh شذرات البلاتين / الرسالة التدمرية 8.00 $
Al Arba9oon Hadithan Mashyakhatt Ibn Taiymieh الأربعون حديثا مشيخة أبن تيمية 6.00 $
| adDurrar al Madiah - Al fatawa al Masrieh ( Moukhtassar Fatawi Ibn Tayemieh) الدرر المضية - الفتاوي المصرية المسمى مختصر فتاوي ابن تيمية 12.00 $
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Sounan Al Daramy سنن الدارمي Price set by the publisher on demand
| Mousnad Abi Yaala مسند أبي يعلى 135.00 $
| AL Ilal Wa Maarifat Al Rijal العلل ومعرفة الرجال 30.00 $
Al Douafaa Wal Matroukeen الضعفاء والمتروكين Price set by the publisher on demand
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Moujam atTabarani asSagheer معجم الطبراني الصغير Price set by the publisher on demand
| Mawaeth al Imam Malik bin Dinar مواعظ الأمام مالك بن دينار 3.00 $
| Mawaeth alImam AbdulAllah Mubark مواعظ الأمام عبدالله بن المبارك 3.00 $
Mawaeth al Imam Ibrahim bin Adham مواعظ الأمام ابراهيم بن أدهم 3.00 $
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Mawaeth al Imam al Fudail bin Eyadd مواعظ الأمام الفضيل بن عياض 3.00 $
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Maweth al Imam Omer bin AbdulAziz مواعظ الأمام عمر بن عبد العزيز 3.00 $
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| Mawaethith asSahabah مواعظ الصحابة 8.00 $
Musnad al Imam Ahmad (1-8) مسند الإمام أحمد (1-8) (مجلد) 77.00 $
| Masae'l al Imam Ahmad bin hanbal li ibnihi Abdullah مسائل الإمام أحمد بن حنبل لابنه عبدالله (مجلد) 6.00 $
| al Garaneeq - Kissah Dakheelah ala asSeerah anNabawieh الغرانيق - قصة دخيلة على السيرة النبوية 2.00 $
atTarikh bayn Yadaikk التاريخ بين يديك 5.00 $
| fi al Ieeqa'e arRewa'ey في الأيقاع الروائي 4.00 $
| al Manhaj al Ostoory fi tafsir al Sh'er al Jahili المنهج الأسطوري في تفسير الشعر الجاهلي 5.00 $
al Mar'ah fi atTurath al Arabi المراأة في التراث العرببي 6.00 $
| iter nasim asSibba عطر نسيم الصبا 4.00 $
| Hadikat anNather wa Bahjat al Fikre - sirat al Habashah حديقة النظر و بهجة الفكر المعروف ب سيرة الحبشة رحلة الى بلاد الحبشة 4.00 $
hadik anNammam ( fi al kalm ala ma yataqlak bi al Hammamm) حدائق النمام (في الكلام على ما يتعلق بالحمّام) 4.00 $
| diwan Ali Ahmed Bakathir ديوان علي أحمد باكثير 5.00 $
| Diwan al Ansi Ahmed bin AbdulRahman ديوان القاضي الآنسي أحمد بن عبد الرحمن 3.00 $
Diwan Ahmed al Mufti ديوان أحمد المفتي 2.00 $
| Faroun wa atTougheyan asSiyasi فرعون و الطغيان السياسي 3.00 $
| indma yathma'e anNaher عندما يظمأ النهـر 3.00 $
hayat al Amir Ali bin Muhammed bin AbdulAllah al Wazir حياة الأمير علي بن محمد بن عبدالله الوزير 15.00 $
| Dirasat fi al Ishertikayiah al Masrieh دراسات في الأشتراكية المصرية 6.00 $
| kasidah alnather al Arabieh قصيدة النثر العربية 7.00 $
Fatat al kala'ah فتاة القلعة 3.00 $
| MASNAD AL IMAM AHMAD MA9A ALFAHARIS 1/12 مسند الامام احمد مع فهارس 1/12 150.00 $
| al ie9lam bi wafiyat al A9lam الاعلام بوفيات الأعلام 12.00 $
al ieythar bi ma9arifat rowat al athar الايثار بمعرفة رواة الآثار 2.00 $
| al Jamie9e fi al iellal wa ma9rifat al Rijal الجامع في العلل و معرفة الرجال 10.00 $
| dabett al A9lam ضبط الأعلام 4.00 $
al Boukhla'e البخلاء 8.00 $
| al Siyasah - Aristotle السياسة لأرسطوطاليس 8.00 $
| al Ba9ath wa al Noushour البعث و النشور 7.00 $
al Du9a'e al Moustajabb الدعاء المستجاب 1.00 $
| al Zouhed al Kabir الزهد الكبير 5.00 $
| touhfat al waetth fi al khoutabb wa al Mawaeth تحفة الواعظ في الخطب و المواعظ 4.00 $
Takreeb al Osool li Tasheel al Wossool ila ma9arifat Allah wa al Rassoul تقريب الأصول لتسهيل الوصول الى معرفة الله و الرسول 8.00 $
| Hayat al Anbiya'e bada wafatehim حياة الأنبياء بعد وفاتهم 2.00 $
| A9mal al Youm wa al Laiylah عمل اليوم و الليلة 6.00 $
al Adaabb الآداب 6.00 $
| al Arba90un fi Rade9e al moujrem a9an Sabb al Mouslim الأربعون في ردع المجرم عن سبّ المسلم 3.00 $
| al Ba9eth al Hatheeth fi Iekhtisar Ouloom al Hadith الباعث الحثيث في اختصار علوم الحديث للحافظ ابن كثير 5.00 $
Iethaff ahle al Islam biKhousesyat al Siyam اتحاف أهل الاسلام بخصوصيات الصيام 6.00 $
| al eradah al Mounfaridah bi masdar al Iletizam الأرادة المنفردة بمصدر الالتزام 4.00 $
| al enafah fi ma ja'a fi al sadakah wa al diyafah الانافة فيما جاء في الصدقة و الضيافة 2.00 $
al Bahre al Raeq fi al Zoouhed wa al raqiq البحر الرائق في الزهد و الرقائق 4.00 $
| alfath al reddah wa atharuha ألفاظ الردّة و آثارها 2.00 $
| Boulough al Mouram min adilta al Ahkam بلوغ المرام من أدلة الأحكام 5.00 $
Shatha al Ouref fi Fann al Saref شذا العرف في فن الصرف 4.00 $
| Hashiyat al A9lamah al Sawi ala Tafesir al Jalalyain حاشية العلامة الصاوي على تفسير الجلالين 30.00 $
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Akher ayyam Socrate آخر أيام سقراط 5.00 $
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Ieghteiyal al Kamar al Phalesteeni اغتيال القمر الفلسطيني 4.00 $
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Linguistics and Translation Semantic Problems in Arabic - English- Transl- 4.00 $
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Risala f I Tahqiq ta'rib al-kalima al-agamiyya d'Ibn Kamal Pasha رسالة في تحقيق تعريب الكلمة الأعجمية 33.00 $
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| Bulletin D' Etudes Orientales-No. 24 Tarjamat Nitham al Moulkk ( extracted from his book Boughiat at Talibb مجلة الدراسات الشرقية-العدد 24 - ترجمة نظام الملك (مستخرجة من كتابه بغية الطالب) 40.00 $
Bulletin D' Etudes Orientales-No. 24 Hawiayat al Ikhetisar fi Osool Ilem al Bihar مجلة الدراسات الشرقية-العدد 24: - حاوية الاختصار في أصول علم البحار 40.00 $
| Bulletin D' Etudes Orientales-No: 37-38 - Al She'r Al Milahy (Volume II - Al Kasa'd) out of print مجلة الدراسات الشرقية-العدد 37-38: - الشعر الملاحي (القسم الثاني- القصائد) نافذ 43.00 $
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Majalat Appollo 1/6 (1932/1934) مجلة أبولو 1/6 (1932/1934) 750.00 $
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جامعة الدول العربية - 1945-1985 دراسة تاريخية سياسية 2.00 $
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التجزئة العربية : كيف تحققت تاريخياً ؟ 5.00 $
الإعتماد المتبادل على جسر النفط : المخاطر و الفرص 6.00 $
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القانون و السيادة و إمتيازات النفط ( مقارنة بالشريعة الإسلامية ) 16.00 $
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al ashriba الأشربة 2.00 $
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shoaaraa aabbaseioon : al jizae athani شعراء عباسيون الجزء الثاني 9.00 $
Identité confessionelle et temps social chez les historiens Libanais contemporains 10.00 $
| Fanano asCinema fi al Iraq فنانو السينما في العراق 3.00 $
Masader dirasatt anNashatt asCinema'y مصادر دراسة النشاط السينمائي 3.00 $
| AbdulWahab al Bayati fi Espania عبد الوهاب البياتي في أسبانيا 4.00 $
| arRiwayah wa aal Harb الرواية و الحرب 6.00 $
Al Insan al Moassir Ind Herbert Marqueez الإنسان المعاصر عند هربرت ماركيوز 6.00 $
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| Baredd al Massafat برد المسافات 3.00 $
Thilon Yatakassaf ظل يتقصف 3.00 $
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anNabbatatt atTobieh wa al I9etriah fi al Watan al Arabi النباتات الطبية و العطرية في الوطن العربي 8.00 $
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atTariq ila al Manafi الطريق إلى المنافي 3.00 $
| Bakkaya بقايا 5.00 $
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Matha ba'ad harb Ramadan ? ماذا بعد حرب رمضان ؟ 4.00 $
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asasiyat al idarah al malieh أساسيات الادارة المالية 8.00 $
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Dirasat fi tarikh al Arab al hadith دراسات في تاريخ العرب الحديث 8.00 $
| Dirasat fi Hadarat al Shareq al Adna al Qadeem Masre- Iran- Iran دراسات في حضارة الشرق الأدنى القديم مصر/العراق/ايران 10.00 $
| Dirasaat fi Hadarat al Shareq al Adna al Qadeem Misre- al Iraq - Iran دراسات في حضارة الشرق الأدنى القديم مصر/العراق/ايران 8.00 $
fi al tarikh al Abbasi wa al Andalusi في التاريخ العباسي والأندلسي 15.00 $
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kiyan dawalatt al mamalik al oula قيام دولة المماليك الأولى 6.00 $
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| Mare wa al Imbaratourieh al Romanieh مصر والامبراطورية الرومانية 4.00 $
al Nakedd al Adabby al Hadith النقد الأدبي الحديث 6.00 $
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| al Falsafah al akhlaqieh fi al Fiker al Islami الفلسفة الأخلاقية في الفكر الإسلامي 7.00 $
fi ilem al Kalam al Mou9tazilah في علم الكلام ج(1) المعتزلة 6.00 $
| fi ilem al Kalam al Asha9irah في علم الكلام ج(2) الأشاعرة 7.00 $
| fi ilem al Kalam al Zaydieh في علم الكلام ج(3) الزيدية 8.00 $
fi al Falsafat al Tarikh في فلسفة التاريخ 6.00 $
| Kitab al Zuhedd vol.1 كتاب الزهد ج(1) 4.00 $
| Kitab al Zuhedd vol.2 كتاب الزهد ج(2) 5.00 $
Natheriyat al Imamah lada al Shi9ah al ithena a9assharieh , tahlil falsafi li al Akeedah نظرية الامامة لدى الشيعة الاثني عشرية، تحليل فلسفي للعقيدة 8.00 $
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| wa hamalaha al Insan - maqalat falsafieh وحملها الانسان (مقالات فلسفية) 6.00 $
al Shareq al awousatt wa al Sira'e al Douwali الشرق الأوسط والصراع الدولي 5.00 $
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| Loubnan wa al Fedaralieh لبنان والفيدرالية 3.00 $
mouqadimah fi ilem al Siyasah مقدمة في علم السياسة 12.00 $
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Mafhoum al Adel fi tafsir al Mo9tazilah مفهوم العدل في تفسير المعتزلة للقرآن الكريم 6.00 $
| al mawasou9ah al jina'ieh fi al fouqeh al Islami الموسوعة الجنائية في الفقه الإسلامي 1/ 4 - مجلد - 30.00 $
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mo9jam al moustalahat al tijarieh wa al ta9awounieh معجم المصطلحات التجارية والتعاونية 5.00 $
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| al madkhal ila dirasat al Balaghah al Arabieh المدخل إلى دراسة البلاغة العربية 4.00 $
al mo9ajim all Loughawieh fi daw'e dirasat ilem al Loughah al hadith المعاجم اللغوية في ضوء دراسات علم اللغة الحديث 3.00 $
| fi ie9rab al Quran في اعراب القرآن 4.00 $
| madkhal ila dirast al Jumlah al Arabieh مدخل إلى دراسة الجملة العربية 4.00 $
mouqadimah li dirassat fouqueh al Loughah مقدمة لدراسة فقه اللغة 3.00 $
| Kaabasat min surat al Nour قبسات من سورة النور 4.00 $
| Loughat al Quran al Karim fi Juz'e Amma لغة القرآن الكريم في جزء عم 8.00 $
Malak al Ta'weel ملاك التأويل (جزئين) 20.00 $
| yousif fi al Quran يوسف في القرآن 3.00 $
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al Geoghraphieh al siyahieh الجغرافية السياحية 6.00 $
| geoghraphiya al Sina9ah جغرافية الصناعة 7.00 $
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| al tafkir al iejtima9y التفكير الاجتماعي 10.00 $
| Alaqat al A9amal fi al Douwal al Arabieh علاقات العمل في الدول العربية 6.00 $
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Anna wa asedikaeey أنا و أصدقائي 6.00 $
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| Dawawin She9eriah li al Atfal دواوين شعرية للأطفال 8.00 $
al Abna'e الأبناء 1.00 $
| al Asateer الأساطير 1.00 $
| Al Opera الأوبرا 23.00 $
al Plastic wa Ta'etheeratuhu asSouhieh wa al Bee'ieyah البلاستيك و تأثيراته الصحية و البيئية 2.00 $
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| al mokhorej wa al Tassweer al Massrahi المخرج و التصوير المسرحي 2.00 $
al Masrahiyat al Sherieh - Akhnaton - Sharayar -al fares المسرحيات الشعرية - أخناتون -شهريار- الفارس 7.00 $
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al namathej al basherieh fi al cinema al masrieh النماذج البشرية في السينما المصرية 1.00 $
| Abna'e al Toufan أبناء الطوفان 2.00 $
| Aghani al Atfal al Shaebieh fi 21 lougheh min loughat al alem أغاني الأطفال الشعبية في 21 لغة من لغات العالم 1.00 $
Aqalim adDawalah al Islamieh bayn al La Markazieh asSiyasieh wa al La Markazieh al Idarieh أقاليم الدولة الأسلامية بين اللامركزية السياسية و اللامركزية الأدارية 5.00 $
| Omm Kalthoum wa asre min al fan أم كلثوم و عصر من الفن 6.00 $
| bawoh al Fa'e al Maksourah بوح الفاء المكسورة 3.00 $
bait li al Rajem Bait li al Salat بيت للرجم بيت للصلاة 2.00 $
| bayana al Sama'e wa al Aredd hal li moushkilat al Ayetam بين السماء و الأرض حل مشكلات الأيتام 8.00 $
| Tajarib Sheakesperieh fi Alemana al Moassir تجارب شكسبيرية في عالمنا المعاصر 8.00 $
Harakat atTarjamah fi al Qarn al Ishereen حركة الترجمة في مصر في القرن العشرين 2.00 $
| Dirasat fi al A9amarh al Islamieh دراسات في العمارة الأسلامية 16.00 $
| Diwan She9er Ahmed Najib li atTfal wa anNashee9een ديوان شعر أحمد نجيب للأطفال و الناشئين 10.00 $
Rou'yat al Rahalh al Miskeen رؤية الرحالة المسكين 4.00 $
| cinema al atfal سينما الأطفال 1.00 $
| Souna9e al Hadarah al Ilemieh 1/3 صناع الحضارة العلمية 1/2 4.00 $
abekariat al ikhraj al masrahhy al madariss wa al manahej عبقرية الأخراج المسرحي المدارس و المناهج 7.00 $
| ilem al alat al mousiquieh علم الألآت الموسيقية 8.00 $
| Awadat al Ghaeb عودة الغائب 6.00 $
Fda'e Abeedous wa masrahiyat Oukhra فضاء أبيدوس و مسرحيات أخرى 5.00 $
| Cleopatra ta'sahaq al Soumm كليوبترا تعشق السم 1.00 $
| lou9bat al Sultan لعبة السلطان 4.00 $
Muthakarat al Lord Keelrn 1934/1946 1/2 مذكرات اللورد كيلرن 1946/1934 1/2 7.00 $
| Mashakil tahdid se9er al Saraf wa taqeyeem al O9umlat مشاكل تحديد سعر الصرف و تقييم العملات 6.00 $
| Mafehim al Naked wa masadiriha مفاهيم النقد و مصادرها 10.00 $
Mousikka kodama' al massrieen موسيقى قدماء المصريين 1.00 $
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| wa kan baytuhu al Baher و كان بيته البحر 2.00 $
بيئتي دنيتي - الغذاء و تلوثه و ضرره 4.00 $
بيئتي دنيتي - الماء و تلوث الماء 4.00 $
بيئتي دنيتي - الطاقة و تلوث البيئة 4.00 $
بيئتي دنيتي - الارض و التربة الزراعية 4.00 $
بيئتي دنيتي - الهواء و تلوث الهواء 4.00 $
الاتجاه العربي الاسلامي و دوره في تحرير الجزائر 2.00 $
اشكال التناص الشعري دراسة في توظيف الشخصيات التراثية 4.00 $
الحمق و الجنون في التراث العربي من الجاهلية الى نهاية القرن الرابع 2.00 $
الخطاب السياسي عند ابن رشد 4.00 $
العدل و التسامح في ضوء الاسلام 2.00 $
تناقضات الحداثة في مصر 2.00 $
الاسلام و الآخر 8.00 $
مدينة بلا قلب او رأس , و لم يبقى الا الاعتراف ثلاثة دوواين شعر 7.00 $
المسؤولية الجنائية للهندسة الوراثية في الجنس البشري 12.00 $
الله محبة و كذلك الانسان 4.00 $
انشاء جامعة الدول العربية مقدماتهل و تطوراتها 1/3 2.00 $
التصوير عند العرب 4.00 $
الشيخ مصطفى عبد الرزاق و مذكراته عقل مستنير تحت الصحافة 2.00 $
التجارة الالكترونية 2.00 $
اغنيات الفراق تراث الحزن في صعيد مصر دراسة جمع و تحليل 8.00 $
| Al I'jaz al Ielmi fi al Quran الإعجاز العلمي في القرآن 3.00 $
Shareh al Hoddod al Nahawieh شرح الحدود النحوية 6.00 $
| Azmatouna al Hadariyeh fi Dawou'e sunnat Allah fi al Khaleq أزمتنا الحضارية في ضوء سنة الله في الخلق 3.00 $
| Kathef al Mouhsanat fi al Kitab wa al Sunneh قذف المحصنات في الكتاب و السنة 1.00 $
Al Iketsaad al Islami wa al Kaday al Fikhieh al Mo'aserah 1/2 الأقتصاد الأسلامي و القضايا الفقهية المعاصرة 1/2 20.00 $
| Al Sarem al manki fi al Radd ala Al Sabeky الصارم المنكي في الرد على السبكي 7.00 $
| Al Koran al Karim fi Mouwajahat aeda' al Islam القرآن الكريم في مواجهة أعداء الأسلام 1.00 $
Reek al Nahhel min Rahhhek al Zaher ريق النحل من رحيق الزهر 1.00 $
| mouktatfat min al tob al islami مقتطفات من الطب الإسلامي 1.00 $
| Hidayat al wosssol fi ilem al ossool ( fikh Shafi''ey) هداية الوصول في علم الأصول ( منظومة في الفقه الشافعي ) 1.00 $
Al Me'aar al Mo'rib wa al Jamie al Moughrib المعيار المعرب والجامع المغرب 13/1 180.00 $
| fatawa Ibn Rushed فتاوى ابن رشد 3/1 36.00 $
| al Bayan wa al Tahsil wa al Shareh 1/21 البيان والتحصيل والشرح 21/1 240.00 $
tarikh Bilad al Maghreb wa al Andalus fi ahed al Mouwahedin تاريخ بلاد المغرب والأندلس في عهد الموحدين 18.00 $
| ma ja'e fi al Dabb inda al Arab ما جاء في الضب عن العرب 2.00 $
| al Shouheb al Moukharaqa liman id'a al Ijetihad lawla inqita'hee min ahl al Makhraqah الشهب المخرقة لمن ادعى الاجتهاد لولا انقطاعه من اهل المخرقة 14.00 $
Banat Souad بانت سعاد 2.00 $
| Kitab al Riddah ( ma'a nabthah min foutouh al Iraq) كتاب الردة (مع نبذة من فتوح العراق) 7.00 $
| Akhbar Fakh wa khabar yehiya bin Abdulallah wa akhihee Idriss أخبار فخّ وخبر يحيى بن عبد الله وأخيه إدريس 12.00 $
mojam ummahat al Afe'al 1/3 معجم أمهات الأفعال 3/1 36.00 $
| nitham al Hokem fi al Islam نظام الحكم في الاسلام 5.00 $
| kitab al Mountakhal 1/2 كتاب المنتخل 2/1 24.00 $
Durar al Uquood al Faridah 1/4 درر العقود الفريدة 4/1 54.00 $
| Tarikh al Islam wa Wafiyat al Mashahir 1/17 تاريخ الإسلام ووفيات المشاهير 17/1 600.00 $
| Tarikh al Islam wa Wafiyat al Mashahir 1/33 تاريخ الإسلام ووفيات المشاهير 33/1 750.00 $
Kadiyat al Lafeth wa al Ma'ana wa natheriyat al She'er inda al Arab قضية اللفظ والمعنى ونظرية الشعر عند العرب 26.00 $
| AbdelGhani al Nabulsi عبد الغني النابلسي 10.00 $
| Sir al Layl fi al Qaleb wa al Iebdal سر الليال في القلب والإبدال 10.00 $
Silah al Takmilah li wafiyat al nakalah 1/2 صلة التكملة لوفيات النقلة 2/1 54.00 $
| Natheriyat al Taqreeeb wa al Taghleeb نظرية التقريب والتغليب 18.00 $
| Muthakarat Jazairi 1/2 مذكرات جزائري 2/1 24.00 $
after zionism, one state for israel and palistine
15.50 $
| the belt
11.00 $
| al Amradd anNafsieh wa al Moushkilat asSolokieh wa adDirassieh ind atTafal الأمراض النفسية و المشكلات السلوكية و الدراسية عند الأطفال 7.00 $
Ossoss ilem anNafess al Iejtimaey أسس علم النفس الأجتماعي 8.00 $
| al Ireshad anNaefessy natheriyatuhu , ietejehautuhu , majalatuhu الإرشاد النفسي - نظرياته , أتجاهاته , مجالاته 8.00 $
| Tarikh al shareq al kadim Syria تاريخ الشرق القديم سوريا 7.00 $
Tarikh al shareq al kadim al Iraq تاريخ الشرق القديم العراق 8.00 $
| Tarikh al shareq al kadim Masre تاريخ الشرق القديم مصـر 8.00 $
| Majmou'e bouldan al Yemen wa Kabaelaha 1/4 مجموع بلدان اليمن و قبائلهـا 1/4 25.00 $
Tafsir Surat al Mulek تفسير سورة الملك 3.00 $
| sirat al Layl سيرة الليل 6.00 $
| Warsou Qabla Qalil وارسو قبل قليل 8.00 $
مصطلحات قانونية باللغة الانجليزية – LEGAL TERMINOLOGY 17.50 $
Espaces Du Cinéma Algérien 60.90 $
Electron-Transfer Kinetic Reactions of Binary & Ternary Complexes 39.90 $
Electrocoagulation of herbicides in aqueous solutions using electrodes 55.90 $
Vihara Architecture: Existential foothold of Somapura Mahavihara
49.90 $
| Sustainable adaptation climate and energy efficiency
39.90 $
| Architectural Projects Design Methodology Process:
79.90 $
Syntax In English Grammar
35.90 $
| Climate Change and the Dryland Resources of Nigeria
54.90 $
| Asian Art in Ancient Tradition
39.90 $
Governing Modalities of the Extractive Industry in Iraq
76.90 $
| Iraq Petroleum Sector Chronicle-Volume 2,2011
108.90 $
| The Algerian Economy
79.90 $
Iraq Petroleum Sector Chronicle V1
98.90 $
| Islamic Finance in Algeria
54.90 $
| Lectures in: International Financial Markets
76.90 $
Growth-inducing Impact of Nigerian Capital Market on Agricultural Sector
39.90 $
| Flipped Learning
71.90 $
| Nigerian Economy and its University System-An Overview
39.90 $
Compiler with C: Lab Approach
54.90 $
| Forage Pellets to Feed Grasscutters in Captivity in Ghana
82.90 $
| Career GuideBook on Pharmacy
54.90 $
Towards a Scientific Exegesis of the Quran
21.90 $
| How to promote agriculture in Tunisia?
56.20 $
71.90 $
Cadmium, Toxicity & Changes_Gene Expression; Mitochondrial Functions
40.90 $
82.90 $
| Prediction of Gestational Diabetes
54.90 $
71.90 $
| Islamic Angel Financing
79.90 $
| Negotiating the International Trade Contract
108.90 $
Physiology of Egyptian buffaloes heifers
76.90 $
| The Rotating Fields in General Relativity
61.90 $
| Punching Shear of FRP-Reinforced Concrete Slab-Column Connections
76.90 $
Application of Ionic Liquids in Solid-Phase Extraction
39.90 $
| Monster Called Poverty In Nigeria
45.90 $
| A Guide To The Translation Of The Glorious Quran Into English
23.90 $
The merchant companies in Morocco (1830-1912)
96.90 $
| Schooling arrangements for children with autism
68.90 $
| Negotiating the International Trade Contract
82.90 $
Partially Occluded Face Recognition Using Feature Selection Approach
60.90 $
| Audit quality and the level of earnings manipulation:
45.90 $
| Economic Integration and Globalisation in Africa
39.90 $
Investment Policies and Inward Foreign Direct Investment
39.90 $
| Combat for Democracy and Democratization in Nigeria
45.90 $
| The merchant companies in Morocco (1830-1912)
57.90 $
Clinical and therapeutic aspects of the retrocave ureter
39.90 $
| Analysis of Poverty among Pastoral Households in Harshin Woreda.
54.90 $
| Study on production of liquid fuels from plastic wastes
54.90 $
The Shadow Economy Estimation and Impact
46.90 $
68.90 $
| Feed supplements to improve nutrients utilization
61.90 $
Foreign Aid, Public Investment and Poverty Level: Evidence from SSA
61.90 $
| Tourism and tourist places in China and its impact on the world
39.90 $
| Assessment of Bone Minerals among Sudanese Patients
54.90 $
Nigerian economy and fiscal policy: face-value assessment
54.90 $
| Negotiating the International Trade Contract
82.90 $
| Authentic Leadership &Openness to change in Pakistani service industry
39.90 $
Quality of Work Life (QoWL) of Academicians in Saudi Universities
54.90 $
| Value Based Education
26.90 $
| Knowledge sharing practices among library staff in IIUM Gombak Campus
61.90 $
Strategic Roadmap for Public Universities in Developing Countries
43.90 $
| The essentials of management
79.90 $
| Natural Disaster Challenges for Pakistan
54.90 $
Project management and Optimizations Problems
60.90 $
| Biochemical Changes and Municipal Solid Waste Sorting
61.90 $
76.90 $
Customer satisfaction
39.90 $
| Methods of persuasion of the electronic message
43.90 $
| Persuasive Methods of Electronic Message
50.90 $
The Mediation Role of Career Adaptability
26.90 $
| Key Performance Indicators of Cold Supply Chain Management Practices
26.90 $
| Business Intelligence and Semantic Web in Emerging Tech Era
39.90 $
Venture capital investment and SMEs growth
39.90 $
| Journey to ERP Customization in SMEs Through Business Models Driven
61.90 $
| Impact of Empowering Leadership on Employee’s Creativity
39.90 $
54.90 $
| TQM and Organizational Culture in Hospitality and Tourism
89.90 $
| An Enquiry into Accounting Fraud in the Global Context
71.90 $
Human Resource Management, Total Quality Management & Competitiveness
39.90 $
| Why Organizational Justice Matter Into the Perception of Burnout
71.90 $
| Relation between Custom Duties & Profitability of Automobile Industry
39.90 $
Corporate Finance and its Strategic Implementation
82.90 $
| Factor Affecting the Growth of Small and Medium Enterprise
39.90 $
| The relationship between the level of intellectual capital disclosure
39.90 $
An Event Analysis of Open Market Share Repurchases in Malaysia
82.90 $
| Unfair Performance Appraisal System and Employee Engagement
39.90 $
| Intellectual Capital and Competitive Strategies
71.90 $
Organizational Diversity and Customer Satisfaction
60.90 $
| Using Clustering and Association Rules Techniques
61.90 $
| Parallel Execution of the Steganography in Images on the Android Platform
61.90 $
Applications of Semantic Web Mining in E-Learning
61.90 $
| Assessing Security of Cloud Services in Malaysian Universities
39.90 $
| Knowledge Based Grid Using Semantic Web
76.90 $
Enhanced Request Threshold Collaborative Mitigation For HTTP Flood
39.90 $
| Educational Knowledge Management Systems
87.90 $
| Smart Mosque Based on IoT
61.90 $
Diversity Role in Designing Multiple Classifier Systems Using MATLAB
54.90 $
| Payroll Management System
39.90 $
| Sustainable Green Service Level Agreement (GSLA) Framework
61.90 $
Stream Clustering
59.90 $
| A Machine Learning Model for Improving Healthcare on Cloud Computing
54.90 $
| Algorithms for the Quadratic Assignment Problem
61.90 $
Feature Selection Algorithms in Image Processing
39.90 $
| Performance Evaluation of Network Slicing at Edge Nodes in 5G RAN
61.90 $
39.90 $
M.Cloudlet: A Mobile Cloudlet Model Using Wi-Fi Direct
54.90 $
| Parallelization of Numerical Algorithms using OpenMP and Pluto
39.90 $
| Small Language for Service Oriented Computing
39.90 $
Introduction to Computer Programming
39.90 $
| Binary Regular LDPC codes
45.90 $
| The Brief English Grammar Book
76.90 $
Peer-to-peer learning
39.90 $
| Thoughts of Minds
24.90 $
| A Ruined Friendship
43.90 $
What a Beautiful Life
48.90 $
| Life of an orphan
24.90 $
| A world of robots!
26.90 $
Poonch-Rawalakot Route in Retrospect and Prospect
54.90 $
71.90 $
| The Secrets Hidden in The Cairo Geniza Documents
91.90 $
Comparison between spoken and written discourse
39.90 $
| Languages & Linguistics, Literature, Culture and Pedagogy VOLUME 2
114.90 $
| Languages & Linguistics, Literature, Culture and Pedagogy VOLUME 1
124.90 $
The Concept of Metaphor Relating to Public Speeches
61.90 $
| Political Novels of Salman Rushdie
76.90 $
| Textual Sentimental Analysis using Natural Language Processing
61.90 $
Evidentiality in Modern Standard Arabic
71.90 $
| Problems of Translating English Proverbs into Modern Standard Arabic
61.90 $
| Language Performance and Impairment of Iraqi Patients with Alzheimer's
49.90 $
Pragmatic Analysis of Criminal Texts in English and Kurdish
39.90 $
| Children's Language and Speech Disorder
74.90 $
| Lectures on English
26.90 $
The Use of Low Effective and Contextually Low Frequent Vocabularies
98.90 $
| Sudanese Puzzles
21.90 $
| Stories of Sudanese Parables
21.90 $
Cultural Incidents in Literary Texts
39.90 $
| Letters and Flowers
24.90 $
| Validation of the Cloze Test
43.90 $
The Status of English for Research Publication Purposes in Iraq
68.90 $
| John Betjeman and Modernism
39.90 $
| A Neurolinguistic Evaluation of Translators' Performance
93.90 $
Mastering the Writing Skill:
71.90 $
| Introduction Of Forensic Toxicology
60.90 $
| Cultural or Religious?
39.90 $
Introduction Forensic Toxicology
60.90 $
| Forensic Biology
79.90 $
| Fundamental In Forensic Sciences
109.90 $
Rights of Prisoners of War
71.90 $
| Hepato-morpholoy and biochemical studies on the liver of albino rats
39.90 $
| Bridging the Gap between Urban Planning and Urban Design Processes
93.90 $
The Kyoto Protocol to The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: A Critical Analysis and its Relevance to Uganda
60.90 $
79.90 $
| Anticorruption and Police Reform in Tunisia
71.90 $
Antioxidant and it's impact on human body
39.90 $
| Export Business and Law
39.90 $
| ULtra-structure and gene expression of egyptian buffaloes' oocytes
39.90 $
Improving Compliance of Income Tax in Developing Countries
82.90 $
| Impact of Salicylates Loaded Nanoparticles on Cisplatin Brain Toxicity
50.90 $
| Most Reliable Factors For Monitoring Financial Institutions Health
39.90 $
61.90 $
| Fuzzy Decision Making: An Application to Investment Analysis
76.90 $
| Using Fuzzy Fault Tree Analysis for Complex Systems Reliability
21.90 $
Analytical Study of Thermal Stresses on Different Solids
61.90 $
| Engineering Mathematics
98.90 $
| Mathematical and Numerical computation with Maple
39.90 $
Correlations of Respiratory and Denoised ECGs via Signal Decomposition
71.90 $
| Study of Inertia & Streamline Curvature Effects on Peristaltic Flows
76.90 $
| MHD Heat / Mass Transport in Fluid Flow
93.90 $
Effect of Magnet Field on Properties of Ground Water
21.90 $
| Non Linear Analysis of High Strength Fibrous Reinforced Concrete
39.90 $
| Modeling Reliability
61.90 $
The Impact of Iterative Image Reconstruction on Chest CT Examination
61.90 $
| To Study the Prescription Pattern in Acute Myocardial Infarction
39.90 $
| High Sensitive C-reactive protein In Chronic kidney disease Patients
39.90 $
>1000 CLINICAL ABBREVIATIONS & Laboratory values
39.90 $
| Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis: from diagnosis to treatment
43.90 $
| Child Psychology
61.90 $
Effects of Topical Carrageenan and Vitamin D on Oral Tumor in Rats
66.90 $
| Full Mouth Rehabilitation - A Clinical Approach
71.90 $
| Management of TMJ Disorders
61.90 $
HLA-DQB1 Alleles in Yemeni and Egyptian Periodontitis Patients
71.90 $
| Smart Materials in Dentistry
39.90 $
| Full arch implant supported prosthetic rehabilitation
54.90 $
The Influence of Different Ceramics and Resin Cements
71.90 $
| Patient Motivation and Education
54.90 $
68.90 $
71.90 $
| Smart materials in Dentistry
84.90 $
| Severe burns in adults and children in the acute phase
26.90 $
Gamma Knife Surgery For Trigeminal Neuralgia
32.90 $
| Encephalic death, ethical, diagnostic, therapeutic aspects
37.90 $
| Scientific Discoveries of the 21st Century
124.90 $
Therapeutic dose monitoring of MPA
61.90 $
| Lumber Exercise therapy in Low Back Pain
66.90 $
57.90 $
Diabetics are naturally "SWEET" ..
61.90 $
| Telomerase and Cancer Therapeutics
54.90 $
| Head & Neck Surgery- Otolaryngology Board MCQ Training
71.90 $
Neck Pain Management
61.90 $
| Evaluation and Management of CP Child
39.90 $
| Serum Neopterin Level In Early Onset Neonatal Sepsis
54.90 $
Health education modules on malaria prevention for pregnant women
39.90 $
| Education and Communication for Health Part - I
76.90 $
| Arterial stiffness and coronary artery disease
54.90 $
Alcohol-Associated Interference And Recall
32.90 $
| Highlights on the outcome of hepatic encephalopathy
39.90 $
| Aflatoxin: Genotoxin - Hepatocarcinogen
54.90 $
Practical conduct in obstetrics Volume 1
61.90 $
| Meniere’s disease
39.90 $
| Effect of honey consumed on COVID-19 patients over time
45.90 $
Effect of Work Values and Quality of Work Life on Intention to Stay
39.90 $
| Human, canine and feline tuberculosis
61.90 $
| Lateral ankle sprain ligament
39.90 $
Chemoradiation Roles in the Management of Rectal cancer
21.90 $
| Gynecological Cytology Cases Series
39.90 $
| Post-Covid19 Era, Postal Industry Strategy to be highlighted
45.90 $
Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Board Preparation
61.90 $
| Know your HIV Epidemic and Know your Response Synthesis
39.90 $
| Characteristics of Human Sperms
40.90 $
Scientific Writing: From data Collection to International Publishing
76.90 $
| Coping, Quality of Life, and Psychosexual Dysfunctions among Hemodialy
76.90 $
| Evaluation of video head impulse test in vestibular migraine patients
39.90 $
Pre and Post ESWL Urine Culture as a guide for Antibiotic Management
39.90 $
| Assessment of Empathy Towards Patient Among Medical Students
45.90 $
| Compiled Body of Works in Field Epidemiology
71.90 $
Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Faidherbia albida
39.90 $
| Endoscopic Endonasal Trans-Sphenoidal Hypophysectomy
54.90 $
| Œdème Maculaire Diabétique :
39.90 $
Fungal rhinosinusitis
61.90 $
| Rhinoplasty
39.90 $
| Lifestyle and Risk Behaviors among College Students in Erbil City
39.90 $
Rectovaginal fistulas of non-tumoral origin
39.90 $
| Human Viruses in Water: Assessment and Control
39.90 $
| New technique for human sperm cryopreservation
61.90 $
Antimicrobial activity of camel lactoferrin peptide and black seed oil
54.90 $
| Adiponectin and resistin
54.90 $
| Long-term Efficacy of 9-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine
54.90 $
Effect of Violent Media & Video Games on Children’s Behavior
31.90 $
| Health Related Quality Of Life of Cancer Children
23.90 $
| The fear of acupuncture in osteoarticular pathologies
43.90 $
Low back pain in young elite athletes
43.90 $
| Knowledge and Practices of Breast Cancer
65.90 $
| Physiotherapy in Head Injury
36.90 $
The Morphology of Lumbosacral spine and Spinal Canal
54.90 $
| Vitamin D Deficiency
39.90 $
| Multiple Pancreatico-colonic Fistulas, Rare presentation
39.90 $
Systematic review for injuries of posterolateral corner injuries knee
39.90 $
| An Update on Management of Early Stage Diabetic Kidney Disease
39.90 $
| Hearing Assessment of patients with stage -5- Chronic Kidney Disease
26.90 $
Thoracic Ultrasound
39.90 $
| Technological Advances: What Hope for Colorectal Cancer ?
60.90 $
| Modalities Used In Trigger Points
29.90 $
Aging changes in the retina
43.90 $
| A Comprehensive Approach on Myofacial Pain Syndrome
39.90 $
| Variation of Haematological Indices in Various Types of Malaria
54.90 $
Frequency of Cervical Node Metastasis in Early Stage Tongue Carcinoma
71.90 $
| The Acupuncture Role in Treatment of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
61.90 $
| Woman Fort as extract of medical plants for female infertility therapy
39.90 $
"Toxicity of Black Stone Hair Dye and Some Cosmetic Ingredients"
71.90 $
| Diarrheal disease: Causes, Prevention, Treatment and Diagnosis
39.90 $
| Epidemiological and clinical profile of cataract patients
43.90 $
Quality of Life Assessment
43.90 $
| Satisfaction with Nursing Care Quality of Post-operative Home-visiting
43.90 $
| Voltammetric Determination of Bromfenac Sodium
39.90 $
Determination Of Nepafenac
39.90 $
| Potentiometric determination of some glaucoma indicated drugs
39.90 $
| Pharmaceutical Applications of Some New Pyranothiazole Drug Complexes
71.90 $
Anti-Adipogenic and Anti-Diabetic Activity of “Mirabilis Jalapa”
39.90 $
| Neuropharmacological Profiles of Lawsonia Innermis
54.90 $
| Gold Nanoparticle Toxicity
26.90 $
Potential protective effect of pomegranate juice and thymoquinone
43.90 $
79.90 $
| Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticle as Antimicrobil Efficacy
39.90 $
Toxinology for Safer Drug Industry
39.90 $
| Effect of nanoparticles on Ocimum basilicum L
39.90 $
| Concise Book of Human Anatomy for Pharmacists
71.90 $
Green biosynthesis of silver NPs for biomedical applications
61.90 $
| Green Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticle as Antimicrobial Efficacy
26.90 $
| Molecular Studies On Foot and Mouth Disease Virus In Egypt
71.90 $
Detection of Some Heavy Metals Residues in Meat of Local Animals
61.90 $
| Ultrasonographic Imaging of Equine pelvis
39.90 $
| Minor and Major Surgical Conditions and Treatment Outcomes in Animals
54.90 $
Survey on Socio-Economic Values and Challenges of Camel Production
39.90 $
| Protective effect of camel urine & milk against alcoholic liver damage
54.90 $
| Studies on the prevailing parasitic diseases in some Red Sea reef fish
76.90 $
Phenotypic characterization of Sudanese Desert Goat
43.90 $
| Calcaneal lengthening in idiopathic flatfoot in children
39.90 $
| Philosophy of President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria
79.90 $
Impacts of Segmental and Supra-Segmental Phonemes in Learning Speaking
69.90 $
| China, Germany and Russia: A New World Order
39.90 $
| International Issues: An Anthology
54.90 $
61.90 $
| Who are Nigerians
45.90 $
| Epistle of President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria
59.90 $
Equity, Social Inclusion, and Role of NGOs: The Case of Dhaka
26.90 $
| A Perspective on Rural Development Theory/Model
54.90 $
| A Concise Encyclopedia of the Qur'anic Rhetoric in English
39.90 $
A synopsis of women struggle and politics in Nigeria
45.90 $
| The Gospel of President Olusegun Obasanjo of Nigeria
59.90 $
| The Responsibility to Protect
54.90 $
Federalism: An Overview of the Nigerian Perspective
82.90 $
| Problem and prospect of community policing in Bangladesh
39.90 $
| Shattering the myth of despair, frustration, anxiety, stress and depression
48.90 $
Terms of petroleum engineering
43.90 $
| Applications of Positive Psychology in Counseling and Psychotherapy
57.90 $
| Global - Vocational Counseling and Psychotherapy
36.90 $
Handbook of 21st Century Intelligence SQ
67.90 $
| Counseling and Psychotherapy Programs
79.90 $
| Smartphone addiction in the university environment in Morocco
43.90 $
Named Entity Recognition for Amharic Language
39.90 $
| Zakat for Social Development and Empowerment
23.90 $
| Feel the Orphans Sorrow
23.90 $
India’s ‘Minority Question’ under Comparative Lenses
76.90 $
| Similes in Holy Qur'an
61.90 $
| The Human Cosmology
24.90 $
Islam and science
24.90 $
| Halal Marriage: A Basic Need
21.90 $
| Secrets to Success in Life
23.90 $
The Basic Concepts of Islam
39.90 $
| Islam: The Religion of Peace and Beauty
24.90 $
| The Signs and The Blessings of Allah (SWT)
43.90 $
Methods & Mechanism of Human Speech Production
35.90 $
| In the light of the right belief
71.90 $
| The Prophet Muhammad, A Model For Humanity
89.90 $
24.90 $
| Effects of Electric Power Blackouts on Steam Turbine Power Plants
39.90 $
| CNN Based Person Specific Face Recognition & Detection
39.90 $
Determination of Temperature Difference Between Urban and Rural areas
54.90 $
| Optics: Contact lenses properties and materials
39.90 $
| An Overview on Alzheimer's Disease
39.90 $
Phytochemical Analysis, Antibacterial Activity of Averrhoa Carambola
39.90 $
| Cytomorphological Pattern of Lung among those Exposed to Cement Dust
39.90 $
| Eco-friendly extracted Squid by-product gelatin polymer
21.90 $
Bioprospects of Coastal Ecosystem and Sustainable Resource Management
21.90 $
| Nutritional Imprinting In Broilers Through Early Dietary Manipulations
54.90 $
| Characterization of Apple (Malus domestica L.) Germplasm
39.90 $
Nanotechnology in Bacteriology
39.90 $
| Early Versus Delayed Enteral Feeding for Achieving Full Feeding
59.90 $
| Fungal Endophytes of Crocus sativus and their applications
54.90 $
Synthetic Bacteria. Application of Genomics and Genetic Engineering
54.90 $
| Genetic Characterization of Lactuca Resources
39.90 $
| Genome Analysis and Biochemical Evaluation of Brassica Species
39.90 $
Development of LRD Device for Treatment of Various Viruses Infection
60.90 $
| The activity of salicylic acid against some wilt diseases fungi
54.90 $
| Abiotic Stress and Halotolerant Algae
93.90 $
43.90 $
43.90 $
| Traditional Versus Modern Methods for Fertility Evaluation
54.90 $
Chemotaxonomic study
39.90 $
| The Role of Non-timber Forest Products (NTFPs)
45.90 $
| Isolation and Identification of soil borne fungi from District Kasoor
35.90 $
Calotropis procera
54.90 $
| Antioxidants and cowpea plant physiology
87.90 $
| Phytopharmacological features of Thymus algeriensis
21.90 $
GC-MS Analysis of volatile Oil Salvia officinalis in Sudan
39.90 $
| Spectrophotometric Determination of Some Essential & Toxic Elements
53.90 $
| Vanadium Chemistry Biochemistry, Toxicology & Its Analytical Chemistry
57.90 $
Azolothienopyrimidines, Pyrimidothienotriazines, Acyclic-C-nucleosides
89.90 $
| Some Heterocyclic Precursors as Main Entity for their Functional Dyes
79.90 $
| Improve the performance of the DSSCs by Iron oxides nanoparticles
67.90 $
NanoMaterials in Catalytic Perspective
39.90 $
| Professional Kit (Part- I)
43.90 $
| Dysprosium Metal Complexes Derived from Bridging Oxygen Donor Ligands
54.90 $
Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites
76.90 $
| Pollution and degradation of natural resources
61.90 $
39.90 $
Spectrofluorimetric Determination of Some Toxic & Geno-toxic Inorganic
46.90 $
| Silver nanoparticles: Kinetic Factors, Anticancer and Antimicrobial
71.90 $
| Separation Chemistry
39.90 $
New technique in extraction of uranium from its solution
39.90 $
| Packaging Application for the Different Polymer Nanocomposites
45.90 $
| Development of some novel azomethine compounds as chemo sensors
54.90 $
Hematite Nanoparticles as Coagulant for River Nile Surface Water
39.90 $
| Design and synthesis antimicrobial amino acid derivatives
39.90 $
| The Environmental Impacts of Generated Air Pollution
54.90 $
Design and applications of Nano Schiff bases and nano metal complexes
76.90 $
| Polymer Photophysics and Photochemistry
21.90 $
| Dyeing kinetics of flax / cotton fabrics
45.90 $
The effect of nano scale of medical plants in water purification
76.90 $
| Functional and Photosensitizer Cyanine Dyes
71.90 $
| Synthesis of Some Heterocyclic Photosensitizer Phytopigment & Function
76.90 $
Synthesis of Pharmacologically Active Compounds from Oxazolones
39.90 $
| Antioxidant and Anti-ulcer Activities of Extracts from Tapinanthus
39.90 $
| Studies on the Synthesis of Fused Primidine Derivatives
21.90 $
General Organic Chemistry Illustrated with Corrected Exercises
91.90 $
| Boron carbide/nitride nano-ceramics
76.90 $
45.90 $
Composite Materials: Characterization and Effect of Ion Irradiation
50.90 $
| Metal Oxide Based Nano-catalysts
68.90 $
| Production logging courses
54.90 $
Power of maps
39.90 $
| Application of Landsat 8 Data for Mapping Gold Mineralisation Potential
54.90 $
| Hydrogeophysics and Structural Geophysics
54.90 $
Spatial distributions of trace elements in the Rayfield Mining Town
39.90 $
| The effects of charcoal production on range lands in Lower Juba
54.90 $
| Assessment of Rangeland Productivity and Biodiversity
39.90 $
Ecology and Chemical composition of Lepidium virginicum L, Egypt
59.90 $
| Ecological Studies on Effects of Water Quality on some Teleosts
39.90 $
| Development of a forest fire risk map
39.90 $
Physical Optics
26.90 $
| Planning and Operation Assessment of a Microgrid
71.90 $
| Analysis and Design of a Reflectarray Antenna for X Band Applications
54.90 $
Electrospinning Polymer Nanocomposites for High Sensitive Applications
68.90 $
| Characterization of Fibrous Materials by Microinterferometry
79.90 $
| Industrial Electronics and Drives modeling
84.90 $
Wetlands of Zalingei Area (West Sudan) as Birds Habitat
71.90 $
| Bearing Capacity Of Floating Semi-Rigid Pulverized Fly Ash Stone Colum
76.90 $
| Heterogeneous Catalysis for Synthesis of Some Heterocyclic Compounds
76.90 $
New Agricultural Projects in Egypt El-Salam Canal Project
39.90 $
| Particulate Matter Forecasting in Bangladesh, India, China, and USA
43.90 $
| Candidate Genes for Growth and Fertility Traits
61.90 $
Biogenesis and Functional Roles of Circular RNAs in Plants
39.90 $
| Study of IGFBP-3 gene in Egyptian Farm Animals
39.90 $
| Mutations in candidate genes and their association with fertility
39.90 $
Ampélographie of the Tunisian vine
43.90 $
| Modern strategies to enhance goat genetic performance
54.90 $
| Egyptian Sheep Breeds and genetic tools to improve
54.90 $
Land Use Land Cover Change
43.90 $
| Structural Setting of West Esh El Mellaha Basin, Eastern Desert, Egypt
76.90 $
| Tools for Better Agricultural Extension Communication
54.90 $
Three Genes Associations with the Productive Traits
71.90 $
| Land Fragmentation and Rice Production Efficiency in Sindh, Pakistan
54.90 $
| Production of Wheat Bread
39.90 $
Using of Bioindicators for Monitoring Pesticides Pollution
39.90 $
| Fortified Ice Cream by Pomegranate Extract
71.90 $
| Insect Pest Stores and Their Control
54.90 $
Food & Drug Interaction (Vol.1)
39.90 $
| Agro-biodiversity in Nile Delta, Egypt
82.90 $
| Physico-chemical & Sensorial Quality of Value Added Banana Products
39.90 $
Adoption of improved rice production technologies
60.90 $
| Flavoured cheese with Arugula
43.90 $
| Phosphate rock in Agriculture
43.90 $
Peach Fruit Fly, Bactrocera zonata and its Control
68.90 $
| Farmers' Innovations and their Rationality
71.90 $
| Antibiotics Growth Promoters (AGP) Alternatives in Broiler Nutrition
71.90 $
Evaluation of Apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) Resources
39.90 $
| Assessment of Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) species
39.90 $
| Genetic Characterization of Phaseolus vulgaris L.
39.90 $
Genomic Characterization of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
39.90 $
| Genetic Variation of Pigeon Pea (Cajanus cajan L.)
39.90 $
| Characterization of Lablab Genetic Resources
39.90 $
Soybean (Glycine max L.)
39.90 $
| Lathyrus Genetic Resources: Characterization and Conservation
39.90 $
| Evaluation and Harnessing of Pisum sativum L. Germplasm
39.90 $
Characterization of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)
39.90 $
| Biochemical and Molecular Characterization of Peanut Germplasm
39.90 $
| Evaluation of Mucuna Genetic Resources
39.90 $
Lupinus Species: Genetic Variability Assessment
39.90 $
| Molecular Assessment of Genetic Variability of Carrot
39.90 $
| Biochemical Characterization of Onion (Allium cepa L.)
39.90 $
Clover Species: Genetic Characterization and Improvement
39.90 $
| Cucumber Germplasm: Assessment and Conservation Strategies
39.90 $
| Molecular Characterization of Deadnettle Germplasm
39.90 $
Genetic Evaluation of Eucalyptus Species
39.90 $
| Assessment of Millets
39.90 $
| Molecular Studies on Oats
39.90 $
Olive Resources: Characterization and Conservation
39.90 $
| Molecular Evaluation of Mangifera indica L.
39.90 $
| Pear Germplasm: Evaluation and Utilization
39.90 $
Rapeseed Resources: Genetic Diversity and Phylogenetic Studies
39.90 $
| Boron Fertilizer Application: Enhanced Wheat Yield
39.90 $
| Studies on chickpea wilt disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum
68.90 $
Study of the encapsulation of catechin in a multiple emulsion
45.90 $
| In Silico Sequence Analysis of Foot and Mouth Disease Virus in Cattle
43.90 $
| Effect of Cowpea Genotypes on Callosobruchus maculatus
54.90 $
Using of Nano-particles Against Red palm weevil
61.90 $
| Consumer Preference Analyses For Banana And Sweet Orange Fruits
36.90 $
| The Optimum agronomy practices in Africa to maximize the productivity
45.90 $
Consumer Preference Analysis for Cattle Attributes in Nigeria
26.90 $
| Insects and Climate changes
54.90 $
| Effect of Some Antioxidants and Nutrients on Washington Navel Orange
61.90 $
Nitrate accumulation in plant and soil, Factors affecting the process and their impact on human and animal health
39.90 $
| Sucking Insect Pests and Natural Enemies on Canola Plants
71.90 $
54.90 $
Red Palm Weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus and Their Control.
71.90 $
| Promising Uses of Different Forms of Herbs & Spices in Dairy Products
39.90 $
43.90 $
Assessment of Causes of degradation of the Vegetation Cover
39.90 $
| Arugula and its food applications
43.90 $
| Water Saving and Water Productivity through Precision Land Leveling
39.90 $
Streptomyces: Isolation, Optimization of Culture Conditions and Extraction of Secondary Metabolites.
39.90 $
| Ectoparasitic Protozoa from the Nile perch fish Lates niloticus, Egypt
21.90 $
| Multidrugs Resistant Bacteria Associated with Human Otitis Media
23.90 $
Vegetation and some Bioactive Products of Caulerpa racemosa
60.90 $
| Phenotypic characterization of Salmonella enterica from chickens
61.90 $
| Bacterial Endophytes Isolation & Charaterization
71.90 $
Characterization of L-Asparaginase
61.90 $
| Studies on Some Xylanase Producing Bacteria
71.90 $
| Xylanases of Fungi from Extreme Habitats in Egypt
82.90 $
Brucellosis ... From (A) To (Z)!!
71.90 $
| Molecular and chemical studies of some algal bioactive metabolites
82.90 $
| Verotoxin
46.90 $
Evaluation of metal biosorption activity by fungi
54.90 $
| Laser Effects on The Properties of The Alloys
71.90 $
| Ferrite Materials
61.90 $
Plasma Surface Treatment of Polymeric Materials
39.90 $
| Synthesis and Magnetic Characterization of Bismuth Doped ZnO Nanowires
54.90 $
| Spectroscopy of Quarkonium Systems
76.90 $
Quark-antiquark Spectroscopy Using Nonrelativistic Potentials
54.90 $
| Laboratory Experiments in Astronomy for Undergraduate Students
59.90 $
| Effect of biosynthesized gold nanoparticles on the polymeric materials
39.90 $
The Godfather of Planets: Jupiter
39.90 $
| Low Energy Ion Beam Induced Modification on Polymer Nano-composites
39.90 $
| Optimal Atmospheric Trajectory for Aero-Gravity Assist
61.90 $
Preparation and Characterization of Nano-Gold by Laser Ablation
54.90 $
| Contribution of remote sensing to estimate groundwater withdrawals
39.90 $
| Physical Properties of Ion Irradiated Polymer-Nano structured Films
50.90 $
Nanotechnology Science and Applications
54.90 $
| Effect of Hydrogen on Combustion Characteristics of LPG Fuel
61.90 $
| Longhorn Beetles of Pakistan
39.90 $
Applications of new reproductive techniques in some farm animals
61.90 $
| Dictionary of Christian Terms
64.90 $
| Laboratory Course in General Chemistry
21.90 $
Factors Affecting Female Students Academic Performance
43.90 $
| The Symphony in the International Islamic University Malaysia Library
39.90 $
| Teacher-Student Code switching
31.90 $
Sudanese Heritage Tools
21.90 $
| A failed promise, A rising scourge & A wound failing to heal years after
39.90 $
| Document Classification Algorithms
54.90 $
Elementary Public Administration and Management
76.90 $
| Optic Codes Division Multiple Access system
54.90 $
43.90 $
Tumor Lymphocyte Infiltrate (TILs):
43.90 $
| Intercultural Sensitivity Development
43.90 $
| Old Persons’ Preferences of Traditional Medicines in Treating Ailment
39.90 $
Public Places for Happiness
76.90 $
39.90 $
| Fitness Level Oof Pakistan National Hockey Team
60.90 $
The manual wheelchair race
39.90 $
| Robust Control of Dynamic Systems
32.90 $
| An Overview on Alternative Bioenergy Fossil Fuel Replacement in Egypt
39.90 $
Solar Air Cooling
54.90 $
| Multilevel STATCOM Model for Reactive Power Compensation
61.90 $
| The Energy - Gender Nexus
39.90 $
Experimental Study and Simulation software on Artificial intelligent i
39.90 $
| Design and optimization of 150 m higher wind monitoring tower
32.90 $
| Effect of Atmospheric Stability on Wind Resource Assessment
39.90 $
Studies on Q-switching and Mode-locking
39.90 $
| Data Communication and Analytics for Smart Grid Systems
61.90 $
| Indoor Wireless Optical CDMA System for LANs and Healthcare Monitoring
79.90 $
Analysis and development of maximum power point tracking
39.90 $
| Signal Processing Methods for Human Lung Sound Analysis
54.90 $
| Design and Development of Fuzzy Controller for Induction Motor Drive
68.90 $
71.90 $
| Noise Cancellation Technique For Compact MIMO Systems
54.90 $
| Graphene Based Surfaces
54.90 $
2G/3G/4G/5G mobile network KPIs optimization
31.90 $
| Multi-input multi-output (MIMO) System-Basics and applications
71.90 $
| RF Front End Receivers for Satellite Applications
71.90 $
Egg shell membrane protein modified carbon nano structures
54.90 $
| Degradation of dyes from Wastewater by using Ozone Microbubbles
61.90 $
| Microbial Fuel Cell for bio-electricity generation
54.90 $
Corrosion Protection for Energy Recovery in Hydro Turbines
71.90 $
| Professional Kit (Part-2)
43.90 $
| Production of dimethyl ether
39.90 $
Study to Investigate Parametric Effect on Biodesulfurization of Coal
39.90 $
54.90 $
54.90 $
Design and Analysis of Planetary Four-Wheeler Mars Rover
45.90 $
| Solar Energy Utilization
39.90 $
| Effects of Electric Power Blackouts on Steam Turbines Power Plants
39.90 $
Vibration of Cracked Structures
39.90 $
| Heat Transfer Enhancement using Insert
39.90 $
| Setting of an Internal Combustion Engine Test Bench
54.90 $
Predict the Best Variants of Cutting in Turning Process
39.90 $
| The Measurements of the Machine Elements [Questions and model answers]
93.90 $
| Introduction to Design of Solar Thermal Power Plants
71.90 $
Safety issues on construction sites
39.90 $
| Stormwater Management in the Tropics: A Review
54.90 $
91.90 $
Intelligent Home Energy Management Systems
71.90 $
| Strengthening Techniques of Reinforced Concrete Cantilever Slabs
61.90 $
| Geological deterioration and conservation of sandstone and limestone
82.90 $
Performance of Lightweight Concrete Beams Strengthened with GFRP
49.90 $
| Development of silver NPs for environmental applications
71.90 $
| Electroplating Wastewater Remediation Using Nanotechnology
61.90 $
Industrial Pollution with Hexavalent Chromium
43.90 $
| Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Fibrous Post-tension Concrete
76.90 $
| Effect of NaNO2 and K2CO3 on Cold Weather Concrete
39.90 $
Unwelcome Friends:
94.90 $
| Innovative Mindset
39.90 $
71.90 $
Design and Development of Appropriate Tyre Sandal Shoe.
39.90 $
| A Power Reduction technique for Flash analog-to-digital converter
60.90 $
| The Advancements in mAbs Technology
68.90 $
Python for AWS
39.90 $
| Application of Artificial Intelligent Techniques in Photovoltaic Panel
39.90 $
| Optimum Design of Grid-independent Hybrid Renewable Power Generation
61.90 $
Dyeing Kinetics of Flax/Cotton Blended Woven Fabrics
54.90 $
| Evaluating Data Fusion Methodologies for Redundant Positioning
61.90 $
| Nano Composite
55.90 $
The use of oblique and vertical images in 3D urban modelling
99.90 $
| Food That Turned From a Blessing to a Curse
43.90 $
| New process for the production of fig molasses
54.90 $
Graphene Oxide with Properties of Concrete Nanocomposites
43.90 $
| The Questions and the Model Answers of the Measurements, the Uncertainty and the Calibration
98.90 $